Since archaeological evidence suggests that the structure was destroyed in AD 70, John’s Gospel must have been written prior to AD 70. the holy day was strictly enforced, ergo no work or business whatsoever! It is lost, but quotations survive in works by other early authors, such as the second-century bishop Irenaeus and the fourth-century Church historian Eusebius. In early Christian times: the Homilies of ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM and the Tractates of ST. AUGUSTINE; the extant portions of the commentaries of ORIGEN and ST. CYRIL OF ALEXANDRIA; the expositions of THEOPHYLACTUS and EUTHYMIUS, who generally follow Chrysostom, and the exegetical works of ST. BEDE, who follows Augustine. 20:3-10). Even if the accounts were not eyewitness stories, they were written in living memory of events, and many eyewitnesses were available. The critics themselves have to admit that even in the Synoptic Gospels Christ, when He speaks of His relations with the Father, assumes the solemn "Johannine" mode of speech. The false messiah Jesus offered eternal life to those perishing but the sons of God of the book of Matthew were never perishing for there was prepared for them a place before the foundation of the earth. A look at some of the questions surrounding the Bible’s most enigmatic gospel. The second-century Christian writer Polycrates agreed: “John, who was both a witness and a teacher, who reclined upon the bosom of the Lord, and being a priest wore the sacerdotal plate . There are 7 high sabbath’s in Jewish culture following the 7 Jewish feasts. He assures us, not merely that this testimony is true, but that he was a personal witness of its truth. I’m sure your nose hit the air about now, but the truth is you can second guess all you want, but once your eyes are opened the internal evidence to answer all the things you are arguing is more than sufficient. In this manner John wished to secure the faithful against the temptations of the false learning by means of which the heretics might prejudice the purity of their faith. Object and Importance. […]a great and a incredibly newsworthy history i’m so delighted when i[…]…. Narrative, History and Theology in the Gospel of John’, the reason why the accounts of John and the Synoptics diverge is that he is not depicted as a Galilean disciple who followed Jesus about. If the beloved disciple’s relationship is meant to be an especially close one (as opposed to a symbol of the love Jesus has for all his followers), that might mean he was one of the inner circle of apostles, whom we know from the other Gospels to have been Peter, Andrew, James, and John. Gospel of St. John. Bcoz we should b concern about the matter of life& truth not who rowte. Regrettably, I can't reply to every letter, but I greatly appreciate your feedback — especially notifications about typographical errors and inappropriate ads. (Mt 26:36, 37) Of these three apostles, James is eliminated as the writer because of his being put to death about 44 C.E. So tell the truth what was it that drew you to your wife? The moment that the Lord dies at three in the after noon there is a great earthquake and the living ones being righteous are aroused and made to stand up among the dead ones. The same high priest (Caiaphas) does not appear to recognize John son of Zebedee when he and Peter are brought before him in Acts 4. This seems to put the author among Jesus’ core group of disciples, and it is an easy step from there to conclude that he was one of the Twelve. To add to the confusion, first-century Jews didn’t have last names, and sometimes a person went by multiple names. There have been a number of proposals, and, as we will see, Pope Benedict XVI makes an interesting one. And he knoweth that he saith true: that you also may believe" (xix, 35). The handed down authorship of the Fourth Gospel rests entirely on tradition/external ‘evidence’. “The author of John also knew Jerusalem well, as is evident from the geographic and place name information throughout the book. This enabled him to enter the high priest’s court with Jesus. Photo: Erich Lessing. The Synoptics, however, have Jesus visit Jerusalem only once. – Clement of Alexandria (195) Bauckham argues that John is the anonymous Beloved Disciple by drawing on a variety of sources including, importantly, literary analysis, of course, the Beloved Disciple appears in the Gospel narrative only as a character. This article was transcribed for New Advent by Michael Little. And finally, the verdict of the entire Christian past has certainly a distinct claim to consideration in this question, since the Fourth Gospel has always been unhesitatingly accepted as one of the chief and historically credible sources of our knowledge of the life of Jesus Christ. Great stuff,, and understandably biased on account of this site is about history and archeology and factual truth. 1st century galilee was multilingual, having been occupied for hundreds of years by first Greek-speaking Macedonian forces and at the time roman troops. The historical genuineness of the Fourth Gospel is at the present time almost universally denied outside the Catholic Church. LG Cook, Can you remove my commnt because john the apostle was speaking about john the bapthis, In chapter one verse six it says “There was a man sent from God, whose name was John” and goe from there like The Gospel of John was written by John. Yes. But the sole conclusion that can be deduced from this is that the twenty-first chapter was afterwards added and is therefore to be regarded as an appendix to the Gospel. In the Middle Ages: the interpretations of ST. THOMAS AQUINAS and ST. BONAVENTURE, of Blessed ALBERTUS MAGNUS, RUPERT of DEUTZ, and ST. BRUNO OF SEGNI. Too much importance should not be attached to variations of vocabulary, which may be found on comparing this passage with the rest of the Gospel, since the correct reading of the text is in many places doubtful, and any such differences of language may be easily harmonized with the strongly individual style of the Evangelist. Another poster said that most scholars agree that John Mark did not right Mark. Matthew, John Mark, and Luke collaborated frequently, resulting in their stories being synchronized.

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