The Māori Party this morning announced policy that would see New Zealand's name changed to Aotearoa by 2026. New Zealand has already had three female Prime Ministers, including Ardern -- and for the second time in a New Zealand election, the leaders of the main two parties are both women. Before Covid-19, Ardern was vulnerable. 1. And it was while she was studying law at Auckland University that she met David Wong-Tung, a police officer of Chinese-Samoan heritage. But while experts expect Ardern to win, they aren't expecting her to bring in transformational policies in her second term. The Prime Minister even said it was "totally fine" that The Edge breakfast show's producer called her "babe" wherever they talked on the phone. "I think it is noteworthy that there are two women, and it does change the tenor of the conversation and the debate," she said, but cautioned that "Jacinda Ardern and Judith Collins share more than they differ. The prime minister of New Zealand may have a new nickname on the international stage – “the anti-Trump”. "I stand by my record.". "I just think we just focus on the economy and we get on and get people into work and we build a future.". When questioning how New Zealand's, This is all in keeping with brand Collins, who once dubbed Ardern ". More importantly, she's up against Ardern, one of New Zealand's most popular Prime Ministers -- ever. "It elevates Te Reo Māori to its rightful place, in a system that has long undervalued its significance.". Ardern's approval ratings soared during the. "There's an expectation that it's Labour's election to lose," said Claire Timperley, a New Zealand politics lecturer at Victoria University in Wellington. "It's just an accepted and kind of cool thing that's been happening," she said. The Edge's breakfast show queried whether or not it was okay for people to use the term of endearment, telling the Prime Minister they often get messages from listeners referring to her as such. And New Zealand has a history of being stronger than other countries on gender equality -- it was the first self-governing country to give women the right to vote in parliamentary elections. When asked about this today, Ardern had the following to say: "I hear more and more often the use of Aotearoa interchangeably with New Zealand and that is a positive thing. Morning Briefing Oct 19: Will Labour share power with the Greens? Considering Jacinda as a Baby Name? ― Oohvintage 7/19/2013. Jacinda Ardern has declared where she stands on being called 'Aunty Cindy' after a tweet by the Auckland Blues rugby team using the nickname was widely criticised as being "disrespectful". "(My parents) personified to me the New Zealand spirit and the New Zealand culture: honest, hard-working people who called a spade a spade," Collins later. "That vague ambition was made solid when someone made the mistake of telling me that I could not do it," she said during her maiden speech to parliament in 2002. In the final debate Thursday, Ardern said she believed in building consensus so policies didn't unravel later. Why wouldn't a nation like that want to demonstrate that women and men have the capability of building the next generation of success for the US?". According to Greaves, the fact that both leaders are women hasn't been a big point of discussion. Despite her growing profile overseas, she faced more mixed reviews back home. "I think if Covid-19 hadn't have happened, we would be in for a close election," Greaves said. And National hasn't been helped by its many leadership changes. Collins entered New Zealand's parliament in 2002 as the representative for Clevedon, an area in Auckland. That's left Collins and her party little room to maneuver. The name might not ring too many bells. "There's some nicknames I'm no fan of, but that's a different story. ", Last month, the Blues shared a post on the team's official social media accounts in response to the return of professional sport at COVID-19 alert level two, which read: "That feeling when Aunty Cindy says you can play footy again in level 2.". Collins said she decided to become a lawyer after seeing them on television. The policy would guarantee that Te Reo Māori and Māori history will be part of core curriculum subjects up to year 10 at secondary schools and require all primary schools to incorporate Te Reo Māori into 25 per cent of their curriculum by 2026 and 50 per cent by 2030. Ardern has built a reputation for not dabbling in dirty politics and won praise around the world for her empathetic responses to crises, including the, She was also accused of a conflict of interest after visiting the Shanghai offices of dairy company Oravida, which her husband was a director of, during a taxpayer-funded ministerial trip to China. It was very different. CNN reached out to both Ardern and Collins, but was not granted interviews prior to publication. "It's New Zealand, and I'm very happy to have it also called Aotearoa but I am very focused on New Zealand and New Zealanders through a Covid-19 massive recession. Covid-19 has loomed large this election, with an outbreak in August delaying polling by a month. According to Ardern, however, it's no problem. Variants include the Italian form Giacinta, as well as Hyacintha, Jacinda, Jacintha, Jesinta and Jaxine.. As an English name, the name is mostly used in Canada, England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, the United States and Australia

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