This was about 15% of all the recorded Francis's in the UK. Between 1880 and 2019, 513,870 boys and 29,570 girls were born with the Name Francis The country where the first name Francis is the most common is: United State of America Gender of first name Francis : Boy 94.56%, Between 1880 and 2019, 283,602 boys and 24,561 girls were born with the Name Francis Gender of first name Francis in United State of America is : Boy 92.03% Peak year : 1918 with 6,967 births, Between 1900 and 2019, 166,124 boys and 24 girls were born with the Name Francis Gender of first name Francis in France is : Boy 99.99% Peak year : 1952 with 5,712 births, Between 1980 and 2019, 15,429 boys and 60 girls were born with the Name Francis Gender of first name Francis in Quebec is : Boy 99.61% Peak year : 1993 with 1,129 births, Between 1913 and 2018, 12,531 boys and 1,885 girls were born with the Name Francis Gender of first name Francis in Ontario is : Boy 86.92% Peak year : 1921 with 445 births, Between 1930 and 2010, 7,490 boys and 2,690 girls were born with the Name Francis Gender of first name Francis in Brazil is : Boy 73.58% Peak years : 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 with 431 births, Between 1900 and 2019, 8,842 boys and 56 girls were born with the Name Francis Gender of first name Francis in New Zealand is : Boy 99.37% Peak year : 1913 with 211 births, Between 1964 and 2019, 7,179 boys were born with the Name Francis Gender of first name Francis in Ireland is : Boy 100% Peak year : 1964 with 429 births, Between 1996 and 2019, 4,547 boys and 55 girls were born with the Name Francis Gender of first name Francis in United Kingdom is : Boy 98.8% Peak year : 2019 with 268 births, Between 1912 and 2019, 2,820 boys were born with the Name Francis Gender of first name Francis in Switzerland is : Boy 100% Peak year : 1948 with 104 births, Between 1919 and 2019, 1,830 boys and 142 girls were born with the Name Francis Gender of first name Francis in British Columbia is : Boy 92.8% Peak year : 1924 with 52 births, Between 1944 and 2019, 1,447 boys and 31 girls were born with the Name Francis Gender of first name Francis in Australia is : Boy 97.9% Peak year : 1961 with 127 births, Between 1920 and 2019, 540 boys were born with the Name Francis Gender of first name Francis in New Scotland is : Boy 100% Peak year : 1926 with 66 births, Between 1980 and 2019, 386 boys and 34 girls were born with the Name Francis Gender of first name Francis in Alberta is : Boy 91.9% Peak year : 2016 with 21 births, Between 1922 and 2015, 289 boys were born with the Name Francis Gender of first name Francis in Argentina is : Boy 100% Peak years : 1993, 1995, 2013 with 20 births, Between 1995 and 2019, 257 boys were born with the Name Francis Gender of first name Francis in Belgium is : Boy 100% Peak year : 1995 with 24 births, Between 1998 and 2019, 147 boys and 14 girls were born with the Name Francis Gender of first name Francis in Sweden is : Boy 91.3% Peak year : 2019 with 27 births, Between 1945 and 2019, 125 boys were born with the Name Francis Gender of first name Francis in Norway is : Boy 100% Peak year : 1987 with 12 births, Between 2000 and 2018, 70 boys and 13 girls were born with the Name Francis Gender of first name Francis in Germany is : Boy 84.34% Peak year : 2012 with 13 births, Between 2000 and 2019, 61 boys were born with the Name Francis Gender of first name Francis in Poland is : Boy 100% Peak year : 2015 with 13 births, Between 1999 and 2018, 48 boys and 2 girls were born with the Name Francis Gender of first name Francis in Italy is : Boy 96% Peak year : 2015 with 6 births, Between 1984 and 2018, 44 boys and 2 girls were born with the Name Francis Gender of first name Francis in Austria is : Boy 95.65% Peak years : 2005, 2006, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015 with 3 births, Between 1985 and 2019, 38 boys and 1 girl were born with the Name Francis Gender of first name Francis in Denmark is : Boy 97.44% Peak year : 2019 with 5 births, Between 1900 and 2016, 18 boys were born with the Name Francis Gender of first name Francis in Czechoslovakia is : Boy 100% Peak years : 1973, 2006 with 2 births, Between 2014 and 2019, 6 boys were born with the Name Francis Gender of first name Francis in Portugal is : Boy 100% Peak years : 2016, 2017 with 2 births, All information about the baby names on this website come from various official data and open data(more information about our sources) - 0.41 sec, Evolution des décès avec le prénom Francis en France. gros prenoms de gros c onnard finis a la pisse voila ce qu'onpense tous des francis six franc qui se la pête gros bourges eleve par papa maman et qui savent même pas cuire unj oeuf ou qui font partis des gris idiots finis et perles du bac. Deux maîtres nombres nous mettent en présence d'une forte personnalité, profondément humaine et altruiste. These Angelic Baby Names Are Perfect for Your (Let’s Hope) Little Angel, Fantastic & Fashionable “F” Baby Names For Your Firstborn… or Your Fifth, All-American Baby Boy Names That Make an Impact, Spiritual Baby Girl Names That Celebrate Your Faith. Francis possède une forte sensibilité doublée d'une intuition remarquable. Ceci n'a rien d'étonnant : les deux prénoms ont les mêmes chiffres de numérologie. Les contingences matérielles ne sont pas, à ses yeux, primordiales. Meanings Latin Baby Names Meaning: In Latin Baby Names the meaning of the name Francis is: From 'franciscus' meaning Frenchman. Qu'un déséquilibre ou qu'une mésentente surgissent et le voilà perdu, n'investissant plus dans le présent et se repliant sur lui-même, dans son monde de rêves. Copyright © 2020 SheKnows Media, LLC, a subsidiary of Penske Business Media, LLC. According to the United States Social Security Administration (who track names in the United States), Francis is within the top 1000 names for boys, and Frances is within the top 1000 names for girls - but not the inverse. Un côté inspiré ou éclairé peut se manifester, s'exprimant tant dans le domaine de la connaissance qu'à travers une créativité. Unisex Coat of Arms Hooded Sweatshirt $42.45. Forme :Vous avez la p êche Francis ! S'il s'engage dans une de ces voies de prédilection, il faudra veiller à ce qu'il ne devienne pas trop systématique ou fanatique. C'est comme en astrologie : deux personnes appartenant à un même signe présentent les mêmes traits caractéristiques... Testez la compatibilé de vos prénoms pour savoir si votre relation amoureuse a des chances d'aboutir. Avec le 2/11 karmique, Francis sera confronté à deux types de situations dans sa relation à l'autre. 4. on trouve peu de prenom francis de nos jours. Découvrez d'autres prénoms de garçon ressemblants : Wishlist To Cart Details. Cela peut se traduire alors simplement par de douces rêveries, de l'utopie, de l'hypersensibilité, de la fragilité émotionnelle, ainsi que de la dépendance, de la suggestibilité et un certain esprit de sacrifice. 1 The Francis family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. Francis in 24 countries. A moins qu'il ne s'agisse d'une quête permanente de l'idéal, par une multiplicité d'expériences qui, imparfaites, justifient ce que d'autres nommeraient papillonnage. Francis,retrouvez votre avenir amoureux en consultant nos services de Voyance par téléphone. Amour : Pour les couples: Vous allez apprendre une bonne nouvelle. Cette configuration laisse présager une belle réussite. 2 Partagez votre Horoscope des prénoms du jour : Les textes de ce site sont extraits de l’excellent livre de Martine Barbault : «Choisir son prénom, choisir son destin», La signification du prénom Francis, l’origine du prénom Francis , l'éthymologie du prénom Francis, Signification du prénom Françoise-Madeleine, Mouais ça ne corresponds pas vraiment au caractère etc de mon compagnon, c'est excellent je doit avoier que vous for, l'encre de tes yeux je l'aime a mourir petite Marie etc etc quel excellent poete Français!!!!!
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