I Know This Much is True requires a commitment of time and energy. With Mark Ruffalo, John Procaccino, Rob Huebel, Gabe Fazio. Nachdem am 9. I Know This Much Is True. “I think that there is a lot of shame and coding around mental illness and fear,” she said. Mark Ruffalo stars as identical twins in HBO’s new mini-series, I Know This Much Is True 6-Episode Limited Series | TV-MA Based on the bestselling novel by Wally Lamb, written and directed by Derek Cianfrance, and starring Mark Ruffalo, this limited series follows Dominick Birdsey as he struggles to care for his twin brother, Thomas, while discovering the truth about his own family history. Juni 2020 um 02:53 Uhr bearbeitet. Im Mai 2020 begann die Erstausstrahlung der ersten vier von sechs Episoden. The show is dedicated to Cianfrance’s younger sister Megan, who died while he was working on the show, and Ruffalo’s younger brother Scott, whose homicide is still unsolved. Im Herbst zeigt dann Sky Atlantic die Serie in... Ein Ruffalo kommt selten allein... Hulk-Star Mark Ruffalo spielt in der neuen HBO-Miniserie I Know This Much Is True ungleiche Zwillinge. starOff: 'star-off-big.png', targetType: 'number' Nationwide News Pty Limited Copyright © 2020. “After a few years of teaching she became a social worker, so I was very familiar with what that takes and what it does to your family and how much emotional energy you expend at your job and then have to come home and deal with that in your own family,” she said. RELATED: Dark Waters is more terrifying than any horror movie, RELATED: Why there will never be another Hulk film, Playing both of the leading roles was a physical and technical challenge for Ruffalo. Find out more about our policy and your choices, including how to opt-out. I said, ‘There’s a strange guy at craft services’ and people looked over and said, ‘No that’s Mark’.”. news.com.au — Australia’s leading news site, Dark Waters is more terrifying than any horror movie, Why there will never be another Hulk film, claimed he had died during a game of Russian roulette, Mark Ruffalo opens up about brother's death. Scott, a 39-year-old married hairdresser who was barely a year younger than Ruffalo, was found with a single gunshot to his top of his head and a gun in his left hand in 2008. But it brightens towards the end and will, eventually, leave you feeling satisfied. In der HBO -Miniserie I Know This Much Is True spielt der „ Hulk “-Star Mark Ruffalo die doppelte Hauptrolle. half: true, background-image: url('//g-cdn.serienjunkies.de/vote/star-off-big.png'); If you’re feeling down about the world right now, best save this one for later. Die Serie „I Know This Much Is True“ stammt von Autor Derek Cianfrance („Blue Valentine“). So when Thomas is thrown into a maximum-security mental hospital, Dominick plots to win him his freedom while fighting his own battles – namely a broken marriage and a fruitless search for their biological father. text-align: center; The story ended all tied up in a neat little bow. Cianfrance, Ruffalo, O’Donnell and Hahn have each also had their own brushes with tragedy and personal connections to mental health, which they were able to draw upon for the series. }); In der HBO-Miniserie I Know This Much Is True spielt der „Hulk“-Star Mark Ruffalo die doppelte Hauptrolle. }); Mark Ruffalo bites into the juiciest of actor buffets in "I Know This Much is True," portraying twin brothers. Die Geschichte basiert auf dem gleichnamigen Wally-Lamb-Bestseller, in dem die epische Familiensaga zweier Zwillingsbrüder im späten 20. “I knew he would make a beautiful film and I knew it would be honest and immediate and raw.”, Ruffalo and Cianfrance have both lost siblings. Derek Cianfrance ist Drehbuchautor und Regisseur der Serie. $("#sjrating").html('
Danke für Deine Stimme!'); Hahn said she had a “personal connection” to schizophrenia, and hoped the series would promote a deeper understanding of the illness. Im Zentrum stehen Dominick und Thomas Birdsey, eineiige Zwillinge, die sich in Verrat und Entzweiung versuchen - und vielleicht auch in Vergebung? margin-left: 5px; I Know This Much Is True ist eine US-amerikanische Miniserie des Senders HBO, die auf dem gleichnamigen Roman von Wally Lamb aus dem Jahr 1998 basiert. Based on the 1998 best-selling novel by Wally Lamb, I Know This Much Is True tells the tragic story of identical twins, Thomas and Dominick Birdsey, both played by Ruffalo. The treatment of mental illness in this country is spread out for the reader to live and experience. Mai 2019 am Set in Ellenville, New York, ein Brand ausgebrochen war, wurde die Kulissen und einige Oldtimer zerstört. Mark Ruffalo spielt die Doppelrolle der Zwillingsbrüder Dominick und Thomas Birdsey. Die Serie wird in den USA bei dem PayTV-Sender HBO gezeigt. Picture: Supplied/HBOSource:Supplied, Hahn said she had a personal connection to schizophrenia. But if you’re prepared to take the hits, you will be rewarded with a deeply moving, beautifully filmed show with a potentially career-defining performance by Mark Ruffalo, who underwent a dramatic transformation to play not one, but both of the lead roles. }); Picture: Supplied/HBOSource:Supplied. O’Donnell said she drew inspiration for her character from a teacher who cared for her when she lost her mother in eighth grade. Die Dreharbeiten zur Serie „I Know This Much Is True“ fanden in Poughkeepsie, im Bundesstaat New York statt. Die Produktionsfirma FilmNation Entertainment produziert die Serie im Auftrag von HBO. Datum der Serienpremiere im Herkunftsland: Letzte ausgestrahlte Episode im Herkunftsland: Die Serie I Know This Much Is True feierte im Jahre 2020 ihre Premiere. In diesem Artikel oder Abschnitt fehlen noch folgende wichtige Informationen: Vorlage:IMDb/Wartung/„importiert aus“ fehlt, Mark Ruffalo To Star In HBO Limited Drama Series In Works From Derek Cianfrance Based On Wally Lamb Book, Breaking News - HBO Limited Series "I Know This Much Is True" Debut Moves to Sunday, Mai | TheFutonCritic.com, Mark Ruffalo Limited Series 'I Know This Much Is True' Gets HBO Green Light, Charlie Kaufman movie for Netflix filming in Fishkill, Hudson Valley, Melissa Leo, Rosie O’Donnell, Archie Panjabi, Imogen Poots, Juliette Lewis, Kathryn Hahn To Star In 'I Know This Much Is True' HBO Limited Series, HBO: Mark Ruffalo production shut down in wake of Ellenville fire, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=I_Know_This_Much_Is_True_(Fernsehserie)&oldid=200983043, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. It’s behaviour that can be astonishing to us; disturbing to us. [2] Im deutschsprachigen Raum war sie beim Sender Sky Atlantic HD im Fernsehen zu sehen und ist zudem über Sky Ticket per Video-on-Demand abrufbar. After filming all of Dominick’s scenes with a body double standing in for Thomas, production had to be halted for six weeks so he could gain an extra 20 kilograms and prepare to switch scripts. In dieses Wochenende schicken wir Euch mit drei wunderbaren Tipps für die Mattscheibe, dabei wäre zum Beispiel großes Drama aus den USA, aber auch große Comedy aus Deutschland und ebenso eine Dokumentation für Disney-Fans.... Mitte September kommt der doppelte Mark Ruffalo auch ins lineare Fernsehen. Kathryn Hahn (Step Brothers, Bad Moms), who plays Dominick’s ex-wife Dessa, said she too was blown away by the transformation. The series premiered on May 10, 2020, receiving generally positive reviews from critics. A witness who later turned herself into police claimed he had died during a game of Russian roulette. How can you tell them apart? [1] Derek Cianfrance ist Drehbuchautor und Regisseur der Serie. Middle-aged Dominick Birdsey recounts his troubled relationship with Thomas, his paranoid schizophrenic twin brother, and his efforts to get him released from an asylum. “I Know This Much Is True” is a fictional story. Ruffalo told the New York Times he gained the weight by eating bowls of oatmeal with butter, heavy whipped cream and maple syrup. size: 24, The treatment of mental illness in this country is spread out for the reader to live and experience. Der verwitterte Look schließt an US-Independentfilme an, die Dramaturgie entwickelt einen melancholischen Bewusstseinsstrom, der sich immer wieder zu hoch emotionalen Sequenzen zusammenzieht. position: relative; I Know This Much Is True. SAS Australia 2020: Roxy Jacenko responds to critics after s... SAS: James Weir recaps episode 1 ’s shock admission after pu... Q&A: Social media feature that has Australian users stumped. Serienjunkies GmbH & Co.KG, Kopernikusstr. It was featured in Oprah's Book Club for June 1998. “When I first saw it a few weeks ago in the pandemic I thought, ‘Oh my God, are people too depressed to be able to take this in now? $('#sjrating').raty({ [7] Gedreht wurde unter anderem im Hudson Valley. .rdy3 {
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