Mr. Fromm falls back and straight into the electrical lights. Outside, Sue desperately screamed to be allowed inside, until Freddy DeLois and Kenny Garson appeared trying to squirm their ways out and were suffocated as Carrie, enraged, forced the two, suffocating them between doors. Status When she exited it, she saw a nearby gas station explode. Power lines were cut and went out of control, electrocuting many lives. (Sue) Precious mum of Katie, much loved sister of John and June, special auntie and friend. While preparing the gym for prom, Sue felt sick and vomited in the toilet, implying that she was pregnant with Tommy's baby. She is the only character known to have survived all installments. According to the novel, Sue had been dating Tommy for 6 months and became his lover two months before the time when the novel supposedly took place. When Miss Desjardin comes forward to try to help Carrie, Carrie suddenly puts out her hand and simultaneously, Miss Desjardin falls backwards. It is revealed around this point that a terrified Billy and Chris are watching Carrie's rampage from the window. As Carrie walked home, the town was set ablaze when a nearby gas station randomly exploded. She hoped that by doing this, she would be helping Carrie to know what it is like to be accepted and put her conscience at ease. Gabriella Wilde The Rage: Carrie 2 (1999 sequel) All my love. She asks the sheriff to find Carrie, but he doesn't hear, because he could't understand what was going on. Carrie White & Sue Snell | Sacrifice RunsWithWolves. Cynthia is survived by her daughter Jennifer Warnasch, her two sisters Catherine Leftely and Mary Ann Wied, her brother Terry The cross-style For Sale sign in the above sequence had the words, "Carrie White Burns In Hell" scrawled on its front meaning, apparently, that not even until death was Carrie able to find peace. Alive Moments later, a bucket of pig's blood tied to the rope was dumped onto Carrie's head. Kandyse McClure Realizing she wants to be more than only being popular and wanting to redeem herself because of her behavior, she convinces Tommy to take Carrie to the prom. Year of Birth Many of the students were disgusted that someone would pull such a brutal prank, but many of them also laughed. Sue is first seen in the swimming pool, playing water volleyball with the rest of her class. Even though Carrie killed my entire senior class during the prom - including my boyfriend, Tommy Ross - I still don't blame her. A popular girl at Ewen High School, Sue began to feel guilty about making fun of Carrie as she was having her first period and proposed to Tommy, that he should take Carrie to the Prom instead of her. She only partially participated and was disgusted, when she realized, that Carrie did not know about having a period. In this version Sue was portrayed by Kandyse McClure, whose characterization sported a hair style similar to that of Amy Irving's version. She is then seen crying in her mother´s arms. There will be a memorial service held at Mountcastle Turch Funeral Home at 13318 Occoquan Rd. All of the gym doors begin to shut close as chairs and tables begin to fly in the air. It also pushes scientists to take the theory of psychokinesis more seriously. Carrie realizes she had nothing to do with the cruel prank and forgives Sue, but not before giving her the memories of all that happened to her. At Carrie's house she saw the blood of Carrie and followed it. She also has to witness the Black Prom and calls the police. Carrie Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Sue does not become pregnant with Tommy's child, which excludes the whole abortion plot completely. After all the students and staff members began to laugh, Carrie ran from within the gym building, only to return moments later to witness the building erupt in huge flames. Prince William ready for return of teachers, students, says School Board Chairman, Republicans seeking seat on Manassas City Council to take questions at 2 o'clock today, Virtual Spanish Circle Time/El Circulo de Cuentos en Español, Time Out with The Library a Virtual Program Hosted by Bull Run Library, MBA in IoT: Stafford County Business Support Workshop, Dungeons and Dragons for Teens a Virtual Program Hosted by Prince William Public Libraries, Animal Crossing with Your Library a Virtual Program Hosted by Chinn Park Library, Animal Crossing with Your Library a Virtual Program Hosted by Haymarket Gainesville Library, Financial Planning a Virtual Program Hosted by Montclair Library. Afraid of Carrie and of the events, she went away from there. However, he took Sue and interrogated her. Sue's plan failed in a way that not even she expected. Your email address will not be published. Students suffocated from the smoke and are burned alive like grilled chickens. She returns, when she sees fire coming from the direction of the High School. Sue Snell : [With tears in her eyes from feeling the guilt] Tommy Ross. Carrie expored her mind and realizes that she is speaking the truth. After regretting her actions towards the shy, outcast Carrie White, Sue attempts to redeem herself by asking her boyfriend Tommy Ross to take Carrie to the Prom instead of her, unaware that her intentions are about to trigger horrifying events.
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