Major: History. (State)\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Reed, D. K. (presented 2012, June). {\i Solaris Winds Quintet} [Chamber]. {\i The Historian}, 170.\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Jones, M. D. (2007). Post your job instantly – we’ll advise you on how to get the most out of your advert. Workshop delivered at Webinar for the Center on Instruction, Reading Strand, webinar. 17). Manuscript submitted for publication.\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Lenfest, A., & Reed, D. K. (in press). (2007, November). ), {\i African Americans and the Presidency: The Road to The White House}. \par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-1800\li1800\tx1800 1999\tab MA, University of Texas, San Antonio, TX. \par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-1800\li1800\tx1800 1994\tab English and Social Studies Teacher, Futures Junior/Senior High School, Oceanside, California. }\par \pard \pard \keepn \par {\pard \qc\keepn {\b Florida State University}\par }\pard \keepn \par \pard \keepn {\b FSU University Service}\par \pard \keepn \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member, President's Advisory Panel on University Naming and Recognitions (2017\u8211?present).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Voting Member, FSU Hall of Fame Committee (2016\u8211?present).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member, Quality Enhancement Plan Committee (2011\u8211?present).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member, Calendar Committee (2001\u8211?present).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member, University on Student Conduct (1997\u8211?present).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Quality Enhancement Review Committee, Subcommittee of the GPC (2018).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member, Exploration of College of Arts and Sciences Committee (2011).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Chair, Faculty Senate Grievance Committee (2011).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member, Athletics Board (1996\u8211?2008).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member, Commission on the Future (1997\u8211?1998).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member, Tuition Committee (1996\u8211?1997).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member, Martin Luther King, Jr., Distinguished Scholar Award Committee (1995\u8211?1996).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member, Library Committee (1993\u8211?1996).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member, Undergraduate Policy Committee (1993\u8211?1996).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member, Martin Luther King, Jr., Distinguished Scholar Award Committee (1993\u8211?1994).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member, Women and Development (1993\u8211?1994).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member, Library Committee (1989\u8211?1993).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member, Minority Advisory Board (1990\u8211?1991).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member, Council on Research and Creativity Committee (1988\u8211?1991).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member, Refund Committee (1988\u8211?1991).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member, Delores Auzenne Fellowship Committee (1983\u8211?1991).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member, Martin Luther King, Jr., Distinguished Scholar Award Committee (1989\u8211?1990).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \par \pard \keepn {\b FSU College Service}\par \pard \keepn \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 member, Search Committee Undergraduate Studies (2017\u8211?present).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Director, Director of Women's Studies Program (2014\u8211?present).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member, College of Arts and Sciences Dean Search Committee (1990\u8211?1991).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member, College of Arts and Sciences Teaching and Advising Awards Committee (1989\u8211?1991).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \par \pard \keepn {\b FSU Department Service}\par \pard \keepn \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member, Graduate Studies Committee (2017\u8211?present).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member, Executive Committee (2009\u8211?present).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member, Graduate Studies Committee (1995\u8211?present).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member, Salary Committee (2017\u8211?2018).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn \par {\pard \qc\keepn {\b The Profession}\par }\pard \keepn \par \pard \keepn {\b Service to Professional Associations}\par \pard \keepn \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Editorial Board, Florida Historical Quarterly (1993\u8211?1997).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member Board of Directors, Florida Historical Society (1994\u8211?1995).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Judge for the Rembert W. Patrick Memorial Book Prize, Florida Historical Quarterly (1991\u8211?1992).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \par {\pard \qc\keepn {\b The Community}\par }\pard \keepn \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member Steering Committee, Working through AGI to acknowledge lynchings that took place in Leon County by erecting a historical marker, Community Remembrance Committee (2018\u8211?present).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member, Advisory Committee, Astoria Park Elementary School (2002\u8211?present).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Judge, Florida State History Fair (1999).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Judge, Florida State History Fair (1998).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Speaker, MaClay School (1995).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member, Florida Sesquicentennial Planning Committee (1995).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Judge, Florida State History Fair (1995).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Speaker, Lincoln High School (1994).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Judge, Florida State History Fair (1994).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Speaker, Port St. Joe High School (1994).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Member, Tallahassee/Leon County Historic Preservation Awards Committee (1992).\par \pard \pard \par \pard \par {\pard \qc\keepn {\b Consultation}\par }\pard \keepn \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 National Museum of African American History and Culture. \par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Reed, D. K., Wexler, J., & Vaughn, S. (2012). \par \pard \pard \fi-720\li720 Johnson, T. S., doctoral student. \par \pard \pard \fi-720\li720 Correa, P., doctoral candidate. (National)\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Reed, D. K. (presented 2006, August). (2014).\par \pard \pard \fi-720\li720 Williams, C., graduate. Delivered at Hillsborough Community College, Ybor City Campus and Dale Mabry Campus. (Eds. \par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Jones, M. D. (1996). \par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Keesecker, J., & Moore, C. (solo and duo performer). \par \pard \pard \par \pard \par \pard \keepn {\b Master's Committee Member}\par \pard \keepn \par \pard \keepn\fi-720\li720 Bowes, M. K., graduate. (International) Retrieved from {\field{\*\fldinst HYPERLINK ""}{\fldrslt}}\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Reed, D. K. (2012, May). \par \pard \pard \fi-720\li720 Weber, J. M., doctoral candidate. \par \pard \pard \par \pard \par \pard \keepn {\b Professional Experience}\par \pard \keepn \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-1800\li1800\tx1800 2014\u8211?present\tab Director, Women's Studies Program, Women's Studies, Florida State University. \par \pard \pard \fi-720\li720 Volunteer of the Year, Boys and Girls Club (2014). (2015).\par \pard \pard \fi-720\li720 Galit Kaunitz, graduate. Black Women In America: An Historical Encyclopedia, edited by Darlene Clark Hine, Elsa Barkley Brown, and Rosalyn Terborg-Penn. [Origination of the work by Richard Strauss]. {\i Tier 1 Intervention for Struggling Adolescent Readers: A Cross-Curricular Approach}. \par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-1800\li1800\tx1800 2012\u8211?2013\tab Assistant in Research, Florida Center for Reading Research. \par \pard \pard \fi-720\li720 Troupe, F. Y., doctoral candidate. \par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Reed, D. K., Denton, C., Bryan, D., Wexler, J., & Vaughn, S. (2007). {\i Performance UGA Concert Series} [Double Wind Quintet]. {\i Designing and implementing reading interventions for adolescents}. (2012).\par \pard \pard \fi-720\li720 Willis Joseph, D. J., graduate. Already have an account? \par \pard \pard \fi-720\li720 Rashid, F., doctoral candidate. {\i Solo and orchestral repertory}. \par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Reed, D. K. (2008). (2011).\par \pard \pard \fi-720\li720 Howell, J. H., graduate. In Horgan, J. J., & Wynne, L. N. Workshop delivered at George W. Bush Foundation's Middle School Matters Institute, Austin, TX. Master class delivered at Interlochen Arts Camp, Interlochen Center for the Arts. Presentation at 36th International Conference on Learning Disabilities, Council for Learning Disabilities, Philadelphia, PA. (International)\par \pard \pard \par \pard \keepn\widctlpar\fi-720\li720 Cummings, K. D., Reed, D., Biancarosa, G., & Schaper, A.
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