Post was not sent - check your email addresses! * Okay, this phrase is apparently what Japanese kamikaze pilots said, and it comes from a poem, which if you know the show, this makes sense, but who knew?). But I hope they keep the dinosaurs. Kind of scary, but oh well. Nothing is un-prayed about in my life, really. Or the weapon? Because everything seems interesting; everything seems possible. Dr. Simon Tam: Am I talking to Miranda now? The film’s title is derived from the name of the Firefly-class spaceship the crew uses. But, the greatest danger of all may be on their ship. From my college choices, to traveling to India, to coming to Kentucky, I’ve just kind of been a leaf, soaring in the wind, wherever the wind will take me. This is said by the Hoban “Wash” Washburne, the pilot, as he’s faced with slipping through enemy lines. Create a free website or blog at That’s a vocation that can be filled whether your main job is to write a thesis or write a grocery list. I feel the power within me, hear me roar. How can you face your joy and embrace it full on? Malcom Reynolds: I’ve staked my crew’s life on the theory that you’re a person, actual and whole, and if I’m wrong, you’d best shoot me now… Let me set the scene: The crew of the good ship Serenity has, using themselves as bait, led a group of somewhat annoyed Reaver ships to the Operative and his Alliance Armada waiting for them around Mr. Universe's planetoid. Didn’t we have an intricate plan on how they was going to be not here any more? Then check out the 5-Day Writer Discovery course here. River Tam: You take care of me, Simon. In (my new favorite) T.V. Well, 5 years after that prestigious honor, I remain pretty well-rounded. show Firefly, the pilot of the ship, Wash, is making a particularly difficult landing and as he’s coming down, he’s muttering and smiling: “I am a leaf on the wind, watch as I soar!”* Mal asks Zoë about the ship, or was he asking her about Zoë? Q: How do Reavers clean their spears? (Browncoats unite!) Change ). My best friend is about to travel the world because she loves food and agriculture and the environment; for her to do anything other than this kind of work and research would be unthinkable. What tiny steps can you take toward your writing? This is one of my favorite lines from Serenity, Joss Whedon’s film that followed his TV show, Firefly. (Get a buddy to brainstorm with!). All my power I am yet to bring. Malcom Reynolds: Define “interesting”. Hey head on over to my blog! Martin Heidegger on Building, Dwelling, Thinking. Working title: I regret to inform you that I was a filthy Yasuo main all along. Because my SPARK program has ended and next week the End begins. I can understand Jayne, or even Zoë dying at the hands of the Reavers, but not Wash. We all need guidance of some type in our life to get through. It’s Hoban Washburne not Hoban Washington. Cpt. Serenity was patched up, and sent on her way. Watch how I soar. Cpt. ( Log Out /  Some Final Lessons: Big (and Small) Things You'll Discover. Zoë's first stage grief is immediate and complete, telling him he has to get up, they must retreat. This is the only time we see his smooth exterior crack. Malcom Reynolds: [on the ship’s intercom] This is the captain. . ( Log Out /  You’ve always taken care of me. ( Log Out /  Neither emotions are incorrect to have. The crew is desperate. And who wouldn't consider Serenity a major character in the the Firefly saga? Zoe: We going in? Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. My brother was born to sing and perform and spend all his life with music. He was the most non violent character of the bunch. But without Wash. Wash was the cost that Serenity and her crew paid for their victory over the Operative. Making it in a world without enough candy, The love affair between the leaves and the birds. “Why don’t you pray about?” some well-meaning but slightly bothersome person might ask. Even Gina Torres, the actress who plays Zoë says this: I think Wash's death is Whedon's way of telling us that, yes, we can have our happy, American ending to Serenity. We have to believe in ourselves whenever we do anything. Book died so that Mal could find his faith. Jayne Cobb: No, now that she’s a killer woman, we ought to be bringing her tea and dumplings. What questions can you ask your story or your characters to get your creative juices flowing? Wash loves piloting, it’s his thing, and he knows all about it. At least for now. It took me all day to realize that my unhappiness was due to not having a creative project inhabiting my mind and heart. Wash: “Oh God, Oh God, we’re all going to die?” But Firefly and Serenity lack the supernatural tools of the Buffy/Angel continuity that could bring Wash back from the dead. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. ", followed by 159 people on Pinterest. 1: Exlusive Interview: Gina Torres Makes a Stand with Standoff and Joss Whedon -- Quick post today, so I can get back to toiling in the pixel mines. He gets the ship through the battle, but they are caught in an EMP beam from a Reaver ship. He was part of a strong, dynamic relationship with Zoë, one that had just overcome a sizable hurdle. This is both one of the greatest and most hated lines from the movie Serenity. In (my new favorite) T.V. [talking into the intercom] I’m not like some other people. The Operative: Do you know what your sin is Mal? The crew is desperate. Can I make a suggestion that doesn't involve violence, or is this the wrong crowd for that? Ladies-tee. Someone asks if that is even possible. He is one of the most important and prolific people from the last 100 years, and in any left wing politics is a must. serenity, firefly, shiny, vintage, i am a leaf on the wind, leaf, wind, soar, mal, cap, wash, verse, watch how i soar, big damn heroes, cant take the sky from me Serenity Victoriana - Color Essential T-Shirt This is one of my favorite lines from Serenity, Joss Whedon’s film that followed his TV show, Firefly. But we are going to pay for it, and not with something that can be undone. The Operative's calm look of smugness and I'm-better-than-thou-ness (You should have let me see her, Captain. I’m not necessarily talking about bold actions. Cpt. Her pilot, Hoban Washburne (Wash), achieves a sense of zen like calm, picking his way through the death and destruction, chanting his mantra: I am a leaf on the wind. I guess that’s what I’ve been doing. They restore partial power, but not enough for a powered landing. Now I don’t mean I don’t have interests, or that I love all things equally. Shepherd Book: I don’t care what you believe in, just believe in it. She's tore up plenty, but she'll fly true. Whedon has killed characters off before and brought them back, repeatedly. So should the story of Serenity and her crew continue, it will continue without Wash. Loved Firefly. Everything goes somewhere, and I go everywhere. The air pressure in the theater dropped, so many people gasped. Malcom Reynolds: Do you want to run this ship? Complete with Wash's dinosaurs still adorning the pilot's chair. Because there is a lot of knowledge to get out of the weirdest things.

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