If you are not a King fan, this story might be better since it isn’t really a supernatural or killer. Not because evil triumphs, but because it’s how nature works. Loves all things pop-culture especially if it has a bit of a counter-culture twist. Will it be enough for her to survive in a forest where something dangerous is hiding in the shadows, watching her every move as it wants to rip her throat apart. It’s a very primal story. Then she realizes that she needs to pee so she goes even further into the forest. It relies on Trisha’s fears of what could be in the woods more than what is really in the woods. I read a lot and want to share all the great things I come across. ‘The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon’ was a great addition to my collection and a welcome distraction to many of the YA titles I’ve been reading of late. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon book. The story is equal parts compelling, as it is horrifying, making the simple elements of wilderness something to fear and respect. Children's books Children and teenagers Teen books Horror books for … The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon is a fun, quick read…so check it out. Read 4,985 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Follow me on Twitter @JPRoscoe76! Copyright © 2011 - BasementRejects. The ties to the Red Sox are obvious since King is a big fan, but King admits that the Tom Gordon in the story isn’t any reflection of the real Tom Gordon. by Alan Dingman. A definite recommended read. This is the creature in Trisha’s head that is pursuing her…of course what the God of the Lost really is revealed by the end. Written by Stephen King, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, like many of King’s short novel was a best seller. Enjoys the art house but also isn't afraid to let in one or two popular movies at the same time. 31 Days of Horror 2019: Don’t Turn Around. Unlike something like To Kill a Mockingbird, the character just doesn’t feel real in that sense…she knows too much. THE RATING: 2.5/10 ( Log Out / It got some pretty negative reviews...not quite sure why. It was as if I got to see another side to this author who is so prolific you think you know what to expect. I'm Ashley. He creates great, realistic, rounded characters. With only a little source of food and water, she tries to survive in the forest. She’s so tough and doesn’t know it, which is probably why she survives the way that she does out in the woods. This is a review blog for books I've read. the girl who loved tom gordon: a pop-up Stephen King, Author, Alan Dingman, Illustrator, Peter Abrahams, Adapted by , illus. She continues to wander around the woods for nine days, trying to find her way out. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King - review ... Join the site and send us your review! Trisha is sick of listening to them, so she wanders off from the path to have some privacy. Nine-year-old Trisha McFarland, her mother, and her brother go for a weekend hike in the woods in Maine. I think the book was almost geared toward a YA audience which might have led to the shorter novel, but there are times in other novels where you kind of wish King had a pickier editor because as much as I love his works they get a bit bloated. This book is one of my favourite books written by Stephen King. King also explains (much like his Cycle of the Werewolf) the games aren’t real and the games presented in the story didn’t occur when they are to have occurred in the story. The only company she has is a walkman radio on which she listens to her favourite baseball team, the Red Sox. I got pregnant, got a new job, moved to a new state, and then had a baby a whole month early. The Arrival was ok..this is like a bad 1988 movie... I'm a person that gets haunted by the good stories, and they shape the way I relate to the world and move through life. © 2020 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. THE RATING: 7.5/10 Many of Stephen King’s recent novels have felt like they are scraping the barrel but at least this story feels pretty fresh. As she go through the wood, there is only one person to keep her company…her favorite Red Sox player Tom Gordon. Nine-year-old Trisha McFarland strays from the path while she and her recently divorced mother and brother take a hike along a branch of the Appalachian Trail. Opposed to many of King’s plots, The Girl Who Loves Tom Gordon kind of avoids the supernatural. The book was adapted into a children’s picture book and was going to be made into a feature film with George Romero attached though plans have appeared to have fallen through. Everyone is happy and healthy, but it means some things take a pause. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon is a nice, short story by King. So, I took a break from reviews for all of 2018 – a lot was happening. First review of the year – the Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King. There were so many vivid lines that made me feel like I was there which was thrilling, even if claustrophobic and terrifying at times. Plays video games (basically from the start when a neighbor brought home an Atari 2600), comic loving (for almost 30 years), and a true critic of movies. She immediately feels real. Along the way her mother is constantly arguing with her older brother. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon at Amazon.com. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Review: the Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon So, I took a break from reviews for all of 2018 – a lot was happening. Stephen King is a master of characterization. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. I think it’s good to see characters recognize that they are whole on their own, and Trisha has that moment in the woods. View all posts by Ghosts Inside. As she is going back to the path she realizes that she has got no idea where she is, so she starts looking for the right way, but she goes even further into the deep forest. I’ll be posting smaller version to GoodReads, and longer reviews here. The Addams Family (2019) reviewed on #BasementRejects ( Log Out / THE REVIEW:… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…, Watching The Arrival II (1998). Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.
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