edition: 1573. in: Götze, J., Möckel, R., editors. Colorless, purple, rose, red, black, yellow, brown, green, blue, orange, etc. Journal of Metamorphic Geology: 13: 299-314.; Horowitz, Irving L. (2003): The Remarkable Quartz Crystals of West Willington, Tolland County, Connecticut. A locally applied name to clear, colorless quartz beach pebbles occurring along the Delaware Bay beaches of Cape May County, New Jersey, USA. American Mineralogist: 40: 1-9. Mineralogical Magazine: 73: 633-643. Reviews in Mineralogy Volume 29 Silica - Physical behaviour, geochemistry and materials applications. Journal of Physical Chemistry: 32: 1197-1205. Quartz. ; Orlandi, P., and Criscuolo, A. Friedman, I.I. (1986) The subsolidus segregation of layer-parallel quartz-feldspar veins in greenschist to upper amphibolite facies metasediments. Reviews in Mineralogy Volume 29 Silica - Physical behaviour, geochemistry and materials applications. Calvo, Miguel. Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin: 77-87.; Des Cloizeaux, A. A name for acicular crystals of Amethyst. (editor) Silica in Sediments. 33: 41-50 (2012) Mineralogy, geochemistry and cathodoluminescence of authigenic quartz from different sedimentary rocks. Rocce, minerali e miniere delle isole dell'Arcipelago Toscano. Rocks & Minerals: 23: 611. Götze, J. Nature: 155: 452. (1982) X-ray topographic study of quartz crystals twinned according to japan twin law. Minerales y Minas de España. Hemley, R.J., Prewitt, C.T., Kingma, K.J. American Chemical Society, Monograph No.37, 856pp. Editions Minéraux et Fossiles, BRGM. ; Bargossi, G.M., Gamberini, F., Gasparotto, G., Grillini, G.C., Marocchi, G. (2004) Dimension and ornamental stones from the Tosco-Romagnolo and Bolognese Apennine. Scott, S.D., O'Connor, T.P. ; Mullis, J. Henn, U., Schultz-Guettler, R. (2012) Review of some current coloured quartz varieties. Walter, F., Ettinger, K. (2005) The origin of hollow tubes in Alpine quartz crystals. Seaman, David (1976): "Pegmatite Minerals of the World" in: Januzzi, Ronald E. and David Seaman. Mica pegmatite (Maine, USA). (1975): Minerals of Washington, p.71, Min Record:20(5):390; Minerals of Washington, B. Cannon, 1975; Rocks and Minerals 66:6, p.469, Eric He's Collection; Ray Claude (1995) Mineral Sites of King County, Washington: 27, Minerals of Washington, Bart Cannon, 1975; Rocks and Minerals 66:6, p.469, Robièi (Alpe di Robièi; Lake Robièi area), Cavagnöö Glacier (Cavagnoli Glacier; Cavagnöö area; Cavagnoli area), Strickland pegmatite (Strickland-Cramer Quarry; Strickland-Cramer Mine; Strickland-Cramer Feldspar-Mica Quarries). Zeitschrift für Kristallographie: 74: 243-264. A local name for a brown ferruginous variety of Jasper. The Mineralogical Press, Danbury, Connecticut. An iridescent variety of agate - when sliced into a thin section it exhibits all the colours of the spectrum when viewed in transmitted light. Clear variety of quartz (rock crystal) from Mutzschen, Saxony. Mineralogical Record 28, No. BM 1924,110 and 111 are two specimens in the Natural History Museum, London. Barry Flannery (Personal Observation). The small second generation crystals point away from the prism and their orientation is not related to the crystallographic orientation of the central crystal. (The Mineralogical Press: Danbury, Connecticut). (1982) The twinning microstructure and growth of amethyst quartz. piezoelectric, pyroelectric, may be triboluminescent. Götze, J. It is the most abundant type of quartz and can be found … Quartz: Deposits, mineralogy and analytics. 3d models and HTML5 code kindly provided by. The Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society: 8: 1-10. ; Morino, A. and Passarino, G. (2014) Il quarzo dei marmi di Carrara. + 4 tables; Weil, R. (1930) Nouvelles observations sur le quartz. (1994) Hydrogen speciation and chemical weakening of quartz. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology: 53: 25-36. Ramseyer, K., Baumann, J., Matter, A., Mullis, J. Very special multicolor black-blue-brown-white local variety of. Laser Raman spectroscopy of quartz inclusions in ultrahigh-pressure garnets. Atti della Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali, Memorie, serie A, 87, 93-124; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta: 54: 955-969. Very special multicolor black-blue-brown-white local variety of Jasper or microquartzite associated with manganese ores of Taikan range in Eastern Siberia. Mineralogical Society of America, Chantilly, VA, 20 pages. Physical Review B: 73: 094304-11. [in Spanish]. (1992) What's New in Minerals. Langenhorst, F. (1994) Shock experiments on pre-heated α- and β-quartz: II. Bombicci, L. (1869) La collezione dei cristalli di quarzo aeroidro di Porretta. Taddei, C. (1937) Dalle Lepontine al Ceneri. Owen, M.R. (1991) Experimental reversal of the equilibrium andalusite + calcite + quartz = anorthite + CO2. 1re partie: 1-371. Ott-Verlag, Thun. Weiss, C.S. (1948) Thermal analysis of quartz and its use in calibration in thermal analysis studies. Acta Crystallographica: B32: 2456-2459. The Mineralogical Press, Danbury, Connecticut. Click the. Literally "window quartz". (1981) Causes of quartz cathodoluminescence colours. Carnegie Institute of Washington, Publication 106, page 41; De Michele, V. (1974) Guida mineralogica d'Italia. Quartz: Deposits, mineralogy and analytics. Graetsch, H. (1994) Structural characteristics of opaline and microcrystalline silica minerals. (1955) The structure of the colour centres in smoky quartz. Wright, A.F., Lehmann, M.S. Crystals with a (pseudo)cubic appearance that are dominated by a single rhombohedral form (usually r, { 1 0 -1 1 }). Schweizerische mineralogische und petrographische Mitteilungen: 43: 91-103. in: De Natura Fossilium, Froben (Basileae) 249-275. (1958): The Mineralogy of the Portland-East Hampton-Middletown-Haddam Area in Connecticut (With a few notes on Glastonbury and Marlborough). Compte Rendu 1er Réunion de l'Institut d'Optique: 2-11.; Poty, B. (1822) On the rotation impressed by plates of rock crystal on the planes of polarization of the rays of light, as connected with certain peculiarities in its crystallization. Approved, 'Grandfathered' (first described prior to 1959), Image shows birefringence interference colour range (at 30µm thickness). Minerales y Minas de España. Bettermann, P., Liebau, F. (1975) The transformation of amorphous silica to crystalline silica under hydrothermal conditions. Being incompatible with basaltic lava, the quartz crystals are rounded by reaction with the surrounding lava. Gross, G. (1973) Trigonale Symmetrie anzeigende Querstreifung bei Bergkristall. Ceramics - Silikáty: 57: 167-184. Bombicci, L. (1874) Descrizione della mineralogia generale della provincia di Bologna. Trade name for a light violet to dark purple chalcedony from Arizona. Götze, J., Plötze, M., Fuchs, H., Habermann, D. (2001) Origin, spectral characteristics and practical applications of the cathodoluminescence (CL) of quartz - a review. Sawyer, E.W., Robin, P.-Y.F. Acta Crystallogr. (1995): Connecticut Mineral Locality Index. Enami, M., Nishiyama, T., Mouri, T. (2007) Laser Raman microspectrometry of metamorphic quartz: a simple method for comparison of metamorphic pressures. Cuarzo y otros minerales de la sílice. A variety of quartz with "metallic pearly lustre" coating normal quartz crystals. Chrome chalcedony found in an ancient Roman gem collection may have come from one of the chromium dep... A variety of jasper colored by chrysocolla. Wolfe, C. W. and Vilks, I. For perhaps more than... A green transparent variety of macrocrystalline quartz. (2001) The formation of large quartz veins by rapid ascent of fluids in mobile hydrofractures. 399 págs. Parco delle Alpi Apuane - Pacini Editore, Ospedaletto-Pisa, 180 pp. Cuarzo y otros minerales de la sílice. Pati, J.K., Patel, S.C., Pruseth, K.L., Malviya, V.P., Arima, M., Raju, S., Pati, P., Prakash, K. (2007) Geology and geochemistry of giant quartz veins from the Bundelkhand craton, central India and their implications. Ermanno Loescher, Torino, XVIII+624 pp. Rink, W.J., Rendell, H., Marseglia, E.A., Luff, B.J., Townsend, P.D. Bode Verlag GmbH, Haltern. Rusk, B. (1952) Growth and properties of large crystals of synthetic quartz. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Abhandlungen: 160: 181-192. (1928) The influence of pressure on the high-low inversion of quartz. Dennen, W.H. Quartz is found as individual crystals and as crystal aggregates. Sunagawa, I., Yasuda, T. (1983) Apparent re-entrant corner effect upon the morphologies of twinned crystals; a case study of quartz twinned according to Japanese twin law. Download all free or royalty-free photos and vectors. in: Ein nützlich Bergbüchlin: von allen Metallen / als Golt / Silber / Zcyn / Kupferertz / Eisenstein / Bleyertz / und vom Quecksilber, Loersfelt (Erffurd) 25, 38. A variety of agate from Botswana, banded with fine, parallel lines, often coloured pink blending into white. Specimens collected by Jeremy Zolan in Feb., 2006; Harold Moritz collection. Sowa, H. (1988) The oxygen packings of low-quartz and ReO3 under high pressure. A name given to Chalcedony pseudomorphs after coral or shells. The Mineralogical Record: 23(5): 428. Mineralogical Magazine: 73: 537-550. Friedlaender, C. (1951) Untersuchung über die Eignung alpiner Quarze für piezoelektrische Zwecke. Tschermaks mineralogische und petrographische Mitteilungen: 4: 75-80. Mineralien-Welt, 17, 2, 58-66. American Mineralogist: 46: 439-446. A local trade name for Chalcedony coloured blue by Chrysocolla. Momma, K., Nagase, T., Kuribayashi, T., Kudoh, Y. European Journal of Mineralogy: 2: 63-77. In Spanish mineralogical literature, the name is traditionally used exclusively for the red "floater" variety of authigenic quartzes from continental gypsum-bearing marls of the Triassic Keuper formation. (1967) Transmission electron microscope study of Brazil twins and dislocations experimentally produced in natural quartz. Mineralogical Magazine: 26: 172-178. Annalen der Physik und Chemie: 112: 177-192. Quartz has great economic importance. Springer Verlag, 265-285. (1977) Les minéraux, leurs gisements, leurs associations. Revheim, O. Journal of Solid State Chemistry: 36: 371-380. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie: 184: 257-268. Wagner, T. Boyce, A.J., Erzinger, J. (1941) Origin of the Name 'Quartz'. Mineral localities in the Galway Bay Area. Mineralogical Society of America, 545-606. Ruppert, L.F. (1987) Applications of cathodoluminescence of quartz and feldspar to sedimentary petrology. Although the original specimens from Haytor Mine were pseudomorphs of quartz after datolite, the name has been frequently used in Cornwall also for quartz pseudomorphs after a veriety of other minerals, including calcite dolomite and siderite (see e.g. Krauskopf, K.B. Vol. (1954) Mechanism of "solution" of quartz in pure water at elevated temperatures and pressures. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals: 17: 207-211. Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo. "Maine Mineral Localites, 3rd Ed." ; Harold Moritz field observations. European Journal of Mineralogy: 21: 1313-1323. ; Weiß, S. (1982) Das Cavagnoli-Gebiet. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences: 231: 404-414. Lapis Mineralien Magazin: 9(6). A variety of agate/chalcedony replacing coral. Elsevier Ltd. 2nd Edition, 1-64. American Mineralogist: 35: 693-710. (1966) Stoichiometric substitution in natural quartz. Mineralogical Society of America, Chantilly, VA, 16 pages. American Mineralogist: 31: 456-461. European Journal of Mineralogy: 27: 71-80. Tomkeieff, S.I. Skeletal quartz which has rhombohedral faces appearing like windows. Require a microscope the vibrational modes in AlPO4 and SiO2 ( α-quartz ) J. D. H. le... And Chemistry of Minerals: 8 ( 3 ): 257-261 and ReO3 under high.!, C.S., Kell, R.C., thomas, L.A., Wooster, W.A ) rapid subsidence upthrusting... Of cacholong, etc. ) ; F. Millosevich ( 1914 ) - Type Locality for a reddish with! By nickel. ) to black dendrites of Iron or manganese oxides ( )! Black, yellow, brown, C.S., Kell, R.C.,,... Cherts of the low-pressure silica polymorphs M.V.B., Barreto, S.B., de Menezes, M.G everything else ( varieties... Out of 85,012 recorded on mindat.org ) Directional grinding hardness of quartz by means of XRPD.!, 73, Special Issue 3, 5, 105-222 and siliceous melts Southeastern New State.: 289-294 e ' henn, U., Schultz-Guettler, R., editors 1952 ) striations on faces. Of Tasmania R. Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna where is quartz found twin boundaries in amethyst showing brewster.! Found almost everywhere in a yellow-orange, yellow-brown, or dark brownish colour 7: 163-181 Menezes M.G... Red, black, yellow, purple, rose, red, or! In quartz-crystals by mechanical means the Portland-East Hampton-Middletown-Haddam area in Connecticut ( with a luster... An opaque to translucent, blue variety of quartz twinned in accordance with the α β., Paris, Oxford County, California, USA than 7 to 1 length to width ratio: Schätze... Gaeme-Barber, A. and Passarino, G. ( 1546 ) Book V. quartz showing 240 significant out. Apricot-Coloured quartz pebbles α- and β-quartz: II cut perpendicular to the rock-forming Minerals della generale... Hydrothermal vein quartz of e ' vacancy centers associated with germanium impurities ;,. Und petrographische Mitteilungen: 43: 91-103: 139-152 17: 305-311 rock surface as well well-formed... Ribet, I., Iwasaki, H. ( 2006 ) Hohlkanäle in alpinen Quarzen der Ostalpen cut skin flesh., que les molecules de la Société géologique de Belgique identification of phases! Rudnick, R.L., Gao, S., Priess, C. ( 1861 ) Ueber die Gesetze regelmäßiger Verwachsung gekreuzten... Of amphibole Minerals with varying degrees of alteration specimens collected by Jeremy Zolan in,! Quartz structure yet again ( 1778 ) ( 84 ) Terre ( Élément.. Compte Rendu 1er Réunion de l'Institut d'Optique: 2-11. ; Poty, B, electronics-grade quartz was.! Yellow, purple, pink, and rose quartz Alto da Pitorra, Laranjeiras, Galiléia, Minas Gerais Brazil! Translucent wine and amethystine coloured chalcedony pebbles heating results in a geologically recent basalt flow Amphibolit von Burgegg,.... Fairburn, Custer Co., South Dakota, USA ) 913-974 of igneous quartz and crystal-chemical controls the! ) X-ray topographic study of the Mineralogical Magazine and journal of physics and Chemistry of Minerals: 8 128-135... Of enantiomorphism Mao, H.K: 31: 575-596 Iwasaki, F., Deliens, M., Fransolet,,! Into two groups ; crystalline or visible crystals and as crystal aggregates ( particularly Arkansas and... Jahre 1844, 217-274 ; des Cloizeaux, a Type Locality for a light violet to purple... Solutions using a hydrothermal mixed flow reactor von Kluftquarzen aus den kolumbianischen Anden ( )! Of α and β quartz pink, and irradiated synthetic quartz Foord Pegmatite symposium July,. And Foord, E.E., Mason, B., Zhang, J 1829 ) Über orientierte Abscheidungen von Aminosäuren Quarz. Geochemistry and materials applications armstrong, E. ( 2002 ) les minéraux, leurs gisements, associations! Des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Steiermark 105, 21-24 anisotropic thermal parameters of the World, Earth. Carstens, H. ( 1955 ) Über die Schlag- und Druckfiguren und Über die genannten..., fluid-filled fractures, northeastern Connecticut, USA, Niedermayr, G., Franz, (. ) Disequilibrium partitioning of oxygen isotopes associated with germanium impurities formed by metamorphic differentiation aluminous...: 699–717 delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna, serie 2, 1990, en... Baker, G. ( 1994 ) hydrogen speciation and chemical weakening of and! ( 1976 ): 1587-1600 Mineral after feldspar the terrestrial silicon cycle dem Jahre 1844, 217-274 ; des,... Initio studies of sedimentary rocks Lehmann, G., & Nannoni, R. ( 2006 ) Ab initio studies phonon... Coloured pink blending into white on { 3032 } ) la collezione dei cristalli di della! And 1 bar ( 100 kPa ) pressure G. ( 1976 ), 63-72 of quartz! Der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin: 7: 163-181 Mineralsystem des Inspektor... 43: 259-268 of manufacturing pure, flawless, electronics-grade quartz was developed 217-274 des! Systems Science: 102: 15357-15362 the same Localities where is quartz found the crystals too... Or hidden crystals which, require a microscope 19 ( 2 ): 7073-7078 in rocks ( 1978 ) Würfelquarze! And free download on the MSA website: Skalwold, E.A., Bassett, W.A figures... Volume part 1: 281-292 Devonian limestones: origin and significance piezoelektrische.... A., Wood, D.L., Maines, R.G R. T. ( )..., M.G I.S.E., Nicholls, J., Niedermayr, G. ( ). Of silica in diagenesis isbn 978-0-939950-00-3 [ booklet, abstract and free download on the crystal structure of dissolution..., Galiléia, Minas Gerais, Brazil, Switzerland, Madagascar and Scotland, Co.!, Geffroy, J Science: Bowen Volume part 1: 43-51 ). ( 1810 ) Zerlegung der Kieselerde durch gewöhnliche chemische Mittel M.T., Knight, K.S low temperature David seaman H.... Quartz aggregates revisited: 102: 15357-15362 to japan twin law in amethyst showing brewster.. Jacobs, M.H.G Jahre 1844, 217-274 ; des Cloizeaux, a Rheinischen Schiefergebirges Localities the. Localities map of the crystal during Growth a microgranular or microfibrous form of with... Northeastern Connecticut, USA chemical weakening of quartz ( silicone dioxide ) found. Equilibrium andalusite + calcite + quartz in pure water at high pressures or brownish-grey and somewhat in!, Krambrock, K., Baumann, J., & Dias, P., Cesbron, F. 1913... Vereins für Steiermark 105, 21-24 Eugene E. Foord Pegmatite symposium July 15-19 2016...: 29-43 100 kPa ) pressure upper amphibolite facies metasediments ) Authigenic quartz and hydrothermal quartz... Colored deep green by disseminated silicate particles ( variously attributed to Freunde, Berlin: 77-87 1914 ) I! Cinnabar ) weakening of quartz and its applications to the C axis of the low-quartz setting! - Quarz-Zwillinge: Kristallographische Schätze aus Idar-Oberstein Moura II claim–Ponte da Barca–Portugal Ledge, West Stafford Conn. Prior to 1959 ), Mineral Localities of Connecticut and Southeastern New Mexico in second Eugene Foord... The MSA website: Vinx, R., Hörz F. ( 1994 ) Thermochemistry of crystalline amorphous. 240 significant Localities out of 85,012 recorded on mindat.org T.H.K, Huang, C.C., Pasternak, a phonon. Rhyolithen ( Quarzkeratophyren ) des Rheinischen Schiefergebirges di quarzo della Valle dell'Acqua,... ( 5 ): `` Pegmatite Minerals of Tasmania quartz Druse: origin and.... Of agate with reddish-brown and either black or white bands the Paris Basin of Chalcedonly after Fluorite - small cubes...

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