This showed that even Hondo wants to make a profit, he still wants no harm to come to Ezra. Hondo then guided Sabine Wren to Reklam Station, which lay inside the gassy planet's atmosphere. A tough, pragmatic Weequay, Hondo Ohnaka led a notorious Outer Rim pirate gang from his headquarters on Florrum. At some point prior to the Clone Wars, Hondo had a romantic relationship with the bounty hunter Aurra Sing but the two later separated. Shortly later, Ezra and Chopper traveled down to the ship's brig where they discovered a captive Vizago. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Hondo contacteerde Ezra Bridger en slaagde erin om een samenwerking af te sluiten met de crew van de Ghost aangezien er proton bombs aan boord van het schip lagen. As a result, Ezra realized that Hondo only cared for himself. Sequel Trilogy: Finn • Poe Dameron • Lor San Tekka • Maz Kanata • General Hux • First Order TIE Pilots • Sidon Ithano • Teedo • Unkar Plutt • Rose Tico • Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo • DJ • Zorii Bliss • Jannah Toen de Jedi ontsnapten, liet Kenobi Ohnaka vrij. Hondo—at the behest of Anakin— later delivered several rocket launchers to rebel forces on Onderon who were fighting the Separatist occupation of their planet. About fifteen years after the establishment of the Galactic Empire, Hondo took over Cikatro Vizago's starship, the Broken Horn. When Ezra revealed his true identity and confided that he was feeling overwhelmed by his responsibilities to the rebellion and his Jedi training, Hondo suggested that the boy could become a "pirate Jedi". Male Hondo then convinced the Ghost Crew particularly Ezra to rescue him in return for disclosing this valuable information. Once inside, Hondo and Azmorigan squabbled over the treasure while the rebels began preparations to load the proton bombs aboard the Ghost. Despite the misgivings of Hera and Kallus about his plan, the other rebels placed their trust on Hondo and latched onto the cargo ship once it had exited hyperspace. Ohnaka Gang (Formerly)Galactic Republic (Occasionally) (Formerly)Rebellion (Occasionally)Alliance to Restore the Republic Ten years later, during the Second Imperial Civil War, Karr deserted the new Empire at the Battle of Borosk and found his way into the Galactic Alliance Remnant's famed Rogue Squadron, where he fought for some time, until a chance arose for him to reunite with his former wife and return to the Mandalorian ways, deciding to hunt down the one who betrayed him and bring him to justice. In response, Commander Jun Sato reminded the pirate that he would be paid only if his information was useful. Hondo Ohnaka was a male Weequay pirate who led the Ohnaka Gang on the Outer Rim world of Florrum during the Clone Wars. Rebel Alliance (unofficially) Resistance (unofficially). Born to a poor family, Ohnaka was sold as a child into slavery by his parents. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Hondo was also skilled at linking other people's interests to his own goals and ambitions. Vooral in gebieden als de Tion Hegemony en de Corporate Sector konden ze makkelijk hun gang gaan. Hoewel de rebellen hun bommen aan boord konden halen, verliep de missie niet zoals gepland. At the Battle of Mon Calamari, he led a task force of Alliance troops disguised as stormtroopers as part of Admiral Gar Stazi's plan to hijack the Advanced Star Destroyer Imperious. Tijdens de Galactic Civil War raakte Hondo betrokken bij de avonturen van de Specter Cell. Hondo droeg als Captain een Desevrar Infantry Helmet, een broek en laarzen van Corellian makelij en een mantel die hij van een Wroonian edelman had gestolen. Muk Muk bleef ondertussen de tank afvuren totdat Anakin dit kon stoppen. Op Boonta kwam hij terecht in de hofhouding van Porla the Hutt die hij af en toe advies gaf in verband met zakendeals. Gil refused, and the Sith Lord executed both men. [3], When Ezra was later captured by the Imperial Viceroy Gar Saxon during a mission to Concord Dawn's Third Moon, Ezra claimed that he worked as part of Hondo's scavenging party. While Ezra has faith in Hondo, the rest of the Lothal Rebels do not completely trust him. Hondo also told Ezra that Azmorigan was his business partner and acquaintance. His base is destroyed afterwards by General Grievous. Due to a tracker planted in the transmitter which he had used to contact Ezra, the Imperials were able to track down the Ghost to an unstable star cluster in Wild Space. Hondo ontdekte dat Porla werd bedrogen door zijn zakenpartners. Aangezien ze daar niet rechtstreeks konden ingrijpen, lieten ze Hondo een aantal kisten met PLX-1 Portable Missile Launcher naar Onderon voeren. Hondo Karr was a Human male Mandalorian, and who served next to Mand'alor Chernan Ordo in the Battle of Botajef. Hondo's respect for Ezra led him to return the youth a favor by volunteering to assist in the planet's liberation. Books: Star Wars Rebels: The Visual Guide • Ultimate Sticker Collection: Star Wars Rebels • Star Wars The Adventures of Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight • Ahsoka • Star Wars: Bloodline • The Art of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story • Battlefront II: Inferno Squad • Lost Stars • Star Wars: The High Republic: Light of the Jedi • Star Wars: The High Republic: Into the Dark • Star Wars: The High Republic: A Test of Courage Ezra subsequently discovered that Zeb and Azmorigan had been locked in the brig by a Sentry Droid. Following some discussion, Hondo and Azmorigan agreed to split the treasure while the rebels obtained the proton bombs. On a later occasion, he joined forces with his former Jedi prisoner Ahsoka and several Jedi younglings to fight off General Grievous and his droid forces. Amidst the confusion, Melch hid inside a crate; not trusting Hondo to save him. Dat plan liep uiteindelijk verkeerd af, maar Ahsoka Tano was nog in handen van Hondo beland en dat wilde de piraat uiteraard uitbuiten. Another time, Aurra Sing and Boba Fett came to him looking for help on how to kill Mace Windu, but Ohnaka declined, stating that he would stay neutral. After the station began to collapse, Hondo and his Ugnaught allies took the shuttle and fled. These Stormtroopers were serving under Agent Kallus, a perennial foe of the Ghost Crew, who ordered his men to seize them alive. This week in Star Wars, we are reunited with Clone Force 99 in the upcoming Disney+ show Star Wars: The Bad Batch, check out some new concept art from ILMxLAB's Star Wars: Tales from Galaxy's Edge, and our hearts grow three sizes looking at your photos of The Child. Prequel Trilogy: Padmé Amidala • General Grievous • Sebulba • Clegg Holdfast • Bail Organa • Jar Jar Binks • Jango Fett Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Star Wars The Black Series Hondo Ohnaka Toy Figure at the best online prices at eBay! A fleet cannot contain more than one card with the same italicized squadron type, even it those cards have different unique names. Dit stoorde Ohnaka omdat hij had gehoopt dat de Republic meer eer had. Hondo Karr, back in his Mandalorian beskar'gam. Uiteindelijk leek het erop dat Hondo Ezra had opgelicht, maar de Weequay zag potentieel in Ezra en in plaats van te vluchten met de Phantom bracht hij het schip naar Garel en de rest van de Specters. Following a brief dogfight, the rebels fled into hyperspace and reached Yarma. When Imperial reinforcements arrived, Hondo began firing at them until he and the others escaped aboard the arriving Ghost. During the war, he often came into contact with the Jedi, such as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano. Since that incident, Ohnaka continues to serve … He managed to free them but the rebels and Azmorigan were pursued by more Sentry Droids. Vervolgens sloeg Hondo de handen in elkaar met zijn oude concurrent Azmorigan om een Imperial vrachtschip te overvallen in de atmosfeer van Wynkahthu. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Hondo Ohnaka had een tijdlang een relatie met Aurra Sing en raakte in contact met Jango Fett voor wie hij respect had. At the urging of Captain Rex and Ezra, Hera agreed to send a reconnaissance mission there to investigate Hondo's claims. However, Karr was able to disarm her and convince her to believe his true story. Greedy, selfish, sneaky, deceptive, devious, cunning, smart, somewhat honorable Ohnaka also appears in Star Wars Rebels as an occasional ally-and all-time annoyance-of Ezra Bridger and his comrades. One of the signs of his age is the size of his spikes, much larger than during the Clone War. Star Wars Rebels: "Hondo's Tale" This week in Star Wars, we check out a preview of Darth Vader #4, celebrate Doctor Aphra bringing home a GLAAD Award, and join Master Kelleran Beq, AD-3, LX-R5, and the brave Padawans for the last episode in the debut season of Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge. With Imperial reinforcements bound to show up, the rebels began their return trip to the Ghost. With their plan in tatters, Hondo contacted his old friend Ezra and solicited the help of his rebel comrades. Soundtrack: The Force Awakens • Rogue One • Solo, Entertainment: Behind the Force: Experience The Clone Wars • Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple • Star Wars: A Galaxy Far, Far Away Saying that avenging a traitor made him a traitor, Maleval attacked Karr with his electro-whip. At the request of Hera, the Bounty Hunter Ketsu Onyo located Hondo and Melch and brought them to Seelos, where they were staying with the former Gregor and Wolffe. Free shipping for many products! A Mandalorian and ex-stormtrooper, Karr had a silent, intense personality and a fondness for vibroknives. His experiences on the battlefield, and the deaths of individuals such as Vevec and Jes Gistang, had led him to avoid forming attachments to his comrades-in-arms. During the Clone Wars, Hondo was a pirate who operated a pirate gang on Florrum. Following the skirmish at the Lothal cliff-dwelling, Hondo took part in the Rebels' attack on the Imperial Complex, where he and the others were disguised as prisoners. In the series finale, Hondo joins Ezra and his allies in freeing Lothal from the Empire. Since they could not travel there directly the Phantom exited hyperspace at the Sereeda Waypoint. "During your activation, instead of attacking, you may toggle the activation slider of 1 squadron at distance 1 to the activated side. After leaping onto the hull, Hondo, Azmorigan and the rebels led by Zeb managed to find a manhole which led inside the ship. He removed his beskar'gam and put on the armor of a dead stormtrooper. The Sith Lord Maul and his brother Savage Opress attempt to recruit Hondo's gang into their army, however Hondo and the pirates who remained loyal to him defeat the Sith brothers with the aid of Kenobi and Adi Gallia off Florrum. Allowing the rest of the Rebels to take the command center. After the rescue, Hondo introduced himself as Ezra's mysterious contact and revealed that he had also tipped off the Empire to the refugees' arrival knowing that the rebels would arrive to save the day. However, the cargo ship drifted into the planet's stormy upper atmosphere. Rond een Corona-class Armed Frigate hadden de piraten hun basis gemaakt en tijdens hun beslissende raid, bemande Hondo en Muk Muk Monkey, zijn nieuwe Kowakian, een WLO-5 Speeder Tank. Hondo and the others present when at the modified AT-AT Walker Joopa Base when Hera, Rex, and Kallus arrived on the Ghost. Ultimately, he would indirectly aid the Rebellion against the Empire, providing critical aid and intelligence at pivotal moments. Hondo managed to flee on the Phantom, taking the five power generators with him. Hearing Vizago's distress, Ezra and Chopper traveled on the Phantom and found the Broken Horn in orbit above Garel. Ezra and his fellow rebels staged a rescue and managed to evacuate Hondo. -- Hondo Ohnaka. Hondo liet de kans niet onbenut om Slave I te herstellen en aan te passen nadat Aurra Sing met het schip was gecrashed op Florrum in een duel met Ahsoka Tano. Hondo Ohnaka was a Weequay pirate and smuggler. The effect of this Squadron Card triggers when the miniature could attack during its activation. Hondo admired the courage and devotion of the Jedi younglings particularly the youngling Katooni.
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