I really appreciated the epilogue! But before she inked her deal, Genova was asked to do one thing: write a new ending. My feeling then was that the ending was moving, but a bit contrived and (now ironically) Hollywood-like. Please try again. SCARE ME that released October 1st on Shudder! It was sweet to see Alice continuing to find joy so far past the point in her disease where she thought life would no longer be worth living, and to see her daughters finding ways to connect with her even Alice didn’t remember who they were. And I appreciate the book recommendation: I haven’t heard of the Gentile book before. I loved the epilogue. I don’t read fiction very often (not now–I read it a TON as a kid, though), but this review just made me add this one to my Goodreads list! All that begins to change when she strangely starts to forget words and then more. It's a place that believes that every great movie is a wonderful new treasure, whether you see it the night of its premiere or fifty years later. It is weird, fantastical, and out-of-the-box, but it is also true.”. My mother of 70 years old is in late stage of it. I’m so grateful she asked me to do this, and the book got this sort of second chance at having the right ending. We’re two dudes, and a lady, of which our tastes are quite varied. Our goal is to save you time and money by sharing our thoughts and recommendations on which movies to race to theaters for, which to watch at home and those to actively avoid. But Genova’s epilogue—a mere 1200 words or so—gently altered the novel’s portrayal of Alice’s quality of life, and shifted its themes from from despair to love.” (Well said.). In examining the person with disease, we gain wisdom about life." Another good book about dementia but with an entirely different view point of a granddaughter is The Quiet Roar of a Hummingbird by Catherine Gentile. A big tip of the hat to Heatherly, whose comments sent me down this rabbit trail. Read details. The mail is then decoded using Yui's help and find an IP address that connects them to the underworld. But I can see why the publishers would ask her to change the ending — and why she agreed. In the self-published edition, the book ends with John in the coffee shop. Design and text © 1996 - 2020 Jon Sandys. I read the book five years ago and I couldn’t remember the ending, so I guess that it didn’t stand out that much to me, but I also didn’t know that Genova was asked to write a new ending so I most likely wasn’t focused on the ending (I just Googled the ending and I do like how it ended). It reminded me that the beautiful, loving and wise woman I always knew still existed beneath the disease. It’s still real life. I don’t think it’s false: I’m reminded again of The Geography of Memory, whose opening line is “I wrote this book because I believe the news about Alzheimer’s is more hopeful than what we hear on the street.”. No one ending is right or wrong. Check out the mistake & trivia books, on Kindle and in paperback. My grandmother is in the late stages, and what the worst of it is changes day to day. But there’s controversy surrounding that hopeful ending. I read this a week ago. I agree. I didn’t find it c depressing either. As Poirot, in his ensuite on the boat, sees a huge cobra flaring up at him, he knocks SOS on the wall, which separates him from his friend, the retired Colonel. The film stars Julianne Moore as Alice Howland, a linguistics professor diagnosed with familial Alzheimer's disease shortly after her 50th birthday. Lisa Genova and Julianne Moore at the Sony Pictures Classics dinner the night before the Oscars (photo source). I think I got the author narrated edition. Some readers still think it’s a mistake. There is no hope for my mom but to take one day… one hour at a time. I have not read the book or seen the movie. I wrote what is now the epilogue, and I love it. The problem is: Both the sword and the snake are as limp as soft rubber - useless. Join us for our weekly review of movies worth seeing, worth avoiding and our Top 5 lists – and don’t forget to play along at. Interestingly, I was totally depressed by the movie, but not by the book. I think the epilogue is wonderful. Now a major motion picture starring Oscar winner Julianne Moore! To know when people like your submissions, answer your questions, reply to you, etc., please. Well put. I did not know Lisa Genova was asked to rewrite the ending. With Julianne Moore, Alec Baldwin, Kristen Stewart, Kate Bosworth. Lydia Howland: You can't use your situation to just get me to do everything you want me to do. Still Alice almost didn’t get published. Still Alice is the kind of movie that exists solely to facilitate a great performance in the lead role, and Julianne Moore provides one.

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