The US Navy report denied any signs of nuclear waste dumping and instead related the traces of uranium to volcanic activity. L'"autobotte pompa" (ABP) (pump) allows a big flow of water (about 8000lt.). [11][12] The phenomenon of widespread environmental crime perpetrated by criminal syndicates like the Camorra and 'Ndrangheta has given rise to the term "ecomafia". A fire raging near the Lazzaretto of Ancona in Italy. He added that they should be punished with “more than 20 years in jail”. A fire extinguisher can be very useful if used properly and in a timely fashion, keep in mind upon locating a fire, you have about 1 minute to extinguish the fire. He said criminal gangs took over abandoned fields and one of the most fertile regions in Europe began to be covered in cement. [24] It is hypothesized that industrial slurry originating from Porto Marghera (industrial docklands near Venice) was disguised as compost and spread on fields in the Acerra countryside by the Casalesi clan, often with help from the landowners. Ash fall in many towns. !MALEDETTI !!! Italy has faced a large number of fires, following months drought and heat, and the situation is most serious in the south. On the edge of Orta di Atella, Tosti led the way around a spot where trash is dumped with impunity. Hundreds of people evacuated. Emergency teams work throughout the country. [4] The term "triangle of death" was first used with regards to the region in a September 2004 scientific publication in the Lancet Oncology. “No smoke, no noise, no smells. It is part of the Ministry of Interior's Dipartimento dei Vigili del Fuoco, del Soccorso Pubblico e della Difesa Civile (Department of Firefighters, Public Rescue and Civil(ian) Protection). “It is a beautiful plant. Naples fire department named Navy’s best Firefighters from Naval Support Activity Naples enter their “burn trailer” during training near the Gricignano housing area fire department. We need another one, in my opinion,” he said. This website uses cookies. [4] It is alleged that there was collusion between local political interests and organised crime over building interests. “It’s huge — it’s immense,” he said, waving his hands at the enormous site. Stockpiled trash is still there 14 years later, covered by a shell of dirt and concrete overgrown with grasses and shrubs. The ladders were returned to the Commands and the men who had been part of the Battalion were authorized to wear on the uniform the special badge of the "Santa Barbara".[1]. The body played an important role in relieving the civilian population affected by bombing. Antonio Rambaldi, a 72-year-old man tending a piece of land where he keeps gardens close to the giant incinerator, said he had no complaints about it. About a mile away amid farmers’ fields, Tosti pointed out another spot where trash was supposed to be temporarily stored during the “trash crisis” of the late 1990s and early 2000s. Birds chirped and it was peaceful amid the trees and flowers surrounding their home. The rest of the team consists of Vigili Permanenti or of volunteers with several years of "seniority".[2]. Pirozzi said the incinerator works well and causes minimal pollution. A huge blaze has broken out on the slopes of Italy's Mount Vesuvius and near the city of Naples, prompting an evacuation of tourists and local residents for the second time in a week. Police questioned a suspect caught by video surveillance on Thursday evening, local newspaper La Repubblica di Napoli reported. “It wasn’t right to put a plant like this in a place that had already been raped.”. But according to the Local, both public prosecutors and police have said they now believe that arsonists are to blame.

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