Uses primary literature to explore the environmental and developmental signals that influence epigenetic controls of gene expression and disease. Explores the biology of reptiles and amphibians, emphasizing their unique morphological, physiological, behavioral and life-history adaptations, and their evolutionary relationships. Laboratory emphasizing electrophysiological and behavioral techniques to examine sensory systems. P-BIO 113, 114 and 213 or BIO 150, 150L, 160, and BIO 160L. Winston Salem, NC 27109, 336-758-4810 P-BIO 213 and 214, or BIO 235 or BIO 245, or BIO 265. Under special circumstances, an exceptional student lacking a prerequisite for a particular course may be allowed to enroll in that course by receiving a POI (permission of instructor) from the instructor. Biology and the Human Condition-Lab. (3 h). The course combines basic biological and entrepreneurial principles. Advanced Molecular Biology. Emphasizes analysis and interpretation of experimental data from the primary literature. P-BIO 114 or BIO 150, 150L, 160, and BIO 160L. Study of the molecular, cellular, and anatomical aspects of embryonic development of invertebrate and vertebrate animals. Laboratory devoted to systematic, field, and experimental studies. Also offered in Salamanca. BIO 356. P-BIO 392 and POI required. Methods in Neuroscience. BIO 150, 150L, 160, and BIO 160L may be substituted for BIO 114 and 214. BIO 357. Phone 336-758-5322. Advanced Molecular Biology Laboratory. Concepts of experimental design and data critique will be explored through student projects and presentations. A minimum GPA of 2.0 in biology courses taken at Wake Forest is required for graduation with a major in biology. Does NOT count toward the major or minor in biology. P or C-BIO 368. Survey of protozoan, helminth, and arthropod parasites with a focus on cellular biology, life cycles, host-parasite relationships, and public health implications. Fundamental molecular changes in cells and tissues that contribute to the malignant phenotype are discussed. 718. BIO 388. 455 Vine St. Provides a fundamental understanding of land and resource management. These students should select additional co-requirements after consulting with a health professions adviser. An introduction to statistical methods used by biologists, including descriptive statistics, hypothesis-testing, analysis of variance, and regression and correlation. Laboratory course introducing basic techniques in cell biology, leading to an independent project. Requires at least 34 hours in the department. Ethical Decision-Making in Biology and Medicine. (2 h). Also listed as ENT 357. P-BIO 114 and CHM 111. P or C-BIO 363. BIO 348L. Carcinogenesis, DNA Damage and Repair. Investigates the history of life on earth and examines its diversification in an evolutionary and ecological context. Introduces methods of analysis related to the study of biogeography. Offered in the summer only. P-BIO 113 and 114 or BIO 150, 150L, 160, and BIO 160L. Introduction to Earth Science. Co-required courses may be used to satisfy a minor in another department or interdisciplinary program but cannot be counted toward a second major. Topics include, but are not limited to, DNA damage and repair, damage signaling, cell death response, cell cycle checkpoint control, animal models and cancer treatment. BIO 101 is not recommended for those pursuing a career in the health professions or who are planning to continue in biology. Overview of biochemical approaches to study structure and function of macromolecules. Cellular and Molecular Biology. Introduces the anatomical organization of the vertebrate central nervous system. Emphasis is on the biological basis of cancer, with some exploration of clinical and social consequences. Pass/Fail option. P- BIO 113 and 114 or BIO 265. (3 h)., A Private Liberal Arts University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina / Founded 1834 / Pro Humanitate. Biology and the Human Condition. Study of the vertebrate body from an evolutionary, functional, and developmental perspective. Working under the supervision of a faculty member or research staff, students will obtain experience in experimental design and analysis. (3 h). (3 h). Explores the mechanisms of hormonal influences on behavior in a broad range of animals, including humans. The following week, the student leads a discussion of key experimental findings. Welcome to the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Major Website. Molecular and Cellular Bioscience students will gain experience with the planning and execution of research, and the interpretation and presentation of experimental results. Studies the molecular mechanisms for inheritance of genome modifications. BIO 245. Topics include microbial ecology, industrial microbiology, and medical microbiology. P-CSC 201 or 221 (and BIO 150, 150L, 160, and BIO 160L if taken as BIO 385) or POI. This course will be offered for the last time in Spring 2021. Provides hands-on experiences with genome editing and molecular genetics to address the function and expression of genes. P-BIO 113 and 114 or BIO 245. Offered fall. P-CHM 111 and BIO 113 or CHM 111 and BIO 150, 150L, 160, and BIO 160L. (1 h). BIO 365L. Students will explore a variety of microscopic methods as well as image acquisition, post-image processing, and scientific figure creation. (4 h). Genetic, aquatic, terrestrial, and ecosystem resources will be examined. Lectures focus on ecological principles and theory. It is recommended that all prospective majors take CHM 111 and CHM 111L in the fall of the first year and complete BIO 150 and BIO 150L and STA 111 or an equivalent course during either the fall or spring of the first year. Lab includes local field trips and discussion of the primary literature. (D), BIO 213. Introduction to biological principles and concepts II. (3 h). Bringing a public health perspective to our medical environment and identifying strategies to enhance public health and prevent disease through teaching, research and community outreach initiatives. P-BIO 150, 150L, 160, 160L and POI required. Recommended for research focused students. Explores the ways in which biological mechanisms can inspire new technologies, products, and businesses. (D), BIO 101L. (1 h). Explores genetic and biochemical pathways in the context of inborn errors of metabolism. Wake Forest School of Medicine, Bowman Gray Center for Medical Education, 475 Vine Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101. P or C-BIO 315. Uses computer modeling and simulation, and experiments using populations of fruit flies and other model organisms as appropriate. Broad participation from faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students is encouraged. The same numbered course cannot be repeated unless it is a topics course (BIO 301-BIO 306) with a different title. Explores the diversification of plants in the context of convergent evolution, functional processes and ecological importance. Systematic study of vertebrates, with emphasis on evolution, physiology, behavior, and ecology. Structure, function, and taxonomy of microorganisms with emphasis on bacteria. Presents molecular mechanisms by which stored genetic information is expressed including the mechanisms for and regulation of gene expression, protein synthesis, and genome editing. BIO 354. Comparative Animal Physiology. Mycology: Biology of Fungi. P-BIO 150, 150L, 160, and BIO 160L. Credit allowed for BIO 370L/CHM 370L, or BMB 371L/BIO 371L/CHM 371L, but not both. A normal load is two courses, or six undergraduate hours, in each five-week term. P-BIO 213, 214, and BIO 370/BMB 370/CHM 370 or BIO 265 and BIO 370/BMB 370/CHM 370. (2). P-BIO 114 and 214 or BIO 150, 150L, 160, and BIO 160L. Explores the ways in which biological mechanisms can inspire new technologies, products, and businesses. P-BIO 393 and POI required. Continuation of research beyond BIO 391. Also listed as BMB 370 and CHM 370. Hugo C. Lane (1973-2013) Professor Emeritus of Biology Licentiate of the Biological Sciences, Doctorate of the Biological Sciences, University of Geneva (Switzerland) Peter D. Weigl (1968 … (4 h). Dean's Research Symposia Series - Video series featuring our Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center investigators sharing bold thinking, latest discoveries and their passion to improve health.
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