[192], The coordinator and representative of the CFSP within the EU is the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy who speaks on behalf of the EU in foreign policy and defence matters, and has the task of articulating the positions expressed by the member states on these fields of policy into a common alignment. Furthermore, the European Convention on Human Rights and European Social Charter, as well as the source of law for the Charter of Fundamental Rights are created by the Council of Europe. The social inclusion of young people is vital for European society and democratic life. By Ana Swanson and Niraj Chokshi. maximise the benefits of the EUâs investment in space. Helping communities in disaster-prone areas to better prepare and recover. EU competition rules aim to ensure that all companies compete fairly and equally in the single market to the benefit of consumers, businesses and the European economy as a whole. It convenes at least four times a year and comprises the President of the European Council (currently Charles Michel), the President of the European Commission and one representative per member state (either its head of state or head of government). It acts externally as a "collective head of state" and ratifies important documents (for example, international agreements and treaties).[144]. "Treaty on European Union," Pages 191 and 194. Small and medium-sized enterprises represent 99% of all businesses in the EU, providing two thirds of total private-sector employment. [22] Additionally, all EU countries have a very high Human Development Index according to the United Nations Development Programme. This is part of the capital markets unionâs efforts to connect finance with the specific needs of the European economy to the benefit of the planet and our society. The European Defence Fund launched in 2017 coordinates, supplements and amplifies national investments in defence so as to increase outputs and develop defence technology and equipment to meet current and future security needs. A directly elected European Parliament took office in 1979., In 1986, the Single European Act solidified the principles of foreign policy cooperation and extended the powers of the community over the members. They provide funding to households and businesses, allow people to save and invest, provide insurance against risks and facilitate payments. On 26 February 2016 it was made public that Cyprus has asked to make Turkish an official EU language, in a "gesture" that could help solve the division of the country. These legal powers include the ability to enact legislation[p] which can directly affect all member states and their inhabitants. If no agreement was found at first reading, the second reading will then begin. The predecessor of the EU was created in the aftermath of the Second World War. See Craig and de Búrca, p. 115. To ensure safety in the Schengen area, these countries have stepped up checks on the EUâs external borders and also increased police cooperation. Similarly, opening up the maritime market has allowed shipping companies to operate in more countries. The Lisbon Treaty further strengthened the leadership ambitions. Approving, amending or rejecting EU laws, together with the Council of the European Union, based on European Commission proposals. They also signed another pact creating the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) for co-operation in developing nuclear energy. The Commission handles trade negotiations transparently, systematically publishing negotiating texts, reports of negotiating rounds and explanatory documents, and reports regularly to the European Parliament and the Member States. The migration crisis and the changing security landscape in recent years have demonstrated that the Schengen area needs strong external borders. European Union. If the two institutions do not agree then conciliation procedures are followed until a budget is approved. The online dispute resolution platform allows consumers and traders to resolve disputes over online purchases entirely online. This helps to reduce prices and improve quality, encourages innovation and efficiency and creates a wider choice for consumers. In addition, other institutions and bodies may be consulted when a proposal falls within their area of interest or expertise, for example the European Central Bank for proposals concerning economic or financial matters. The European Union is based on the rule of law. The EU does not have a direct role in raising taxes or setting tax rates. The 2008 financial crisis showed that no single EU country can manage the financial sector and supervise financial stability risks alone. Any amendments to the proposal are tabled and voted on in these committees. Mitigating climate change is one of the top priorities of EU environmental policy. The General Court procedure is similar, except that most cases are heard by three judges and there are no advocates general. Such events not only pose a direct threat to people but can also jeopardise food production and create water shortages, which can in turn trigger famine, regional conflicts and mass migration.
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