That means I Like It! [Florinda moans about her miserable life with Esteban.]. Old Man: But in the school, that is how they teach my granddaughter to draw a Two. I could never get into his pants. Don Diego: All I know is the soldiers are quite happy shooting the people who say the people are not happy. “- Esteban: What commands priests to wear such strange clothing? Forgive me, but you have a very pronounced accent. And this hat, which needs… reblocking. He insists on using a whip. Don Diego Vega: If I give my land to the people, where are we going to live? That is a "Z"! Don Diego: I'm very impressed with myself, too. As a last hope, he calls on his flamboyantly effeminate brother to temporarily assume his heroic role. I'm with the People's Independence Committee. [puts hands on hips] Make them sway and flap your wings. I'm Charlotte Taylor Wilson. © 1998-2020 | All rights reserved, More Movies with genre: Comedy, Romance, Adventure, Western, Action. They never go anywhere. He was out riding when his horse was frightened by a turtle. This movie is BRILLIANT!! Charlotte Taylor Wilson: No. I could never get into his pants. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on October 2, 2020. Esteban: A little clumsy, are you not, my friend? Don Diego Vega (George Hamilton) follows in his father's footsteps as he dons the identity of Zorro in an attempt to defend the weak and innocent from the ravages of the evil. Don Diego: Tell me… on that one night… does he eat anything especial? Zorro: You always say, when the revolution came, there would be more for everyone. This comedy features George Hamilton in a Golden Globe-nominated dual role as both Don Diego de la Vega (Zorro) and his gay twin brother Bunny Wigglesworth, né Ramon De La Vega. [laughs hysterically], [After Esteban skewers the casket in which Florinda is hiding, he leaves. Web. Why didn't I marry you instead of him? Addresses are not passed on to any third party, and are used solely for direct communication from this site. . All for Zorro, stand up and say so! Zorro: *I* say it is a *Z* - For El Zorro! And then, for the rest of the year — nothing! Esteban: It is a beautiful day... for a Reign of *terror*! Yet the man has definite comic flair, and this is one of the two movies that shows how much fun he can be with a good script and director. This is a twist on the original Zorro movie starring George Hamilton, great acting, humorous and fun to watch, If you like Zorro and the aforementioned actor, you'll like this movie, I highly recommend it. Zorro, the Gay Blade is a 1981 feature film. .

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