[68], Singapore, being a small country, has been reclaiming land from the sea around the island. [69] Madkulturen er også blevet stærkt fremmet som en attraktion for turister, med Singapore Food Festival i juli, der holdes årligt for at fejre Singapores køkken. Gardens by the Bay og "park-connector" projektet hvor alle større parker skal være forbundet med hinanden via gang- og cykelstier. [122] De tre højeste bygninger i Singapore er Republic Plaza, UOB Plaza One og OUB Centre, der alle tre er over 280 meter høje. A partire da novembre 1944 al maggio 1945, gli Alleati condussero un bombardamento intensivo sulla città di Singapore fintanto che gli inglesi non riottennero il territorio nel settembre 1945 a seguito della resa del Giappone.[29]. In 1998, 2004, 2007 and 2012, the Singapore national football team were champions in the AFF Championship, the premier football competition in Southeast Asia. Listed below are the properties of Singapore which allow us to study it systematically. Singapore immediately sought international recognition of its sovereignty. There is a rising demand for more land as the population increases. 9 agosto: Festa nazionale di Singapore: indipendenza dalla Malesia, nel 1965.[94]. However, an increasingly significant number chose to stay permanently by the early to mid twentieth century, and their descendants would form the bulk of Singapore's population. I candidati sono votati per il Parlamento in un collegio uninominale. Since Singapore is an island, Singaporeans also enjoy many water activities including sailing, kayaking and waterskiing. Unlike previous elections, voters were automatically registered, expanding the electorate to around 300,000. At the time, the Kingdom of Singapura was under the rule of Parameswara, who killed the previous ruler before he was expelled by the Majapahit or the Siamese. Singapore vært for Genee International Ballet Competition 2009, en prestigefyldt klassisk ballet konkurrence fremmes af Royal Academy of Dance, et internationalt danse undersøgelsesråd baseret i London, England.[103]. With the Temenggong's help, Raffles managed to smuggle Tengku Long back into Singapore. [18] Singapore er kosmopolitisk og mangfoldigt med mange kinesere, der udgør et etnisk flertal. Desuden er havnen verdens travleste for omladningstrafik og verdens største skibsoptankningcentrum.[118]. [80] RSN opererer fra to baser, Tuas Naval Base og Changi Naval Base, og har et stort antal skibe, inklusive fire ubåde, seks fregatter, og fire amfibietransportfartøj dokhavne[bør uddybes]. Omkring 14%, hovedsageligt kinesere, eurasiatere, og inderne, dyrker kristendom – en bred klassificering, herunder katolicisme, protestantisme og andre trosretninger. Der idømmes også høje bøder for at spise eller drikke i busser eller i u-banen. The Fajar was the publication of the University Socialist Club which mainly at that time circulated in the university campus. I kølvandet af tsunamien i 2004 i Asien (eller Boxing Day-tsunamien) udsendte SAF 3 LSTs (Landing Ship Tank), 12 Super Puma og 8 Chinook helikoptere til støtte i nødhjælpsoperationer til de lande, der blev ramt af tsunamien. Det spiller også en vigtig rolle i republikkens katastrofebistands-aktioner. Il buddismo è la religione dominante a Singapore, praticata dal 33% degli abitanti. About 3.31 million are citizens. This means that the Chinese will learn Mandarin, Malays will learn Malay, and so on. The British Home Fleet was stationed in Europe and the plan was for it to sail quickly to Singapore when needed. Singapores regering påstår, at Singapore har suveræn ret til at bestemme over sit eget retssystem og pålægge, hvad der opfattes som en passende straf, herunder dødsstraf (hængning) for manddrab og narkohandel. Men mindre end to år efter meldte det sig ud af føderationen og blev en uafhængig republik den 9. august 1965. Singapore var et af de første lande til at introducere bompenge. At smide ting ud på offentlige steder, eller ikke at bruge skraldespande, straffes med høje bøder, og der idømmes samfundstjeneste. [78], Dal momento che Singapore è una piccola isola con un'alta densità di popolazione, il numero di auto private sulla strada è limitato, in modo da ridurre l'inquinamento e la congestione del traffico. Planer for høje bygninger skal gennemgås af Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore. The PAP, in a tit-for-tat, challenged UMNO candidates in the 1964 federal election as part of the Malaysian Solidarity Convention, winning one seat in the Malaysian Parliament. While most Chinese Singaporeans are descendants of southern Chinese migrants who spoke a variety of regional languages, it is the northern Chinese language of Mandarin that is official in Singapore, though dialects such as Hokkien and Cantonese are still prevalent in the older generation of Chinese. The 2017 election was reserved for candidates from the minority Malay community. SCDF vedligeholder en stor flåde af brugerdefinerede køretøjer, kaldet "appliances", for at have en beredskabskraft, som er i stand til at afbøde alle former for brand og katastrofer. [kilde mangler]. [27][28], When Raffles arrived, it was estimated that there were around 1,000 people living in the whole of the island of Singapore, mostly local groups that would become assimilated into Malays and a few dozen Chinese. [36], Students in Singapore go through six years of compulsory[38] Primary school, which ends with all students taking a Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE). [13][14] Wang mentioned that the natives of Long Ya Men (thought to be the Orang Laut) and Chinese residents lived together in Long Ya Men. Det er også medlem af Commonwealth of Nations. [108] The election was also the first after the death of Lee Kuan Yew (the nation's first Prime Minister and an MP until his passing). [49] Den højeste og laveste temperatur registreret i den maritime historie er henholdsvis 19,4 °C og 35,8 °C. [46] Although members of the councils were not elected, more representatives for the local population were gradually included over the years. La versione giapponese Soka Gakkai è praticata per lo più da abitanti di origine cinese. The country was given colony rank in 1867. [70] Numerous racial riots resulted and curfews were frequently imposed to restore order. It lay at the southern tip of the Malay peninsula, near the Straits of Malacca, and possessed a natural deep harbour, freshwater supplies, and timber for repairing ships. [19], In 2013, Singapore launched the PubliCity program, which designated two blank walls along the Rail Corridor for urban art. Visse former politisk materiale er ikke tilladt. [49] Chan Cho-Nam, Cheung Wing-Fook and Chan Po-Yin (陳步賢, 1883–1965) started the revolution-related Chong Shing Chinese Daily Newspaper (中興日報, 中興 meaning China revival),[50] with the inaugural issue on 20 August 1907 and a daily distribution of 1000 copies. ", PM Lee on racial and religious issues (National Day Rally 2009) / Our News / Singapore United - Community Engagement Programme Portal, http://www.spp.nus.edu.sg/ips/docs/pub/CRC%20report%201992.pdf, "A Little Red Dot – Singapore: Our Heritage", "Hari Raya bazaar 'a celebration of Singapore's diversity, "Ethnic Integration Policy and SPR Quota", "Singapore, Indonesia on track to implement automatic tax data swop", "Mr Lee Kuan Yew - committed in building a garden city", "Graphic novelist Sonny Liew is first Singaporean to win Eisner award, bagging 3 comics Oscars", "Wall dressed up: Graffiti and street art in Singapore", "Photographing heritage murals in Singapore". [24] Il governatore britannico Thomas Stamford Raffles di Bencoolen, che corrisponde all'odierna provincia di Bengkulu nella Sumatra del sud-ovest, convinse il governatore generale dell'India Francis Rawdon-Hastings ad espandere i territori britannici nella penisola malese. The first Singaporean elections, held in March 1948, were limited as only six of the twenty-five seats on the Legislative Council were to be elected. [56] Lieutenant General Sir William George Shedden Dobbie was appointed governor of Singapore and General Officer Commanding Malaya Command on 8 November 1935, holding the post based in The Istana until shortly before the outbreak of World War II in 1939.
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