The reforms also included the merger of religious and civil courts. [49][50], The Egyptian singer Umm Kulthum hosted a public celebration for the officers' return despite reservations from the royal government, which had been pressured by the British to prevent the reception. [12][22] He took up acting in school plays for a brief period and wrote articles for the school's paper, including a piece on French philosopher Voltaire titled "Voltaire, the Man of Freedom". In 1958 Syria and Egypt formed the United Arab Republic, which Nasser hoped would someday include the entire Arab world. [103], With his domestic position considerably strengthened, Nasser was able to secure primacy over his RCC colleagues and gained relatively unchallenged decision-making authority,[99] particularly over foreign policy. [236] Still, Nasser concluded that if Israel attacked, Egypt's quantitative advantage in manpower and arms could stave off Israeli forces for at least two weeks, allowing for diplomacy towards a ceasefire. Afterwards, Nasser published a simple six-point program in Rose al-Yūsuf to dismantle feudalism and British influence in Egypt. As Nasser took titular as well as actual control, Egypt’s prospects looked bright. [129] The two had a heated exchange on 3 November, and Amer conceded. [72], When Naguib began showing signs of independence from Nasser by distancing himself from the RCC's land reform decrees and drawing closer to Egypt's established political forces, namely the Wafd and the Brotherhood,[73] Nasser resolved to depose him. [116], France and the UK, the largest shareholders in the Suez Canal Company, saw its nationalization as yet another hostile measure aimed at them by the Egyptian government. [177], In the fall of 1958, Nasser formed a tripartite committee consisting of Zakaria Mohieddin, al-Hawrani, and Salah Bitar to oversee developments in Syria. [210] The charter called for universal health care, affordable housing, vocational schools, greater women's rights and a family planning program, as well as widening the Suez Canal. [54], Nasser's return to Egypt coincided with Husni al-Za'im's Syrian coup d'état. [308] He defined the politics of his generation and communicated directly with the public masses of the Arab world, bypassing the various heads of states of those countries—an accomplishment not repeated by other Arab leaders. In 1963, Egyptian director Youssef Chahine produced the film El Nasser Salah El Dine ("Saladin The Victorious"), which intentionally drew parallels between Saladin, considered a hero in the Arab world, and Nasser and his pan-Arabist policies. [12][22] On 13 November 1935, Nasser led a student demonstration against British rule, protesting against a statement made four days prior by UK foreign minister Samuel Hoare that rejected prospects for the 1923 Constitution's restoration. The matter was settled as both leaders sought to prevent a rift between their two countries. [56] Nasser felt that the Free Officers were not ready to move against the government and, for nearly two years, he did little beyond officer recruitment and underground news bulletins. [322] The extent of Nasser's centrality in the region made it a priority for incoming Arab nationalist heads of state to seek good relations with Egypt, in order to gain popular legitimacy from their own citizens. "[160] Nasser ordered a crackdown against Syrian communists, dismissing many of them from their governmental posts. [27], Nasser and Tahia would sometimes discuss politics at home, but for the most part, Nasser kept his career separate from his family life. He read the Qur'an, the sayings of Muhammad, the lives of the Sahaba (Muhammad's companions),[26] and the biographies of nationalist leaders Napoleon, Atatürk, Otto von Bismarck, and Garibaldi and the autobiography of Winston Churchill. [135] Nasser commended Eisenhower, stating he played the "greatest and most decisive role" in stopping the "tripartite conspiracy". [246] On 9 June, Nasser appeared on television to inform Egypt's citizens of their country's defeat. [259] Angry at the military court's perceived leniency with air force officers charged with negligence during the 1967 war, workers and students launched protests calling for major political reforms in late February 1968. Following Egypt's defeat by Israel in the 1967 Six-Day War, Nasser resigned, but he returned to office after popular demonstrations called for his reinstatement. Updates? From an array of contenders for power, it was a movement of military conspirators—the Free Officers led by Col. British diplomat Anthony Nutting claimed the crisis "established Nasser finally and completely" as the rayyes (president) of Egypt. [79], On 5 March, Nasser's security coterie arrested thousands of participants in the uprising. The film set the Egyptian box office record at the time, and focused on Nasser during the Suez Crisis. [143] Historian Adeed Dawisha credited Nasser's status to his "charisma, bolstered by his perceived victory in the Suez Crisis". Gamal Abdel Naseer was one of the foremost rulers of Egypt who served as the second President of the country from 1956 until his death in 1970. [84][85] With great emotion he exclaimed the following: My countrymen, my blood spills for you and for Egypt. Panic broke out in the mass audience, but Nasser maintained his posture and raised his voice to appeal for calm. [155], Despite his popularity with the people of the Arab world, by mid-1957 his only regional ally was Syria.

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