The privilege of one supplemental examination is also offered to students in the preliminary year at Brescia University College. All online courses will utilize digital materials and e-textbooks, which can be accessed through, If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to email the, a course Pass/Fail assigned by your instructor as part of the Institutional Framework for Exam Alternatives. Can I change my mind at a later date and change my Pass/Fail grade back to the numerical grade? Students are advised to carefully consider the impact of including Discovery Credits on their program of study at Western: • Grades are used within Western to determine eligibility for specified programs of study such as the Ivey Advanced Entry Opportunity (AEO). In cases where a ruling regarding what constitutes a test or assignment is required, the instructor and/or student may consult the appropriate dean. For those planning to graduate this fall: If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to email the Office of the Registrar or visit Convocation. This shall not preclude the use of oral examinations as part of the evaluative process.As a guideline, departments (or faculties where applicable) shall take appropriate action to ensure that for all sections of a multi-sectioned course. A: If a student does not successfully complete 60% of their attempted courses, they will be placed on academic probation for the following year. Visit Student FAQs for answers to your frequently asked questions. Faculties may, however, choose to restrict the Dean’s Honour List to students with a minimum of 3.5 courses graded on a numerical basis and no failures in 2019-2020. Permission to write a Special Examination may be given on the basis of compassionate or medical grounds with appropriate supporting documents.To provide an opportunity for students to recover from the circumstances resulting in a Special Examination, the University has implemented Special Examinations dates as outlined below: Under unusual circumstances, an alternate date for a Special Examination may be approved by the Dean of the student’s Faculty of registration in consultation with the Instructor and Chair of the Department offering the course. If you are ordering a transcript prior to the review of your academic progression being complete, the following statement will appear on your transcript: "ALL DECISIONS CONCERNING ACADEMIC PROGRESSION AND STANDING HAVE NOT BEEN FINALIZED FOR THIS TERM." “Wiki” records, which allow students to interact on group assignments, will not be retained once the course is finished.The Teaching and Learning records retention and disposal schedule is at the following Web site:, Academic Handbook, Examinations, Access To and Retention of Exams, The Registrar is responsible for administering examinations scheduled (by the Registrar) within the regular examination periods designated by Senate.Instruction For Candidates. If your course is approved, the Office of the Registrar will convert the submitted numerical grade to Pass/Fail per the Discovery Credit grading option. For a step-by-step visual guide of how to submit your application, see Applying to Graduate. 2. Failing marks below 40% will be included in average calculations as 40%, marks from 40% to 49% will be included as the actual mark reported. Students missing an exam must report it immediately to the office of their Dean.
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