Mr. Pearson said if his teachings make him unpopular in some quarters, so be it. (Another term for the doctrine that he calls “inclusion” is “universalism.”). Where is Carlton Pearson is not known by anyone and is not revealed by him as well? “When God says stay, you stay. A decade ago, Mr. Pearson was atop the evangelical heap. Pastors and other friends around the country abandoned him. Universalists in history include the important early Christian theologians Origen (who believed in hell, but also believed that everyone sent there escapes eventually) and Gregory of Nyssa. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; “Teaching people how to have a postmodern, interdenominational conference, he really was a pioneer in that with Azusa,” Dr. Lee said. His work towards racial reconciliation, bridging the gap between ethnic groups, nations and denominations, has given him audience with kings, presidents, other government officials and people of influence, both in America and abroad. Anthony Evans of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship and Bishop T. D. Jakes of the Potter’s House. During the 1990s, it grew to an average attendance of over 6,000. This … sets it apart from other Christian religions or denominations, which believe that only some people will be reunited with God …”, “Inclusion does believe in hell; but not the mythological hell of people burning in pits of fire and brimstone for all of eternity.”, “We reject the classical version of hell. He returned to the church about a year ago. In a short period of time, one of the church's most beloved went from hero to zero seemingly overnight and became the most prominently titled heretic of his generation. Mr. Pearson said he’s been buoyed by what he considers positive national press coverage of his travails. But things began to change in the late 1990s. His fall from grace has been chronicled in Christianity Today and National Catholic Reporter , and he absolutely gushed to members recently about a segment on National Public Radio’s This American Life. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; The dapper clothes. Pearson was the first African-American to be on national Christian television.”. Mr. Pearson said he bears no grudges against those who disagree with him. His current books both available on "God Is Not A Christian, Nor A Jew, Muslim, Hindu...God Dwells with Us, in Us, Around Us, as Us". The high-profile pastor lost followers, his church building, money and prestige — especially among conservatives — after he started preaching a few years ago that the gates of heaven are open to everyone, even, theoretically, to Satan. Our purpose is to help create and provide people with both techniques and emotional technologies to both discover and recover their divine selves, bridging our humanity to our divinity. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Many ministries, mine included, benefited and were blessed by his earlier work.”. Progressive Spiritual Teacher, Thought Leader, Carlton Pearson: A voice of reason in a world of extremes amzn_assoc_asins = "B01NCQODON"; He has authored a variety of books and booklets, two published by Simon and Schuster. Carlton D'metrius Pearson (born March 19, 1953) is an American Christian minister. amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; But now, the irrepressible Mr. Pearson believes the tide is turning in his favor. A Stellar Award winning vocalist, Pearson has sold into the millions of CDs and videos with his recording contracts with Warner Brothers, Atlantic Records, and Tommy Boy and has also been nominated for the Dove Award. Carlton was the host of Azusa which is a great conference for his fellow Pentecostalists and it was hosted for long fifteen years. Our mission is to help create and inspire comprehensive global, planetary and cosmic peace on every level of human experience and expression. That’s why I’m here,” said Julia Nowlin, a Higher Dimensions member since 1991. Anyone can use it regardless of ability, approach, or level of acceptance by recognized authorities in the field. He said it was reasonable to believe that Satan could go to heaven if he would simply repent and tell God, “‘I competed with you, but I was wrong. ➜, Mary Winkler has full custody of her three daughters, Jury convicts man in 'spell gone wrong' murder of two children. Our website includes affiliate links, which means we get a small commission — at no additional cost to you — for each qualifying purpose. Mr. Gulley lost a book contract with a Christian publisher over universalist views. ​ His work towards racial reconciliation, bridging the gap between ethnic groups, nations and denominations, has given him audience with kings, presidents, other government officials and people of influence, both in America and abroad. (Facebook)Gina Pearson has filed for divorce from her traveling evangelist husband, Bishop Carlton Pearson, according to court documents.. Charisma News has obtained copies of the divorce papers, which were filed in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on Aug. 25.. He teaches that we don't have to go along to get along, that we can mind many of the same things without necessarily having the same mind about everything. Carlton serves and has served on the boards of several charitable and humanitarian organizations, including the Interfaith Alliance, an organization which celebrates religious freedom by championing individual rights, promoting policies that protect both religion and democracy, and uniting diverse voices to challenge extremism; the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) of Washington DC, an organization promoting the civil rights of America's GLBTQ community; The Fellowship of Affirming Churches and Ministries (TFCAC); and is on the adjunct pastoral staff of All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He has also founded the Metacostal Network of Churches and Ministries bridging the gap between his Pentecostal roots in spiritual transcendence and embracing a Metaphysical approach to ministry and progressive spirituality. One of today’s high-profile proponents of universal salvation is Philip Gulley, a Quaker minister and writer in Indiana. He lost everything: his influence, his church, his friends and finances. All the attention, he said, is stirring interest in his message and church. For Booking Inquiries & Additional information, contact. He believes that life’s breakdowns can be turned into breakthroughs. For instance, as an Amazon Associate Religion News Blog earns from qualifying purchases. amzn_assoc_linkid = "0f84484859255704ef8899fa20fce1c4"; In a 2000 interview with The Dallas Morning News, he said he no longer adhered to the “holiness or hell” credo that is a bedrock teaching of the Church of God In Christ and other black Pentecostal groups. But things dramatically changed when he stood in his mega church pulpit to proclaim a new doctrine, one that declared that because of Christ, no soul will spend eternity in hell. And, perhaps most important, Mr. Pearson still has an unshakable conviction in his controversial “gospel of inclusion” — the belief that everyone will go to heaven, regardless of his or her actions on earth. “I do not agree with Bishop Carlton Pearson’s doctrinal beliefs,” Bishop Jakes said by e-mail. Instagram:  CarltonDPearson. Pastor Carlton Pearson Early life, Age and Education It’s a minority view, and controversial. I always knew that. Soon, he said, he may have to add a second service or move to larger quarters. In 1977, Pearson founded Higher Dimensions Inc, and in 1981 a church in Tulsa, which grew to a 5,000 membership that met weekly.

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