Why are they so vulgar? Our republic is unlikely to survive if our children and young adults aren't de-programmed and soon. They have long since been wiped away. We must smash the violent insurrectionists (and begin educating ourselves again) while we still can. 'Prosecutor' Rudy Guiliani Details Devastating Case Against 'Biden Crime Family', The Political Games Proxy Advisors Play With Workers Retirement Security, With All Due Respect, It's NOT Settled and We DO Deserve to Know, Colorado’s Pistol Packing Momma Lauren Boebert - Trumpian Warrior, How Big Tech is Working on Stealing the Presidential Election From Trump, The Growth of Telehealth: A Bright Spot Amidst the Pandemic. If the United States descends into a hot civil war, the world will become a dark and dangerous place overnight. Lefty goons clash and threaten aggression with open immunity. If you doubt this, take a hard look at New York City, Washington DC, Atlanta, St. Louis, Chicago, Seattle, Portland, and most other major urban centers — our so-called civilized society is tearing itself apart. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Once you start fucking with the average American’s self-perception of what it means to be American, some pretty astonishing things may happen. Parts of the country detest the other parts. One one end of the spectrum, Trump is able to use ratfucking the postal service and the bullshit Durham investigation to influence votes enough that he “wins” pretty early in the process. That’s the ugly reality of war. Why do they slander and push fake labels like racist, sexist, and homophobic? The average conservative and the average liberal disagree on the vast majority of the issues, and in the few cases where they can agree, each won't support the other out of sheer tribalism for his side. So if he “wins” reasonably early in the election process, then our general drift towards an authoritarian “managed democracy” will continue in fits and starts leading up to a Constitutional Convention. In 1861, the injustice of slavery and its direct violations of the principles of 1776 were evident and front and center for all to see. The coming national crisis June 22, 2020 White guilt and black victimhood must end May 18, 2020 The Second Cold War has begun June 12, 2019 Christianity is under siege in America May 1, 2019 The rising China threat February 28, 2019 Is a Second Civil War coming? When we are in need, we are weak. Our first Civil War percolated with small clashes for several years before Fort Sumter turned it into a declared hot war. They happen when two sides cannot settle on who runs the country. Democrats will concede nothing without a confrontation. Serious federal measures must be deployed — the risks to our republic are growing by the day. This is the reason why most of our youth now sound like parrots mimicking the same catchphrases and viewpoints: the virtues of socialism and social justice, the greed of capitalism and billionaires, climate change, white privilege, America's widespread systemic racism (though none of them can cite a law or statute supporting this claim), and so on. That's why we should avoid them. is provided to you, Conservatism Now Means Defeating the Establishment. Second Stimulus Check Calculator ... the confrontation at Fort Sumter in South Carolina sparked the Civil War, and the rest is history. By continuing to allow our current situation to fester, we risk a similar dark outcome. With this noteworthy fact in mind, perhaps we can lay the groundwork for a better future by instituting mandatory Spirit of 1776 classes for America's youth. This is shockingly similar to the French Revolution of 1789 and the mob-incited Reign of Terror which followed — whereby over 17,000 heads were freed of their bodies, to the cheers of the mob. Non-violent protests should continue to be respected and protected — freedom of speech and the right to 'peaceably' assemble are bedrocks of our republic. Why are they violent? The Left's reach is broad. The answer is that when they don't have facts to support their arguments, they must resort to intimidation. And multiply the usual brutality of war by ten when it’s a civil war. The goal would be to teach every student the history of 1776, as well as the origin and importance of our individual rights and liberties. The Second Civil War is being waged with weapons that are anything but crude: indifference, bitterness, grievance and old-fashioned hate. This new way of life inadvertently indoctrinated our youth to be malleable and accepting of what the mob wants. Once you have one half of the country thinking Trump “won” and one half thinking he didn’t, then there’s likely to be unprecedented violence and the U.S. Military is going to be force to do something about it. The Constitution plays a central role in the disagreement. Storm clouds are forming all around us. Simultaneously, most show scant understanding of 1776 and America's bedrock principles of individual rights and liberties. More specifically, social media's nexus with socialists, communists, anarchists, nihilists, neo-Nazis, race baiters, and the Coronavirus pandemic, all of which mixed together have formed a noxious medusa-like anti-freedom cocktail. Yesterday, Victor Davis Hanson, an author I greatly admire, wrote a piece at National Review talking about the outbreak of a second Civil War. And everyone wants to be liked, especially impressionable children. But if the social media mob doesn't like what you say, they will destroy you, your career, and your family. This is the thesis put forth by journalist Daniel Greenfield. Only then will our youth respect and defend America again. Our Coming Hunter Biden Laptop Deep Fake Debacle. Soon enough, a President Tom Cotton or President Mike Pomepo will finish the job that Mad King Trump started. The Coming Second American Civil War. Lawlessness is now reaching across the United States, which the news almost totally ignores. Civil wars are horrendous and bloody affairs. They want to keep people poor and in need of government assistance. View all posts by Shelton Bumgarner. It is the glue that binds us. In other words, our freedom of speech is being held hostage in exchange for self-preservation. Nevertheless, the greatest and most benevolent nation ever conceived of — built by women and men, black, white, red, yellow, and brown — on the bedrock of individual rights and liberties — is being scuttled by our very own citizenry. But the truth is that our constant talk about a second Civil War is making a second Civil War more likely. When they can't reconcile the matter through elections, the country falls apart. But I do think the conditions are there for there not to be a peaceful transfer of power. We must re-teach our children (and ourselves) to think again, exercise our freedom of speech, and respect and protect the freedom of speech of others, even those who say the most offensive garbage we have ever heard. WATCH: Biden Surrogate Does a Tail Spin While Failing to Address Hunter Biden's Emails. Rule of law is being cast aside, and our protectors are being demonized and attacked. Those alive when Fort Sumter was fired upon in 1861 could not have imagined the carnage it would unleash — more than 618,000 dead Americans in just four years. However, "systemically" our nation has been steadily guiding itself ever closer to the noble principles of 1776. When we are weak, we do not fight back. As Benjamin Franklin once said, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.". Want to Lower Healthcare Costs? Jefferson, Adams and Franklin were acutely aware of this contradiction in 1776 as well — but the southern states would not compromise on the issue of slavery. Basically, they just make it up as they go along. When push comes to shove, they will not shy away from defending their families, their homes, their values, and their country. This would cause a lot of Americans who otherwise “don’t have time for politics” to sit up and take notice. The issue for me is the American center-Left is so completely ineffectual that by the time people start to figure out what Trump’s done, it will be too late. Slavery no longer exists in the United States, amendments have been enacted guaranteeing equal rights to all, voting rights have been codified to include all races, women have won the right to vote, and so on.
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