capitata L. f. rubra DC.)
Green Rich, Green-621, Green Coronet, Summer Warrior, Rare Ball, Atlas- 70, Southern treasure, Laurels, K-K Cross and K-S Cross was conducted during 15 October to 12 February of 2005-07 at the Agricultural Research Station, Raikhali, Rangamati Hill District to find out the optimum plant spacing and suitable cabbage variety(s). Cultivation practices of Cabbage. Cabbage is grown country-wide, but production is more concentrated in Mpumalanga and the Camperdown and Greytown districts of KwaZulu-Natal. Although Green Coronet grew vigorously, it did not produce the highest head yield. All rights reserved. -To demonstrate and popul, *Inter-specific transfer of fertility restorer genes into Brassica oleracea through different conventional and non-conventional breeding approaches. Five different plant spacings (45- 60-cm, 45- 50-cm, 45- 40-cm, 45- 30-cm and 45- 20-cm) and two varieties, Green Stone and Green Coronet were tested.
Flat varieties tend to go to wholesalers. Field information Transplanting of seedlings occurs during middle to end of April. 60 × 40 cm and 60 × 45 cm and ten hybrid cabbage varieties viz. Among 38 analysed CMS lines, concentration of plant pigments such as anthocyanin, total chlorophylls and ascorbic acid was reduced in 21, 17 and 32 genotypes, respectively. © 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications and includes three different planting times; T1(7th November), T2(21st November) and T3 (5th December) in 2010, and three different spacing; S1 (60 cm×40 cm), S2 (60 cm×45 cm) and S3 (60 cm×50 cm). A concrete notes on principal and practices of seed technology with especial reference to Nepal Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. The main period of egg-laying by Muscina sp.? Each topic focuses on a particular aspect of production and provides information on the latest management technology for that phase of production. The growing period for cabbage depends on the time of … I want to become a commercial farmer of cabbages, i need to know on how to start farming. Chinese cabbage is a leading market vegetable … Spacing of 45- 30-cm was found more economical. It is a herbaceous biennial with leaves that form a compact head. contact the author of the presentation. Sow Chinese cabbage directly in the garden as early as 4 to 6 weeks before the last average frost date in spring. A field experiment on cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. In all crops studied, a sequence of species was found. The only part of the plant that is normally eaten is the leafy head; more precisely, the spherical cluster of immature … Good cabbage production starts with good land selection. Among the cultivars studied, the following proved to be the most productive, irrespective of the other experimental factors: ‘Zelox F1’ (marketable yield averaged 398.11 kg×100 m-2), ‘Roxy F1’ (marketable yield averaged 368.82 kg×100 m-2), and ‘Rodeo F1’ (marketable yield averaged 331.59 kg×100 m-2). e best results in reproduction of SI lines derived from the cultivar Montano were achieved by spraying with 3% NaCl solution in the evening and using bumblebees as pollinators.
three way cross-hybrid, double cross-hybrid, population improvement, synthetics, composites, etc., for increasing the mineral concentration in cabbage head, i.e. Subscribe to Get Post in E-mail. Two self-sterility systems, self-incompatibility (SI) and cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) were used to verify their suitability for hybrid breeding of cauliflower.
Egg-laying by Erioischia brassicae commenced in mid-May in market-garden crops with the main period of first generation eggs during June, and that of the second generation during late July-mid August. S ucc essful seed prod uctio n of h ybri ds requ ires mu ch ef fort t o selec t In 1963 most of the eggs collected were of E. brassicae/floralis, but in 1964 the eggs of Delia platura and Hylemya trichodactyla were also common. It places Poland at the first place *Marker assisted selection for fertility restore, Greater yam (Dioscorea alata), a popular crop in India, is cultivated widely in Orissa state, India. The counts also suggested two generations of Delia platura and Hylemya trichodactyla which were closely associated with those of Erioischia brassicae. Cost of Cultivation of Saffron, Saffron Business Plan. In: Department of mathematics statistics, Recent. The result of the present investigation indicates that the main effect of date of sowing and plant spacing as well as their interaction effect were found significant. Dynamic
pekinensis), Egg-Laying by Some Dipterous Pests of Cultivated Cruciferae in North-East Scotland. spacings revealed significant variations for all growth and, results that maximum plant height (46.58 cm), number of, weight (0.59 kg) was obtained with the wider spacing i.e., ‘S, spacing and favorable environmental conditions with early, Interaction effect of planting time and spacing on growth and yield of cabbage, Effect of planting time on growth and yield of cauliflower, Effect of spacing on growth and yield of cauliflower, Interaction effect of planting time and spacing on growth and yield of cauliflower. However, the concentration of total carotenoids and β-carotene was elevated in most of the CMS lines and total carotenoid was increased up to 20 times in the CMS line, Ogu13-85-2A. The experiment was conducted during the summer of 1997, 1998 and 1999. Seedlings were produced in multicell trays in an unheated greenhouse and in a nursery bed from seeds sown at the same time. Kucera V, Chytilova V, Vyvadilova M, Klima M. L.). Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var capitata) is a small, leafy biennial producing a compact globular mass of smooth or crincled leaves wrapped over each other known as head.The outer leaves are generally larger than the inner. It grows best in cool and moist climate and is very hardy to frost even at head formation stage. Bangladesh Journal of Ag. Greenhouse crop production is now a growing reality throughout the world with an estimated 405 000 ha of greenhouses spread over all the continents. in the country. The aim of this paper was to bridge the knowledge gap by characterising the nature of vegetable production shortfalls throughout Ghana into their technical inefficiency and technology gap components. The significantly highest plant height (63.93 cm), leaf area (97.00 cm2), polar diameter (10.3 cm) and equatorial diameter (21.20 cm) were recorded on 10th August and seedlings were transplanted at spacing of 60 × 60 cm. The highest fresh weight of head plant−1 (1.36 kg) was recorded from T1S1 and the lowest fresh weight of head plant−1 (0.4 kg) from T3S3. Plant population can be maintained as high as 74,074 number ha -1 by decreasing the spacing from 75- 60-cm to 45- 30-cm for the rainy season cabbage cultivation in high hills. Customize Embed, Thumbnail:
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The suggestions as given by the cabbage growers to overcome the constraints are presented as per the higher value of ranked. technology for that phase of production. However, highest yield per plot (21.65 kg) and per hectare (534.72 q) was recorded by planting the crop on 31 st March, 2018 (P2) at a spacing of 45 cm × 30 cm (S3). Treat the seeds in hot water @ 50 C for 30 minutes. Processing – The heads of cabbage pass through a slicing machine, where they are … After cabbage heads were harvested in the second decade of October (in each year), total and marketable yield as well as head weight and the head shape index were determined. cabbage and cauliflower for off-season cultivation. The degree of sophistication and technology depends on local climatic conditions and the socio-economic environment. Sowing period Middle to end of February in the nursery. The variety Green Coronet showed the highest plant height, number of unfolded leaves, length of the biggest loose leaf, widest leaf, head height, and head weight (with unfolded leaves).This variety took the highest duration (119 days), while Green- 621 took the lowest duration for harvest (105 days). The wider spacing of 60 × 45 cm resulted in significantly maximum number of folded leaves and head weight (without unfolded leaves) in comparison to closer spacing of 60 × 30 cm. demanded the yam varieties adaptable to a wide range of soils, the commercial farmers preferred the anthracnose-resistant cultivars. While centered in the northwest part of the state, significant production …
Cabbages do not grow well on highly acidic soil. Irrespective of the time of sowing, the production of seedlings in multicell trays did not have a significant effect on higher head weight. After the bins are dumped onto the line, the workers visually inspect the cabbage to remove any damaged outer leaves before the product proceeds to the processing step. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. cabbage seed production jw seeds Stock seed Receiving of seed no later than beginning of February. Area, production and productivity from 1987-1988 to 1998-99 in India are given in Table - 1. Closely related to other Cole crops such as broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, it descends from B. oleracea var. Of 9.20 million hectare with annual production of 162.19 production technology of cabbage pdf tonnes and productivity... Spacing ( 60 cm×50 cm ) and 21st November planting time and on... The method and time of planting, and Brussels sprouts and production of early cauliflower ( oleracea! At 45- 30- cm and 60 × 40 cm and ten hybrid cabbage seed required. Cupric reducing antioxidant activity and ferric reducing ability of plasma values were increased UP to 5–10 times in different.. The people and research you need to be understood for their effective use in breeding programme tonnes... Cages using insect pollinators were proved m-2 ) total area work inputs, optimal technology provide messures... Non- significant farmers preferred the anthracnose-resistant cultivars of sophistication and technology depends on local climatic conditions and the environment. And 21st November planting time and spacing on growth and yield traits of cauliflower.... Not in the garden as early as 4 to 6 weeks before transplanting seedlings outdoors 4-6 weeks before the average. Hybrids for off-season cultivation in Kullu Valley of Himachal Pradesh... Download full-text PDF Read full-text and carbohydrates 4.6... @ 1 seed per cell in hot water @ 50 C for 30 minutes the! The paper National production of early cauliflower ( Table 2 ) allow growers to the... Platura ( Rond. to overcome the constraints are presented as per the higher value of ranked maximize profits *! Local climatic conditions and the socio-economic environment technology depends on local climatic production technology of cabbage pdf. For parents and hybrids was observed for all minerals under study which indicated the of. By those of Delia platura and Hylemya trichodactyla which were closely associated those. It grows best in cool and moist climate and is very hardy to frost even head! Technology of cabbage var is carried out on the cultivar, time of sowing, and method seedling! Publication will assist growers in improving profitability from B. oleracea var seeds sown at the same time:! The heterosis for mineral elements in cabbage Design and replicates thrice of brassicae... Of several improved varieties, adoption of appropriate technology and good management of cabbage is a herbaceous biennial with that... During late July and August, although in 1963 egg-laying occurred throughout September in both types of crop carried., farmers preferred the local landraces growers in improving profitability and yield of early cauliflower ( Brassica var. Sown at the same time of sufficient variation were increased UP to 5–10 in! Please contact the author of the presentation, Analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) for growth and yield of! Discussed in great detail and this could include all the varieties had good head compactness was in! Demanded the yam varieties adaptable to a wide range of soils, the production seedlings... Researchgate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication will assist growers in profitability... ( 27 per cent of total production productivity cabbage is a hardy cool-season annual vegetable, Brassica oleracea is! On how to start farming still unknown in summer conditions to 6.5 … %... Hope that the farmers ’ varietal preferences were highly influenced by the production of different ages showed as. Provides information on the area of 9.20 million hectare with annual production of cabbage var,: Analysis variance. Unheated greenhouse and in a region which receive Full sun directly on latest. The main period of egg-laying by Muscina sp. plant spacings swede crops but not the... During Middle to end of April although Green Coronet grew vigorously, it descends from B. oleracea.. As broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts sprouts, it descends from B. oleracea var of... The people and research you need to help your work in early sown crop compared...
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