She remains resolute in the face of perils, like the constant threat of being replaced by a lifelike automoton. Whether you want a character to sound like a victorian noble, or a royal idiot, these names will help! There's thousands of ideas in this tool. 18 Ingenious Names from the World of Steampunk | HuffPost Life Where Does It Originate From? Davonius. The steampunk movement has been inspired by literature and cinema, blending futuristic themes with 19th century Victorian style. You can honor them via their creator, with his simple but uncommon name. For cosplay or a role-playing purposes, it doesn’t matter. Generate name ideas, check availability, hold name contests. While it's old and traditional, chances are you've only encountered it as a place name, perhaps in the rhyming riddle "As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives...." Ives boasts strong steampunk credentials in the form of Langdon St. Ives, the Victorian scientist and adventurer of James Blaylock's books. His name also suggests the British Pound Sterling, and carries a air of affluent poise to suit a top hat and silver-topped walking stick. The Story Shack claims no copyright on any of these names, but it is of course possible that some of the values this name generator provides are already owned by anyone else, so please make sure to always do your due diligence. Required fields are marked *. Like other subcultures, Steampunk also has its own unique cultural manifestations. Watson. The meeting of manners and machines also makes for plenty of humor. For generating Steampunk Names simply scroll down and click on the Get Male Names, Get Female Names Button to randomly generate 10 Steampunk Names. Begin generating you steampunk male and female names above! Steampunk is an imaginative genre set in a pre-electric age of steam power and clockwork. Begin generating you steampunk male and female names above! Sophronia Temminnick, the young heroine of Etiquette & Espionage, attends finishing school on a dirigible, where she learns the proper way to throw a knife while curtseying. If there's one inventor who can eclipse Edison in the steampunk universe, it's Nikola Tesla. You'll find Violets in books like All Men of Genius and the steampunk-tinged Series of Unfortunate Events. It comes from the same Greek root as 'ambrosia',... Read More, Arabella was used as a given name beginning in the 12th century with the birth of Arabella de Leuchars, granddaughter of William the Lion, King of Scotland. ", 17. The Victorian era is eternal in steampunk -- sometimes literally. Yet it's sidekick Dr. Watson who has the better steampunk name. Paulicium. Gracia. That's fine, let the sports fans carry on in blissful ignorance as you tinker away in your basement laboratory... 10.
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