In Israel’s future, we found the land-promise under God’s sovereignty. As we get closer to the next Christ at the Checkpoint conference, a conference dedicated to convincing people that Israel is an illegitimate, oppressive and unbiblical nation, it is important to take a fresh look at their claims, that the New Testament changes the land promises to Israel.Dr. âThis was the Lordâs admonition to his son, Joshua, encouraging him to trust in God. 7:9). The strangers will be joined with them, and they will cling to the house of Jacob” (Isa. [5][6] The actual land controlled by the Israelites has fluctuated considerably over time, and at times the land has been under the control of various empires. Many Christian writers see the promise of the “seed” fulfilled in Christ, but ignore the land promises included in the same promise; for example, Genesis 12:2-3; 13:15; 15:18-21; 22:18. Jesus said the meek shall “inherit the earth.” [Matthew 5:5] Other scriptures show many things given to Israel were fulfilled to the church in a spiritual way. The city was situated in the lower Jordan Valley, just west of the Jordan River and about ten miles northwest of the Dead Sea. One Christian source begins as an antithetical treatment of the land-promise and ends up blaming the Jews and their Christian Zionist friends for the Palestinian problem. The Israelites had been tenderly nursed with manna during that time, but now they were to stand forth in maturity and, from their own labor, eat the bread of the land. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. We find that “both–and” logic works differently: God has both a physical land for the Jews and a spiritual reality for the Church. Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), The Land as Covenant Backdrop, Second Draft. Jews in the Early Church, including Barnabas, Stephen and the writer to the Hebrews, modelled and taught that in this age they must not expect to be able to hold on to their property within the land of Israel (Acts 4:32‑37; 7:4‑6; Heb 4:1‑11; 10:34). His blood soaked the dust of Jerusalem. The Land and Jesus by Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr. Sheep, green pastures, and the promised land. The 144,000 are the 12 tribes of Israel, the very core of the redeemed. His precious body was fashioned from the elements of that soil. Britain, Brexit and Revival in Isaiah 23? The difference between an earthly landlord and the Lord is that while God could justly evict His people and give the property to another, He holds the unconditional contract in force no matter what His wayward tenant does. The promised land was a real territory in the Bible, but also a metaphor pointing to salvation in Jesus Christ and the promise of the Kingdom of God. Some of these are couched in very figurative language; the land is possessed by enemies; invaders from many nations come against the mountains of Israel. Yet the mortal servants of God are quick to prevent others from worshiping them, even when they have demonstrated great power (see Acts 10:25â26; 14:8â18; Alma 18:15â17). A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. Israel, the Land and the People. Joel and Amos wrote about mountains dropping wine. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.â I think what we need to learn are the true principles that shall lead us to peace, to wealth and happiness in this world, and glory and exaltation in the world to come. Some doubt this fact. How do you feel when you stand on the verge of reaching a long-awaited goal? Jesus regularly used the ‘fig tree’ as an image of the nation of Israel (represented by its leadership), to describe its fruitlessness (Luke 13:6‑9), its withering (Mark 11:12‑27), its destruction when dry (Luke 23:27‑31), and finally its softening and fresh leaves indicating His imminent return (Mat 24:32‑33). ), âIt is appropriate here to quote Sir Charles Marston, a most intelligent âcritic of the critics,â who said that it is time we begin âto recognize the extravagance of its [criticism by the intellectuals] underlying assumption, that what the critic did not know could not have been!â (The Bible Comes Alive, New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1947, p. 182. 32:8). The judgment is called a time of “great tribulation,” in Revelation 7:14. Yeshua’s response in verse 7—“It is not for you to know the times or seasons…”—actually validates their assumptions. (see Hebrews 11:11). âEmbodied in these two passages of scripture are the two principal essentials for security and peace: first, trust in God; and second, a determination to keep the commandments, to serve the Lord, to do that which is right. Satanâs counterfeits can appear very convincing. [Romans 15:8] This implies they will possess the spiritual things that are promised to them, one of which is the Spirit of truth, who guides the church unto “all truth.” [John 16:13], The “clothes” Jesus refers to are symbolic, and they picture the truth. Galatians 3: 16 & 27 & 29: 3:16 Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring. Mat 21:9). Bad as things were in Egypt, the known seemed better than the unknown to those who lacked faith. When there is a complete judgement visited on the nation for all the blood of the prophets shed from the foundation of the world, there can never be another such punishment meted out again (Isa 51:17‑22). Bristol: Terra Nova, 2008. 89:3,33-35). Since the oath had been made, however, he honored it, placing the people of Gibeon in slavery instead of having them killed. The tribes of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh, who were to inherit lands already conquered on the east side of the Jordan, were charged to join the other tribes in conquering the rest of the land. God drew the lines for all nations based on the land allotments for Israel’s twelve tribes (Deut. Although imagery is used from the ministries of Elijah and Moses, both prophets of judgement against unbelieving Gentiles and Jews, it is more likely that these two prophetic ‘olive branches’ are the Jewish and Gentile portions of the Church who are then resurrected as Jesus returns (Rev 11:4, 11‑13; cf. Clarence Larkin's mountain peaks of prophecy. UK Bible teacher David Pawson muses, “God will always be known as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. As we humble ourselves and fear God who jealously watches over Israel, we are seeing what Isaiah foresaw: “The Lord will have mercy on Jacob, and will still choose Israel, and settle them in their own land. He was the chief of the confederacy of five kings that made war against Gibeon. The Land and Jesus by Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr. 3. 1. Are you frightened of the tests and trials that still lie ahead, or do you view your future with courage and faith in God? The Israelites were foot soldiers rather than charioteers. ‘Sitting under one’s own fig tree’ was a common metaphor for being permanently at ‘rest’ in the land, particularly after exile (Mic 4:1‑4; Zec 3:8‑10; John 1:47‑51), so the images of softening and leaves coming out imply the beginnings of repentance and dwelling in the land respectively. Of course, God wants an obedient Israel: “…if you diligently obey the voice of the LORD your God…the LORD will grant you plenty of goods, in the fruit of your body, in the increase of your livestock, and in the produce of your ground, in the land of which the LORD swore to your fathers to give you” (Deut. “…you shall be plucked off the land which you go to possess. The destruction of the five nations of the Canaanites was accomplished over a period of days rather than on the same day as the battle at Gibeon. ( Log Out / Although the subtle alliance manufactured through deceitful means saved their lives, the people of Gibeon became the perpetual slaves of Israel. He was knit together “in secret” (Ps. However, under Jewish tradition, even when it is not in Jewish occupation, the land has not lost its status as the Promised Land. 129; scripta circa annum 414ce)". In a review of Burge’s book, Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr. wrote: [2], [Burge] points out that despite the longing and perspective of many (not all!) Palestinians also claim partial descent from the Israelites and Maccabees, as well as all the other peoples who have lived in the region.[1]. Otherwise, âsnares and traps,â âscourges,â and âthornsâ awaited Israel (v. 13). ), âThe episode of Joshua commanding the sun and moon to stand still was insignificant compared to the stellar upsets that will accompany the second advent of the Savior, when stars will be hurled from their places. In fact, for the sake of these ‘elect’, He will shorten the days of their ‘great tribulation’ (Mark 13:14‑20). Oops... The second time, “from all the countries,” as the wording in Ezekiel 36:24 reads, happened in A.D. 1948. When asked about the timing of the kingdom being restored to Israel, He acknowledged His Father’s plan to do this, but instructed His disciples to focus first on mission to all nations (Acts 1:6‑8). What caused those Israelites who left Egypt by Godâs power to lose their privilege of setting foot upon the promised land? Complete Points to Ponder as directed by your teacher. But those ancient prophecies link the restoration to a spiritual return to God, which is not evident in the Jewish population in Palestine, or in the policies of the Jewish state. In a later chapter Burge captures this point well: “the lens of the incarnation had now refocused things completely. In order to memorialize Godâs blessing in parting the waters of the Jordan River, Joshua commanded that twelve stones be taken from the riverbed and placed where all the people could see them: âThese stones shall be for a memorial unto the children of Israel for everâ (v. 7). Read carefully Moroni 10:32â33. (As will be discussed below, the wording in v. 24 is quite unusual, given that what was being immediately envisioned was Judah’s return from an exile to one nation: Babylon.) Jesus said, “And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!” [Matthew 24:19] Paul wrote to the Christian converts in Galatia, in Galatians 4:19-20: “My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you, I desire to be present with you now, and to change my voice; for I stand in doubt of you.” So Paul pictured these believers as unborn fetuses! We cannot say that our actions influence only ourselves for even if we do something sinful that is completely personal, our individual loss of spiritual power means a lessening of power for all mankind and contributes to the withdrawal of the Lordâs Spirit, and that is damaging to all mankind. Jesus said, “Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.” [Luke 17:33]. This prophecy clearly has not been fulfilled in the Jewish state. The Newer Testament reiterates that God has “determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings” (Acts 17:26b). Rahab was to place a âline of scarlet threadâ in the window of her house (v. 18).
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