- Duration: 7:35. Can any of you sick fucks give an explanation for the feint of heart? The Miner's Haven Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community. Azure PurifierDreamer's NightmareFunky TownDevil's Spore. Funky Town is a decimal rarity Reborn-tier furnace added in the Reincarnation Update. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Lazer1785 181,873 views. It has a base multiplier of x600 which can be increased through processing ore with status effects. Posted by 4 months ago. Status effects with merged multiplier cells are not stackable. ), ( Soon reach 40k, possibly get something here. https://minershaven.fandom.com/wiki/Billy_Lucifer?oldid=267285. Around an eon ago, miners first started their adventure over at the Azure Mines, where Billy founded a $wag Shop. Refer to Overview for more details. Things I have accomplished in Miner's Haven. When miners began to move out of the Azure Mines and on to other endeavors, Billy stayed behind to maintain his store. General. Aelfrun was devastated with the loss of his friend. Istg its impossible i need to get both effects to get the best multi with Funky Town but it doesnt seen like that because flame will get put out by atlantic and then if you use it before, it doesnt effect the ore because of the wet effect. Multiplier increases additively with status effectsRemoves some status effects from ore, Ore size gradually increased by a small amountCapped at 3x3x3 and ore is destroyed. It has a base multiplier of x600 which can be increased through processing ore with status effects. He went mad, forming a cult to corrupt Daegel and have him wage war on the gods, and grant himself immortality. Status effects with merged multiplier cells are not stackable. 2 years ago. One day, a wizard named Aelfrun would meet the lone storekeeper, and the two instantly became friends. With a vendetta against the gods he feels are responsible for Billy's death, the gods began to fear the moment Aelfrun would attack Solumn at his weakest point as revenge. Most visited articles. Your go-to place for Miner's Haven news, item submissions, meta … Press J to jump to the feed. The wizard would introduce him to Meralin, where Billy would soon develop an interest in blood magic. Pretty big nerd ngl still uses the old ugly infobox smh you should update it it's pretty bad. https://minershaven.fandom.com/wiki/Funky_Town?oldid=270046. The Atlantic Monolith has an additional function in addition to its 4x multiplier. Funky Town is a decimal rarity Reborn-tier furnace added in the Reincarnation Update. Aelfrun had desired this power, and Billy sought to reward his friend. Please either enable it in your browser options, or visit your. *Flaming stacked with Wet is achieved by using Railgun Cannon. :). Its multiplier starts at x130 and increases depending on the amount of status effects the ore carries. His Catalyst is the Catalyst of Blood Magic, allowing the user to craft the Swag City. The Miner's Haven Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community. The Death Cap is a Superstitious-tier upgrader originally added in the Reincarnation Update, but was first made obtainable during the 2020 Easter Event. User account menu. He would become known as "The Swag Dealer", and his shop would become well-known to the miners, and frankly, the entire world. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Smells pretty bad i wouldnt kiss him - Bee, * * * * * I am too lazy to convert my infobox ** * * * ** *>> > 2ijp. Or a different one? Add new page. The guy is getting his heart stabbed into pulp over and over, and then the guy starts literally cutting like the top layer of skin and fat and muscle of his chest and belly, all while the guy is conscious. [EDIT] Is my decimal luck good? I’ll add this to my list of “videos I will never google to see if real or not”. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Hades noticed a corruption within Billy, a corruption he desired, born from the art of blood magic. Which is the game I mainly play and my favorite (you're not british spell it the American way) game of all Roblox. If you haven't seen it, it's a fully conscious man, bound up with rope (or some sort of tie) on a ceramic floor, with his face flayed off and some dude going at his neck with a boxcutter. His Catalyst is the Catalyst of Blood Magic, allowing the user to craft the Swag City. It has a base multiplier of x600 which can be increased through processing ore with status effects. The item name may be a reference to the song, By extension, it can also be a reference to the achievement, The first sentence of the description may be a nod to OutOfOrderFoxy's. A few years would pass before Billy ultimately found a way to reach immortality without requiring a god, a feat the gods have feared. Previously, it also gave the following bonuses, which were quietly removed during the Heart of the Void update: The Miner's Haven Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community. The Miner's Haven Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community. ( I gave up on this ), The rich text editor does not work with JavaScript switched off. I can't get it out of my head. Its multiplier starts at x130 and increases depending on the amount of status effects the ore carries. In the distant past, he ran a famed swag shop at the Azure Mines, before dabbling in the forbidden art of … So the game decided to give me these decimal rarity Reborns but NOT King Birthday Cake!? The Death Cap is a Superstitious-tier upgrader originally added in the Reincarnation Update, but was first made obtainable during the 2020 Easter Event. I traumatized myself looking up that other cartel video they mentioned, the guy getting his chest cut off. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Increased multiplier depending on the ore status effects. The Atlantic Monolith is a Reborn-tier upgrader, first shown in this tweet by OutOfOrderFoxy, added in the Reincarnation Update. (Life 28.7k). It has a base multiplier of x600 which can be increased through processing ore with status effects. The Miner's Haven Wikia. Status effects with merged multiplier cells are not stackable. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. However, a yellow cat sent by the gods would approach the two, killing Billy with just one slash. Log in sign up. It’s a vid of some cartel guys torturing a dude who’s had his face and hands cut off, and he’s still alive and you can hear him screaming and gurgling. 5. Billy Lucifer is the Demigod of Hemomancy in Miner's Haven lore. Funkytown? If you haven't seen it, it's a fully conscious man, bound up with rope (or some sort of tie) on a ceramic floor, with his face flayed off and some dude going at his neck with a boxcutter. Hemomancy is the magic of blood, which is what Billy specializes in. Codes; The Masked Man; Meralin's Sorcery; Methuselah's Mask; Cash Suffixes; Catalysts; Swag City; Codes Rules Editing Guidelines List Users Blog Posts Staff. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Funky Town is a decimal rarity Reborn-tier furnace added in the Reincarnation Update. Chris and Niall talked about this supposedly "most disgusting" gore video in the latest episode, but didn't describe what it is. Close. if you wait out the effect you wont get the effect bonus because wet effect ran out. It'll be a while 'till I get my next superstitious item or my first enchant. Dropper: 0.25 Ooftopian Refiner: Multiplies ore value based on the number of digits in the ores value. I haven't seen it and judging by the way people describe it, neither should you. Furnace: 0.25 King Gold Mine: Produces large, high value ore with a significant negative upgrade counter. Waking up in the Underworld, Billy would approach Hades in his palace, and demanded him for a second chance at life, as he felt that his life was unfairly ended at the hands of a cat. It's all about 2 minutes long and the song Funkytown by Lipps Inc. plays in the background along with some other tunes. Got it at life 1.59k --- delta phantom. Status effects with merged multiplier cells are not stackable. Wait, what? 5. just got this new item called funky town and it's pretty rare, but is it any good? Cool beans dude. ), ( Soon reach 50k, possibly get something here. Don't watch it please. how do you use atlantic monolith with flamethrower, I got my first superstitious item today. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. is there a loophole to get this to work? June 9th isn't actually my real birthday, I just use it because June is the 6th month and use 9 as the day cuz 69. In the distant past, he ran a famed swag shop at the Azure Mines, before dabbling in the forbidden art of blood magic, which in turn led to his downfall. ). Billy Lucifer is the Demigod of Hemomancy in Miner's Haven lore. Miners haven First life reborn qd-Qn (QUINTILLIONS fast) - Duration: 16:49. https://minershaven.fandom.com/wiki/The_Death_Cap?oldid=274083, The item's name is based off of the fungus species, This upgrader used to have an effect where ores grows in size, till it reaches maximum size and the ore is destroyed, now it is implemented to the. I got funky town and all other components for Swag City, my favorite item EXCEPT I have gotten NO vampire spores and I need 15 for a devil spore D: Do decimal reborns get more common if you skip 20 lives? It also gives ore the wet status effect, which is a temporary variant of the fireproof status effect. 1,143 Pages. https://minershaven.fandom.com/wiki/Thread:122955, Sacrifice and obtain the Ultimate Sacrifice, Sacrifice the second time and obtained the Final Upgrader, first rare reborn, Stellarite mine ( life 15k ), ( Soon reach 30k, possibly get something here. Base multiplier of x600, increases with status effects. Funky Town: Base multiplier of 600x. *Flaming stacked with Wet is achieved by using Railgun Cannon. Funky Town is a decimal rarity Reborn-tier furnace added in the Reincarnation Update. 16:49. This corruption granted Billy his godhood, turning him into the Demigod of Blood Magic. Makes me want to throw away all my knives. Aelfrun warned him about the practice, as even the most divine of gods looked down upon it, but the warning fell upon deaf ears. Select from a wide range of models, decals, meshes, plugins, or audio that help bring your imagination into reality. OP Miner's Haven Setup - QN/SX/SP/O/N/UD - DD if your lucky! There’s a link in the comments of the post of the video, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. Since (learn to capitalize smh) I've discovered Miner's haven, I've played non stop until second sacrifice life S+27k, now I'm just waiting on the next update. I play this game called Roblox, which it has Miner's H(learn to capitalize smh)aven. In the background sweet child of mine and funky town play on the radio. The Miner's Haven Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community. Use [Miner's Haven Submission] Funkytown and thousands of other assets to build an immersive game or experience. The guy's hands have been cut off, he still has to be physically restrained by some other guys, and every so often he yells or gargles a bit on his blood.
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