If the prospect of practicing your medical skills in the air or on the set of a Hollywood movie isn’t exciting enough, ER nurses … Emergency nurses can be found working as “Flight nurses, on search and rescue teams, in the film industry as movie medics or in urgent care facilities,” Elliott says. 93% say it's important for ED nurses … Trauma is the number one cause of years of productive life lost before the age of 75 and the leading cause of death up to and until the age of 45, according to a position paper by the National Academies … National Nurse Emergency Preparedness Initiative (NNEPI) June 27, 2013 The National Nurse Emergency Preparedness Initiative (NNEPI) is a $2 million grant awarded by the Department of Homeland Security to develop and deliver educational training to prepare nurses … Elsevier Clinical eLearning emergency nursing courses are professionally-designed, interactive, and self-paced. 92% say it's important to have professional, certified ED nurses in my organization. This comprehensive, evidence-based resource is written by the Emergency Nurses Association … Courses are developed by masters-prepared nurses to enhance clinical competency and empower confident, consistent and expert patient care in emergency … Supervisors agreed or strongly agreed on the benefit, value and importance of obtaining and maintaining emergency nursing specialty certification. All nurses, including registered nurses, and other health care professionals play an important role in internal and external disasters and emergency preparedness. Written by emergency nurses for emergency nurses, Sheehy's Emergency Nursing: Principles and Practice, 7th Edition covers the issues and procedures unique to the emergency department. NCSBN has compiled information about emergency action by states.Included: whether the state is in the NLC, if there is an emergency licensing waiver and applicable statutory/administrative provisions (e.g., nurse practice act, emergency management … Registered nurses are …

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