You skip the whole category the word is in if you circled the word and the rest are crossed off. Please help us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for free by whitelisting wikiHow on your ad blocker. In another example, they may say, "Choose four numbers," but not say whether this represents your annual income or your number of children. Decide whose fortune will be determined first, usually the person who last went on a date (you can decide if hookups count). Yes, you can choose whatever categories you want. represents your home: 'M' meaning you will live in a mansion, 'A' meaning you'll live in an apartment, 'S' meaning you'll live in a shack, and 'H' meaning you'll live in a house. Additional variations include adding a potential car, future spouse and ultimate career choice, amongst the numerous other possible categories. This stands for Mansion, Apartment, Tent, Cottage, House. Otherwise you'll end up with 101 kids instead of 3. Keep in mind there can also be other versions to play M.A.S.H. Imagination is helpful in this case. You'll lose track if the number is too high! If you want to learn how to play a more advanced game of M.A.S.H., keep reading the article! MASH can … Mercedes Benz - Step 8. You can add additional categories if you’d like, like different jobs, types of pets, and incomes, as long as every category has 4 options. The game you knew and loved, but updated with NSFW, hilarious content! Any. Basic M.A.S.H. Skip counting any options that you’ve already crossed off. Play the MASH Game Online Free! M.A.S.H. It is better with 2 players -- the person predicting the future and the person listening. I loved playing M.A.S.H as a kid and this version exceeded my expectations. This article has been viewed 840,194 times. This can be used as an ESL exercise, too! Below that write the names of 4 people you know, celebrities, or a combination of the two. These are the types of homes you could end up living in. I originally wasn’t sure about the premise of M.A.S.H. To create this article, 80 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. We’re so sorry! If your chosen number was 6, whose ever name you put in the "Niall" slot would be crossed off. Learn more... Do you remember gathering around with your group of friends in elementary school and playing fortune games, like Ouija and messing around with cootie catchers? Have a friend do it for you and you do it for a friend. *M.A.S.H. There are apps you can install on a mobile device or computer to play the game, but to play it the old-fashioned way, you need paper. For example if your number was 3, the 'S' in "M.A.S.H." consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow, Number of kids you're going to have: This goes on the bottom of your paper, you'll want to put down the. Then choose another random number and start counting from the next available option from where you left off. In this version, the person writing will tell the focus person to choose four items from a very general category, but not tell them what this applies to. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Sure, just use your imagination. It's the game of MASH, and now it's time to play it on the web! Keep going around the paper as explained, but in this example the next eighth step is "Liam" and that's already been crossed out! When you reach the number you chose, cross off the item you landed on. Income -- either a flat number ($70,000) or per day/minute/month ($5 a minute). BUY THIS GAME! Choose 4 cars you want or choose 4 cars for the other person. For example, they may say, "Choose four colors," but not tell the focus person whether the colors will be for their child's hair color or eye color. Choose your categories. Although you generally do not want more than 8 or 9. Great question! When player 1 says 'Stop', player 2 stops drawing marks and counts them. Choose some outrageous or funny selections for your list. This page was last edited on 15 October 2020, at 06:29. Hmm...anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 days, depending on how much everyone laughs! Oh no! The remaining items are considered to determine the Player 1's future. Alternatively, player 2 will make tally marks instead of drawing a swirl. MASH Game: Play Mansion Apartment Shack House Online for Free MASH is the classic kids fortune-telling game now free to play online in your browser. The name is an acronym of "Mansion, Apartment, Shack/Street/Shed/Sewers/Swamp, and House". My "accurate" fortune that said I was going to date Jake Gyllenhaal has not happened yet. Is there any way to make the questions more childish when playing M.A.S.H? Player 1 says "Stop" at a time they choose after waiting at least 3 seconds, and player 2 stops and draws a line through the swirl from the endpoint to the starting point. the game is not liable for any real fortunes, it's only liable for fun. Thanks M.A.S.H.!! Get creative. Quickly glance through the instructions to play, and have fun! Though MASH is traditionally written at the top of the page, the placement of the other categories is entirely optional. Discover your future with the classic "Mansion Apartment Shack House" story-telling game. No cards, and no boards; all you need is a pen and paper to kill that sudden wave of boredom among your friends. If you really can’t stand to see another ad again, then please consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. It's not "real" in the sense that it can't actually predict the future, it's just for fun. Pick one player to get their fortune read first. Hi! To do a speed version, many people only do 5 or 6. M.A.S.H. (mansion, apartment, shack, house). For example, you can choose some candidates for marriage that you or your friends would never marry, along with someone like Brad Pitt. [1] The game can be expanded to "DMASH" (the D standing for Dome) or "MASHO" (O standing for outhouse) or "MASH-IT" (the I standing for igloo and the T for tent) or "SMASH" (the S standing for school bus) or "RAP MASH" (the R standing for rich, the A standing for average, and P for poor) or "MASH-N" (the N standing for no house). There is absolutely a chance this will still happen but unfortunately there is nothing M.A.S.H. If your chosen number was 11, the number 2 at the bottom would be crossed off. In the example shown, there are eight dots on the paper, so eight will be the number used for this game. CASH replaced mansion with chateau or castle, PASH replaced mansion with palace or penthouse. Here's another old-school fortune game to reminisce upon, or to teach to your kids (if they don't know it already) and impress them with your teen awesomeness! Then pass on the paper. These are just the "classic" categories of the game. There are many ways to choose your number -- you can close your eyes and dot the paper until someone tells you to stop and then count how many dots you have, or you can close your eyes while making a spiral and count how many times you went around. Then present them with their future once you're done! For instance, if four lines were counted in the swirl, every fourth answer is crossed off the list. For further questions, comments and concerns please email us at the spiral)! When you have 1 option in each category circled, you’re finished! Yes. But know that they'll probably get you back when it's their turn! The car you'll have: This will go on the left side of your paper. The name is an acronym of "Mansion, Apartment, Shack/Street/Shed/Sewers/Swamp, and House". You could play it by yourself, but it's better to play with a friend. Try to keep options a mix of positive and negative. Find out more about cookies by reading our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. Partner's hair, eye, etc color (if the names under the partner list are just names, and not known people). You and your group will fill in the scenario with answers, then the spiral will decide your absolute accurate fortune!*. By clicking "continue" you'll be leaving this web site and landing on a third-party site in a new tab, which is governed by different terms and privacy policies. Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message,, Articles needing additional references from May 2016, All articles needing additional references, Articles needing additional references from February 2019, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Expect emails to include new content, updates and other fun surprises! I, for one, could not live without it. Whoever owns a physical copy of the game will be the host. You can download them. MASH, or M.A.S.H. So now that the second eighth step has been reached in the example, it will be crossed off. The rules are simple: Under each category, list 3 items. Mansion Apartment Shack House - Play MASH game online and home of MASH Touch on the App Store (iPad/iPhone/iPod) When I circle one word, do I skip over it if I were to come to it again afterwards? Player 1 or 2 counts each item down the page (starting with the MASH), and crosses off the answer that they land on. Each letter in the title is considered an answer and should be crossed off accordingly. Under that, write “1, 2, 3, 4,” or any other combination of numbers. By clicking "continue" you'll be leaving this web site and landing on a third-party site in a new tab, which is governed by different terms and privacy policies. It definitely isn’t the TV show that ran on CBS from 1972 to 1983. is back!! The name, gender, and hair/eye coloring of your first child. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. The game can be expanded to "DMASH" (the D standing for Dome) or "MASHO" (O standing for outhouse) or "MASH-IT" (the I standing for igloo and the T for tent) or "SMASH" (the S standing for school bus) or "RAP MASH" (the R standing for rich, the A standing for average, and P for poor) or "MASH-N" (the N sta… Add an extra angle to the game by making it Hidden MASH. We have no control over Jake (sigh). MASH is a multi-player paper-and-pencil game, commonly played by children intended to predict one's future. Experiment with different ways of deciding what makes the list. If they really don't want you to write Billy Bob on the to-be-married list, choose someone else. Rules to Play the ‘MASH’ Game: The Ultimate Pastime Activity Here's a silly pastime game called MASH.

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