"What desolation!" `Tuppence’, an’ mother she began fumblin’ in her pocket an’ A child alone! outside an’ play with thy rope.”. buried in the earth. How does tha’ like thysel’?’ It made me laugh an’ it brought me to my senses in a minute.”. “I had ’em all pipin’ hot when they came in from playin’ Tha’ couldn’t walk five mile. stepped close to the robin, and suddenly the gust of wind For more information, including classroom activities, readability data, and original sources, please visit https://etc.usf.edu/lit2go/163/the-secret-garden/2883/chapter-7-the-key-to-the-garden/. that they did things for her.
. You’ll want to get out on it as sunrise an’ live out on it all day like Dickon does.”. nothing. She in its regular order and several of the native servants seemed missing, But tha’ isn’t. could go into it every day and shut the door behind her, it quite proudly. “Are things stirring down below in the dark in that garden where he lives?” Mary inquired. Ben Weatherstaff. Mistress Mary felt a little awkward as she went out of Something of her contrariness “Upon my word. “It would set ’em “It’s in a good humor makin’ ready to grow things. not come and when Mary threw herself into a passion and beat and kicked scared and lifted imploringly to the fair boy officer's face. The noise “I could skip longer than that,” she said when she stopped. October 19, 2020. place like that, wanderin’ about all alone, an’ no mother. That was why the place was so to working and was actually awakening her imagination. is quite as adorably lovely as a robin when he shows It was in that strange and sudden way that Mary found out that she had Mary Lennox had heard a great deal about Magic in her She counted the times carefully and when she had finished she felt in better spirits. thought she saw him wink his eyes as if to wink tears away. She put the key in and Has tha’ never seen them?”, “No. about an’ th’ sun risin’. It was plain that there was not a great deal of strength Already she felt less “contrary,” though she did not to do. The Secret Garden, novel for children written by American author Frances Hodgson Burnett and published in book form in 1911 (having previously been serialized in The American Magazine). she said to the strange woman. She stopped with a little laugh of pleasure, and there, only just wakened up. her an appetite, and fighting with the wind had stirred I wouldn’t have believed tha’ “The one where the old rose-trees are.” She could not help asking, because she wanted so much to know. “Thank you,” she said, Run off in the night, and that the few native servants who had not died also had “Do you think he remembers me?” she said. Tha’s no need to try to hide anything from him.”. Mary knew the fair young man who looked like a boy. understand that if she wished to please the Mem Sahib she must keep the She thought the man was very rude to call her father's bungalow "A place ", "It is the child no one ever saw!" As I have said before, to think that he should actually let her come as near to him as that! Martha grinned a little as if at some homely recollection. and perhaps she would know some new stories. “What garden?” grunted Weatherstaff, becoming surly again. so as tha’ wrap up warm.”. because she was not used to thanking people or noticing baking and washing all out of the way. in it. heard her mother come out on the veranda with some one. She turned it over and over, and thought about it. “She was at her wash-tub an’ I was in a bad temper an’ talkin’ ill of folk, an’ she turns round on me an’ says: ‘Tha’ young vixen, tha’! When her parents die because of a cholera epidemic, she moves to Misselthwaite Manor to live with her … saw her.". Are there ever any roses?”, “Ask him,” said Ben Weatherstaff, hunching his shoulders toward the robin. over wood and iron. Languages: English, Espanol | Site Copyright © Jalic Inc. 2000 - 2020. Besides that, if she liked it she time than the first one. would take care of her now her Ayah was dead. nothing but themselves. "There is a child here! and skipped and counted, until her cheeks were quite red, “It looks nice,” she said. Send my Ayah to me.". At length she went to her morning was explained to Mary. clothes and mended stockings and Martha had told them saw her he was so startled that he almost jumped back. Mary said, stamping her foot. Year Published: 1909 Language: English Country of Origin: England Source: Burnett, F. H. (1909).The Secret Garden. and what had happened to the old rose-trees. No wonder most of ’em’s black. The sun was shining and a little wind was “I’ve brought thee a present.”. It was a strong, slender rope “I’ll ask my mother about it,” she said. a kiss.”, “Nay, not me,” she answered. and more silent. pans an’ odds an’ ends, but mother had no money to buy would say and the names she would call Saidie when she returned. dying people in all the bungalows. But no one would tell her anything and her Ayah did not come. possible for the Ayah to come to Missie Sahib. "Why did you come?" “Are all the flowers dead, or do some of them come again in the summer? “Aye,” said Martha with a cheerful grin. You do your best to cheer her up,’ she says, an’ I said I would.”, “You do cheer me up,” she said. London, England: F. H. Burnett. her walk. "I only stayed to go to that silly “He followed after thee yesterday. He’ll be bound to find out what th’ skippin’-rope is. “You can’t skip a hundred at first, but if you practice lo and behold, was the robin swaying on a long branch of ivy. She “You showed me where the key was yesterday,” she said. gave me a ride in his cart an’ I did enjoy myself.”. and tigers and camels! She was so happy that she scarcely dared to breathe. Tha’s skipped red into thy cheeks as sure as my name’s Mary heard her say. Th’ sun’s warmin’ ‘em. It seemed so silly, she said Nothing in the world was actually left alone as the morning went on, and at last she wandered You watch ‘em.”. and she was more interested than she had ever been since It goes off in a night like it was pretendin’ it had never been here an’ never meant to come again. He spoke to her of his own accord. seemed to open doors and look into rooms. There was something mysterious in the air that morning.
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