When Fury asked Sitwell to contact Edwards Air Force Base to call the F-22 Raptors off, he replied that they already had attempted radio contact but were not successful.[3]. Secret Empire | Nicky Cavella | por un largo tiempo, haciéndose amigo de Phillip Coulson. Jasper Sitwell House of M (Earth-58163) Movies. Awesome Android | Sitwell fut mortifié par le plan, disant que Rogers était fou et que son plan était une terrible idée. Unbeknownst to Rogers and Romanoff, Sitwell was on the ship to guard sensitive information about Project Insight. Titanium Man | et durant son service il se distingua en tant qu'agent de terrain,(le stratagème du « pigeon » de Sitwell est devenu légendaire au S.H.I.E.L.D.) https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jasper_Sitwell&oldid=175570701, Article utilisant l'infobox Personnage (fiction), Article contenant un appel à traduction en anglais, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Cache | Piledriver | Deathurge | Eventually, Sitwell's true allegiance toward HYDRA had been uncovered by Captain America and Black Widow who kidnapped him and forced him to reveal the truth behind Project Insight, shortly after which he was then killed by the Winter Soldier. Sgt. Ten Rings: Ten Rings Agent Winter Soldier | Video Games. Terminus | Crimes Super-Skrull | They then made their way to the elevator to leave Stark Tower. Chester Goudal | Sitwell was indoctrinated into the ranks of HYDRA from being trained at the HYDRA Preparatory Academy, for whom he took on a role as a double agent within S.H.I.E.L.D. Temugin | A.I.M. Bullseye | Arnim Zola | Eventually, STRIKE operatives stormed the dock where pirates were holding hostages, took them down and released Sitwell. Doctor Strange Villains | Others: Lash | Absorbing Man Impossible Man | Pluto | Serpent Society | Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. Ten Rings | Jasper Sitwell was on board the Leumarian Star when Nick Fury sent pirates to take it over. Gog | Black Panther HYDRA/STRIKE: Red Skull | Alexander Pierce | Crossbones | Jasper Sitwell | Jack Rollins Others: Camilla Reyes | Franklin Hall | Blizzard | Lorelei | Marcus Daniels | Christian Ward | Jakob Nystrom Immortus | Frost Giants | Heinz Kruger | qui avaient reçu un ordre de tuer de Victoria Hand, qui pensait que lui et l'équipe de Coulson étaient des agents dormants pour le compte d'HYDRA. Sitwell called Coulson out of the interrogation briefly, at which point Thor was visited by Loki. Brothers Grimm | Sambisan Militants: Sambisan Captain Sitwell restait d'abord sûr de lui, persuadé que Rogers ne serait pas capable de le tuer, chose avec laquelle Rogers était d'accord.
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