© 2018 According to Tish. Yet there are answers, but not in the way that”I” want answers. It hurts. I honestly think it’s the enemy trying to make me lose faith. Transform your mind and your spirit as you apply the power of God’s love to your life. Highly educated individual but can’t seem to obtain a viable offer. Remember that you have exactly what it takes to acquire the life you desire. I search my life and see if I’m doing something that made God step aside I beat myself complete up and still know not why I like God can’t hear me. (1 Pet. Keeping faith in God during hard times can be extremely difficult. Ep 80: Transformation Story: How COVID Transformed Keshia’s Relationship with God, Ep 79: Processing Loss + Finding Hope When Life Takes an Unexpected Turn, Ep 78: Finding Rest + Fun When You’re a Type A Woman with Carlie Kercheval, Ep 77: Transformation Story: How Julie Got Unstuck + Rediscovered Godly Joy, Ep 76: Transformation Story: How Kate Released Control + Rewired Negative Thinking. I always find reading your advice very uplifting especially God is sure holding our hands through this challenging moment. Remember, everything according to God’s will happens at the right time, God’s time. I’m just a recorder xoxo. While some of us consolidate and forget thinking of it as past, some of us don’t actually get over with it and feel guilty about it day and night. Thank you guys. I’m praying for you. Please pray for me. I’ve been looking up scriptures and some healing words, but still frustrated. That’s so great! When you pass through deep waters, I will be with you; your troubles will not overwhelm you. I had to understand, that it does not matter what I am going through, HE IS WITH ME!!!! Your writings on “How to keep faith in tough times” literally gave me exactly a solution that I was searching for, especially the 3 ways to keep right faith. You have my prayers sister, God bless you. Please can someone pray. One truth we’ve seen proven over and over as we trust God through hard times: God is faithful. They pray to God, telling him about their needs and releasing their fears as outlined above (verses 6-7). He knows what’s ahead when we trust in Him, even when we can’t see or understand. I am presently going through the greatest deal I have ever had in my life. How about you? Love you. With tears and all this really encouraged me. 1 Corinthians 7:28. It is then that knowing God’s promises and his ways are key. “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. In 1 Thessalonians 3:1-8 Paul writes to some new believers who suddenly found themselves in great difficulty. I’ll be honest, I’ve even questioned is God really listening. That moment in the car last weekend when I got to remind my son (who had tears of repentance on his cheeks while we looked up Bible verses together) that yes, he was absolutely forgiven. That’s why I want to give you a SIMPLE, EASY way to grow closer to God through daily Bible study. A Prayer for Faith and God's Will to be Done. I’ll be praying for you. Though some may seem grand and never ending, they are just a page of our lives, that will have a happy ending if we stay faithful to God’s will. Have you ever felt like you were led by God to do something, and as soon as you begin the journey to follow God’s will, all of the signs try to lead you to change your course? . I pray for increased faith often, not just in hard times, but in all times. As my husband tells me, stay in the Word. He has not abandoned us, for we are His children and He loves us and cares for us. I’ve found that when I take this seriously–meaning, when I really do regularly choose to savor these gifts and promises from God–it is so much easier for me to discover joy in a trial. I can’t remember the last time I did that. Our family is enduring a huge trial right now and honestly, I have my list of these things in Evernote so that I can access them regularly from my phone and tablet. “But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.” (Luke 8:15). Praise the Lord, that is so amazing. I never practiced or loved again. The pain of this relentless suffering is affecting the quality of my life and I have, sadly lost all faith in God and am ashamedly feeling hatred towards him. My wife who is a Christian asked me to leave and dumb me left, and after almost two months I’ve received a separation agreement to sign. God’s plans are far better than your hopes, dreams, expectations. How are things going? Praying for all success! “Do not be afraid. . I am doing better now and my outlook on life has completely changed. You need to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are fully and completely loved by God (and the “I am Loved” Bible Study Course will help you discover that truth like never before). Same cycle for years at a time: going to Church, pray all the time, intense belief in God, and finally prayed for perseverance, which I didn’t seem to have answered…… Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Looking forward to reading more from you too… it’s amazing how the spirit works through us all to share the message. You have always been strong and courageous, but your experience has taken “keeping the faith” to a whole new level. Dear Lord, times are really hard right now and life has really got me down. I think about these things and remember them in detail. @Vicky — Thank you for sharing this. But I also pray for faith. Thank you for doing these writings. I don’t what to do. My life has been indented with an overwhelming and inordinate amount of suffering that still persists. Ask, seek and knock, like Matthew 7:7 says. “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. And your website was the first to come up. You’ll be in our prayers. I do see your comment! But I also pray for faith. We all have trials, some the same and some different. That’s why today I highly encourage you to get the “I am Loved” Bible Study Course. I will for sure take heed of everything you mention in keeping your faith in god this really helped me out. Isaac believed God’s word. After a long stint of peace and tranquility, yesterday proved challenging with flaring emotions, less-than-graceful communication and the temptation to — yet again — go over details. (I’m guessing that you could use a hefty dose of God’s love right now?) When we allow these thoughts to dominate we create a stagnant, spiritual “soil” in our minds that make it difficult to really have faith in God during hard times. I look forward to reading yours regularly. As I sat there savoring the last glimmers of sunlight, I asked myself: What have I been stopping to savor in place of moments like these? I want to show you that yes, it is possible to have HOPE and JOY when you’re trusting God through a difficult time. When you have a good thing he will try and take it away. I, therefore as of today wish to retreat from my faith and ” go solo ” . May God bless you Tearnie… He has good things for you! Yes, seventeen very long months of no income. It’s easy to see why we believe and encourage others to “keep the faith” when they’re feeling down. This is not just something you believe to believe… he is alive. Those who have been faithful over a little; God will set you over much. @Tom — I’m sorry to hear about the current situation with you and Judy. Are you guilty of this too from time to time? It’s amazing how we can feel like we’re the only ones dealing with certain things. Just a little emotional situation and a daughter in college who is becoming more independent and making her own choices. Experience confident joy as God’s love renews your mind, Find peace as god’s love helps you let go of worry and fear, Rediscover hope as God’s love offers a new perspective on trials, “How have you learned what love is and how to receive love?”, “How can understanding God’s love for you give you a new filter for looking at your circumstances?”. When I wrote this blog I never had a clue anyone would read it. This really helped a lot. He’s given me an honorable husband who cherishes me and longs to provide for our family. In case you think it’s easy for me to share about this topic because our family is no longer walking through those trials, I want you to know that we’re currently battling unemployment. That is an awesome testimony. It seems to be a recurring theme in all my Bible study as of late. . Thank you so much for sharing this too! I love coming back to this post and praying over the comments and commenters. This is a beautiful verse, but I believe many miss the true power of this verse because they stop at verse 7. For the question of “how to do I keep faith?” … it’s your freewill choice. Y’all know how the enemy works. First and foremost, we are praying for you both, that the Lord will direct your paths according to His perfect will and bless you both with merciful and forgiving hearts, filled with His wisdom and love. Get a lawyer and fight or give her what she wants. Or are you just constantly going through storm after storm, and can’t see the rainbow at the end or even in between? God bless you! I need wisdom from God so badly but I can’t seem to hear Him and what He requires of me. I keep praying to God to show me the way but I need help in this journey but as a result of betrayal and heavy stuff I have gone through l donno how to trust anyone to talk things through cos all I get is judgement and people making me think God is punishing me. Has God told you his promise for you, but that promise involves someone else and they’re not on board, causing you to question that promise?

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