The relatively pared-down cast, better than other sprawling ensembles, mesh narratives without needing too much literal overlap. Sparked by the conversation, she goes to visit him in a scene that would feel shoehorned were it not for how grounded Gyllenhaal’s performance is. Mostly they just made rich folks richer, made some poor folks’ lives harder, and (in perhaps the one net good) made it harder for crooked cops to get their pad. Warning: The following contains spoilers to tonight’s series finale of HBO’s The Deuce. It needs to be explicitly identified. Alston does his best, even going so far as to steal a corrupt cop’s take notebook for her, but it’s not enough. (Later, when Harvey asks her how L.A. was, she aptly answers, “Buncha dicks.”). Given how much attention The Deuce has lavished on its women across these three seasons, it’s disappointing that Abby’s story gets a little shortchanged in the finale. She’s there and then she’s gone. Before he can really think about it, his partner tips off the new captain, who tells Alston in veiled terms that he’ll get Alston where he wants to go in his career so long as he remains loyal to the precinct. Their inconsequentiality and duality make for a scientific case study of life during the era, and the messy results are ours to unpack. I know David Simon doesn’t do rounded-off kinds of TV endings, where everybody hugs and cries. Bobby (Chris Bauer), by contrast, is prospering under Rudy’s rule, going in with Frankie to open up a second whorehouse and finally making things official with Tiffany (Danielle Burgess). So I guess my prediction/assumption that Bobby and Joey were stupidly betting against the drug that would become Viagra wasn’t really what Simon and Pelecanos had in mind. Paul too walks by, in full ‘70s regalia.). And that’s because change is constant in New York. He likes them (the cats and the list) most of the time. All Rights Reserved. Bobby’s son Joey gets busted for insider trading, just as the stock he and his father are shorting rises rather than falls. The instances of casual cruelty are offset by how much George Pelecanos and David Simon (not to mention their writers) care about the characters we’re seeing. Larry (Gbenga Akkinagbe) tries to get into the drug trade, but ends up getting Barbara (Kayla Foster) into a federal sting. She now seems to be fully in the pornography production business, presiding over the shoot sets just as much as Harvey (David Krumholtz). The big shutdown affects Paul, too—but not too much, because he’s been trying to ease his way to respectability since the ‘70s, and has been mostly successful. Plus, to be fair, a lot of “Finish It” is about Eileen—including the episode’s title, which refers to what Harvey says to her after he views the footage for her magnum opus, A Pawn In Their Game. It helps to have scene partners like Krumholtz and series newcomer Corey Stoll (who plays her sexy love interest), but most of all it helps to have writers crafting such compelling and consistent characters. Cameras wind equally through diners, dance clubs, and dick-deep porn sets. Extrapolating from the beautiful depiction of the gay community, told in tangential glimpses and through the complexly-performed relationship between businessman Paul (Chris Coy) and AIDS-stricken actor Todd (Aaron Dean Eisenberg), 42nd Street’s interconnectedness is masterfully displayed.
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