Laura Capell is Managing Director of Sledge Ltd, one of the most successful events companies in London. We can provide K9 units for static sites and events. ← So einfach wird man jeden Tag ein bisschen mutiger. Main Event has closed games that would have customers standing next to each other, along with every other lane in its bowling alley. I Fielder, Festival Manager, Green Man Festival. We have a dedicated Festival & Event Management team who work along side our Static site and Corporate bookings team. Event health, safety and welfare: There are various methods that can be used to ensure your team’s and guest’s welfare at your event. Das ist ein anspruchsvolles Thema, bei dem die Veranstalter mit den Behörden am gleichen Strang ziehen sollten. We hold Safecontractor status and we also conform to ISO9001:2008 Quality Management. Security/stewarding: Include information on how many staff will be on site and any particular processes they will need to follow. Communications: Provide a basic overview of your communication plan in your event safety plan. People are coming to have fun and enjoy themselves here.". We have an extensive vetting process for all SIA licensed operatives which complies with BS7858. Large-scale temporary outdoor events near to major accident hazards. At Main Event Security we provide the very best security operatives in all aspects of the security industry at all types of events across the UK & Ireland with our head office in Taunton, South West England. Safety Information Troop Meetings Main Event The following three sample outing outlines can serve troop leaders as a point of reference, or as an actual framework, for the monthly main event relating to the safety program feature. Schutzkonzepte müssen – wie unsere Arbeit auch – flexibel ohne grossen Aufwand an neue Situationen angepasst werden können. Die offiziellen Piktogramme können zudem auf der Seite des BAG heruntergeladen werden. to support speaker clusters, lights etc used during outdoor events, Guide to safety at sports grounds - Green guide, Large-scale temporary outdoor events near to major accident hazards. Falls ihr Unterstützung braucht, stehen wir euch selbstverständlich gerne zur Verfügung. Sign-up below to receive news and updates on Event Safety. Und es gibt nichts Schlimmeres als scharf riechendes und schlecht duftendes Desinfektionsmittel. Her unique ability to understand brands and how people want to interact with them has seen Laura work with some of the biggest brands around, delivering award-winning service. Laura Capell is Managing Director of Sledge Ltd, one of the most successful events companies in London. CHECK OUT WLKY:Live. Besucherströme zu lenken, kann ebenfalls eine grössere Herausforderung sein. Risk assessment: This shows all readers that you have considered all the potential risks, but more importantly how you are minimising or removing those risks. The subjects in this course include legislation relative to the role, powers of arrest, search procedures, behavioural standards, incident recording, risk reduction, crime scene preservation, conflict management, physical intervention and effective communication. Meinen Namen, E-Mail und Website in diesem Browser speichern, bis ich wieder kommentiere. Take a look at our brochure, download or print! Contingency plans: Show the local authorities that you have considered all the main potential issues by putting contingency plan examples in your event safety plan. Copyright © 2020 We comply with ISO9001:2008 and have a Quality Management System in place as well as confirming to BS7858, BS7499, BS7960. This website will help organisers run events safely. After a three month closure during the COVID-19 pandemic, game and activity center Main Event opened its doors to guests again on Thursday. Laura was voted one of the top young industry professionals by Conference & Incentive Travel magazine. Bei genauerem Hinschauen stellen wir aber fest, dass wir Event-Organisatorinnen es gewohnt sind, Events unter anspruchsvollsten Bedingungen durchzuführen und jederzeit die Sicherheit von Besuchern und Mitarbeitenden zu garantieren. Country/ Region Term Definition Category; … Provide information in your event safety plan as to what visitors with various special needs will need to do. Our trainers have experience in high-risk environments; this brings an immense wealth of practical knowledge. Our approach to business is to have good communication with all clients, customer and staff to ensure that our service is consistently high. Inzwischen sind wir ja alle Händewasch-Profis. Provide information in your event safety plan as to what visitors with various special needs will need to do. Dieses muss aber zwingend vor dem Event miteinander abgesprochen werden, denn am Ende trägt der Veranstalter das Risiko für alle Zulieferer und Partner. Das Thema sieht auf den ersten Blick sehr komplex aus. At Main Event Security we provide the very best security operatives in all aspects of the security industry at all types of events across the UK & Ireland with our head office in Taunton, South West England. Gut riechende Desinfektionsmittel sind mittlerweile das absolute Must-have und hinterlassen immer einen positiven Eindruck. The individuals selected have often been from military backgrounds and have always been thoughtful, intelligent and responsive. We provide smart, professional corporate security guards for your site. Gerade wir Event-Organisatorinnen sind jetzt besonders gefordert, denn für öffentlich zugängliche Einrichtungen und Betriebe sowie für nicht private Veranstaltungen braucht es umfassende Schutzkonzepte. All are highly motivated and conscientious operatives who are well versed with running large scale events as well as smaller tasks. Wenn möglich sollten wir darauf achten, dass die Türen offen sind, damit unsere Gäste keine Türgriffe anfassen müssen. We were correct! Wenn wir für einen Event gleich eine Putzmannschaft vor Ort aufbieten, ist das sicher eine gute Investition. We ensure that our clients have their tasks and objectives met in a professional and suitable way so that we at Main Event Security can deal dynamically with any problems or issues that may arise. "We are guaranteeing our guests that this is a safe and clean environment. Exchange House, 12-14 The Crescent, Taunton, TA1 4EB 24hr Tel: 01823 746004, Modern Slavery Act 2015 Policy Statement Available Here, Check out our blog... #security #blog #festival #COVID19, Seeing the destruction from recent storms in South Wales has been truly awful, it's important we all pull together - so we've pledged £10,000 to help those affected. As well as receiving our Main Event in-house training which insures that they are fully aware and understand exactly what is expected of them at all times by us and our clients. Organisation and contractors: You should include a little information on the people you’re going to have on site in your event safety plan. Connect with friends faster than ever with the new Facebook app. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Mit Masken und Papiertrocknungstüchern entsteht jetzt noch mehr Abfall als sonst und stellt auch uns vor neue Herausforderungen. We are a Highfield Approved Centre for Teaching. Vielleicht kennt ihr das auch: Wir desinfizieren uns die Hände und machen automatisch eine Riechprobe. SIA L2 Door Supervisor Course – Taunton £275 // 5 day course // Book your place 01823746004 or email Deine E-Mail-Adresse wird nicht veröffentlicht. Wir sind verpflichtet, entsprechende Schutzkonzepte zu erarbeiten und umzusetzen. We strive to ensure that our clients’ tasks and objectives are met and their expectations are exceeded and we can deal dynamically with any issues or problems that arise at any time. "We've all needed a spot where we can go and have fun and be relieved. We strive to ensure that our clients tasks and objectives are met and their expectations are exceeded. Medical/first aid provision: Detail who on site will be available to provide first aid attention and how they can be contacted. The SIA Door Supervisor course is a regulated qualification and it is perfect for anyone looking to work as a door supervisor since it provides them with the necessary set of skills and knowledge needed to apply for an SIA licence in this field. There is information earlier in this chapter on different security options. What does ESA mean? The subjects in this course include legislation relative to the role, powers of arrest, search procedures, behavioural standards, incident recording, risk reduction, crime scene preservation, conflict management, physical intervention and effective communication. Of the top, we could tell there was only one server who was also manning the bar. Information to help event organisers manage crowds safely at events such as festivals and concerts. Aufkleber mit Pfeilen und Füssen zeigen an, wo man stehen und in welche Richtung man gehen soll. Definition Event Safety Alliance Main Category Governmental Sub Category Alliances Country Worldwide Suggest new full form. Electrical systems: Information on the level of power that is required and how this is being provided and maintained on site. The SIA Door Supervisor course is a regulated qualification and it is perfect for anyone looking to work as a door supervisor since it provides them with the necessary set of skills and knowledge needed to apply for an SIA licence in this field. Stage, temporary structures and infrastructure: Provide an overview of any major structure, of their manufacturer and any health and safety notes such as wind speed ratings. Referring back to your original brief will help you write this section. We manage stewarding for some of the UK’s top festivals and events, so if you want to be part of the Main Event Security family, checkout our recruitment page for our latest listings. We've all had to be parents and teachers in the past," said Mekkaoui. Main Event Security have covered numerous Red Bull events for me large and small and have always delivered a great service. To do this we must have effective leadership, motivated staff, and satisfied clients. Staff are always managed and briefed at each event meaning we get customized security adapting to different crowds. Ist dies nicht möglich, so können wir bei den Türen Spender zur Händedesinfektion platzieren. For many events all that is required is to follow a basic series of steps. Click to learn about our most recent safety and security policies. Our operators are trained to the highest industry standards. Erforderliche Felder sind mit * markiert. Event Management For Dummies Cheat Sheet (UK Edition), Identifying Your Target Market in Event Management, Developing an Event Management Critical Time Path, Part of Event Management For Dummies Cheat Sheet (UK Edition). This ensures we get the very best workers suitable for whatever role is required. Ich wünsche euch allen ein gutes Gelingen bei der Organisation eurer Events in dieser herausfordernden Zeit. Beta This is a new way of showing guidance - your feedback will help us improve it. If you’re looking for fun things do in Frisco, bowling or the best sports bar, we’ve got you covered. This gives us the confidence to get on with our job knowing that we are covered for the many situations that can occur in licensing environments. Die Corona-Pandemie hat unser Leben auf den Kopf gestellt und bestimmt weiterhin unseren Alltag. We have found 139 more results for ESA. We manage security and stewarding for some of the UK’s top festivals and events, so if you want to be part of the Main Event Security family, checkout our recruitment page for our latest listings.
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