A classic tale of machismo and missed opportunities, "That Championship Season" is one of American theater's most honored -- and staged -- contemporary works. Gaffigan hits all the right notes, but his work is all on the surface, unsupported by convincing emotional depth. There are yet no reviews for this product. It’s a solid performance, matched only by that of D’Onofrio, who is right on as the weaselly suit hell-bent on ruining George’s re-election bid; his sly eyes and cocky exterior are powerful. Variety and the Flying V logos are trademarks of Variety Media, LLC. Nearly 40 years later, however, the show's first Broadway revival proves that Papp was right to be concerned. The reunion begins comfortably, with the guys ready to nourish their egos by revisiting their one shining moment. When Coach (Sorvino) comes downstairs with a whistle around his neck and a head full of go-get-’em inspiration, the foursome stands at attention before the laughter and back-patting begins. That intro, of course, has a happy ending: Miller's revisions resulted in Pulitzer, New York Drama Critics' Circle, and Tony awards for best play, as well as a big Broadway hit. Company. Unfortunately, when a playwright indulges in such obvious, over-the-top symbolism as having George throw up into the urn of the team's sacred silver trophy, it's a good bet that what he means to lay bare is probably already glaringly apparent.Presented by Robert Cole, Frederick Zollo, Shelter Island Enterprises, the Shubert Organization, James MacGilvray, Orin Wolfe, the Weinstein Company, Second Chance Productions, Brannon Wiles, and Scott M. Delman/Lucky VIII at the Bernard B. Jacobs Theatre, 242 W. 45th St., NYC. But while Showtime has rounded up an accomplished cast to modernize the angst and anger harbored by a group of middle-aged dreamers, this ’90s execution of Jason Miller’s Pulitzer Prize-winning play is a dramatic air ball. A classic tale of machismo and missed opportunities, “That Championship Season” is one of American theater’s most honored — and staged — contemporary works. That Championship Season by Jason Miller is a uniquely American play about a reunion in the home of the coach of a high school basketball team in the Lackawanna Valley town that twenty years earlier had captured the state championship. Eventually, Tom, who spends the evening throwing out one-liners and downing booze, explains the fifth teammate’s absence and expresses his deep regrets about winning the trophy. Only Gary Sinise and Vincent D’Onofrio nail their respective characters’ complexities, bringing a welcome depth to their roles. Actors With Military Experience Seeking Representation (16-50). Hapless George is now the town mayor; hot-blooded Italian Phil is rich from his strip-mining business; obedient James is the junior high school principal and George's campaign manager; and James' younger brother, the cynical Tom, who missed the last several get-togethers, is a not-so-functioning jobless alcoholic.
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