Viburnum trilobum (cranberrybush viburnum, American cranberrybush, high bush cranberry, or highbush cranberry) is a species of Viburnum native to northern North America, from Newfoundland west to British Columbia, south to Washington state and east to northern Virginia. It can be enjoyed processed as syrup, added to smoothies, sweetened in jelly or pies. The leaves occur opposite, are simple, 3-lobed and 5 to 10 cm (2 to 4”) long. Mammals such as deer, moose, red squirrels and beaver may feed on the various parts of the high bush cranberry. Bark on older stems becomes gray and scaly. north-east United States (zones 4-7), but do grow elsewhere. americanum (trilobum), as some consider it a subspecies of the Eurasian variety. Much of the astringency is in the seeds, so they should be removed before boiling the fruit, which nicely gels due to its high pectin content. Identification, health,
This shrub is typically 2.5 to 4.5 metres (8 to 15') tall by 2.5 to 3 metres (8 to 10') wide, with arching stems and a very dense, rounded form. There is a pair of slender stipules where the stalk attaches to the stem, but these drop away early in the season. The only “edible” ones were the ones my parents told me I could eat. On the European highbush, the petiolar glands are located in the same area; however, they have concave tops with flat or sunken in tops. Click. They are known to take about two years to germinate, as they need some warm weather, followed by cold, followed by more warm before they show signs of growth. You can also take a woody cutting, dip it in rooting compound and then plant it in a light soil. This bush does not begin to produce fruit until approximately five years of age. These are spreading and placed alternate to the petals. Established plants can tolerate drought. Others tend to refer to it simply as Viburnum trilobum. Many birds prefer to eat the berries after they have been once frozen and thawed, which reduces the acidic content. The corollas are white, and 5-parted. These persist throughout winter for wildlife. Growing up in northern Minnesota, I was strictly warned as a child about which wild berries I could and could not eat in the forest. The glands of the Canadian native have stalks while the others don’t. The petiole is grooved and has round, raised glands near the base. Caring for a high bush cranberry is relatively easy. They are superficially similar to many maple leaves, but have a somewhat wrinkled surface and impressed venation. Each drupe is almost 1 cm (1/3") across and contains one flattened 5mm wide seed. ga('require', 'displayfeatures'); The high bush cranberry is sometimes called Viburnum opulus var. Glossy dark green in the summer, these leaves often change to yellow-red or red-purple in the autumn. These have the reproductive parts of five stamens that have white filaments and creamy coloured anthers and which are exerted from the corolla. In addition to food, the bushes also provide birds with shelter from the elements and hiding places from predators. The undersides are hairy. © 2020 Canadian Wildlife Federation. The glands of the Canadian native have stalks while the others don’t. It is very closely related to the European and Asian Viburnum opulus, and is often treated as a variety of it, as Viburnum opulus L. var. To support our efforts please browse our store (books with medicinal info, etc.). There is an outer ring of florets that are particularly showy. While the berries are not a favourite of many birds, they are a very important survival food as the winter progresses. How Highbush Cranberry Could Help Your Grouse Hunting. The white flowers occur throughout May and June and are of two types. Like other Viburnums, it can be striking. In a garden setting it can tolerate a variety of soils, although moist well-drained soil is best. It is up to the reader to verify nutritional information and health benefits with qualified professionals for all edible plants listed in this web site. These are sterile, whereas the inner cluster of small florets are fertile. For eastern Canadians, watch out for the larvae of the viburnum leaf beetle, which feed heavily on the leaves. While we strive to be 100% accurate, it is solely up to the reader to ensure proper plant identification. nutrition, recipes, history, uses & more! Highbush cranberries: How to identify, harvest, prepare, and eat American wild highbush cranberry fruits. Later, the foliage puts on a show with plenty of fall colour. Highbush cranberry can be found in damp thickets and moist woods, but it also can grow on drier sites. Take the berries when they are fully ripe (a nice bright red), plant them in soil and wait. We are not health professionals, medical doctors, nor are we nutritionists. Charitable registration # 10686 8755 RR0001, //
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