Finally we said goodbye to the traveling life, and headed north (I know what you're thinking... whyyyyyy) to my childhood home, Rochester NY, where we bought a house for the first time and are slowly learning what a "normal" settled life is like. I think it's somewhere around 21? I feel like looking through old pictures so I think I’ll just give a quick synopsis of my life. Excited and happy,” she wrote in an Instagram post with the hashtag “40, let’s do this”. Sure, she writes occasionally. They're expecting their third child in January. Designed by BluChic, Two Inspiring Moms Created One Awesome Clothing Line, Most Inspiring Mom Catherine from Kanaluti, Inspiring Mom, Amy Katz from Daughters in Charge, Inspiring Mom Andrea, Founder of Tubby Todd, Inspiring Mom Elisha, Taking the Stage with her #MomTruth. Sort of. “Hot Bebe .. happy birthday chicka … 40 looks good on you xxx,” posted a fan. Esther Anderson has impressed fans with her age-defying body. “A month or two ago, I realised I was washing the same pile for the third time that week. “How do you keep in shape you have a figure of a 20 yr old and you have a baby,” another wondered. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. Her approach to her new life is not only refreshing, it’s hilarious. Then we finally got pregnant. We've seen it day in and day out. I remember my best friend telling me she could get into the "zone" by picturing herself walking through a sunny field of grain. Into another and back out, over and over and over (I'm really good at packing boxes). The most incredible thing about being a mom is seeing how my daughter changes me for the better,” she said. And THUS, the story of this life (This is the conclusion so it doesn't count toward my paragraphs either). And when you let babies be babies, a hilarious compilation of cuteness ensues. Thad was working as a traveling superintendent for a construction company in Florida. There he is. There, she met Thad, who was raised in the Sooner state. No big deal, ya know, just sum up 29 years of my entire being into a short blog post. And a donkey named BoDuke. "It was important to us to be close to family," she said, adding that her family attends her childhood church. That labor part was not fun. "I also love that she puts a humorous spin on situations that would leave some people crying from frustration," said Hunt, a mother of two. But the one thing that has stayed consistent through our crazy transient life is the hand of our Lord over it all. So fun. I also met my husband Thad in Oklahoma and BAM.... ...that leads to paragraph 2. Though all those moves got tiring, the friendships we made did not! After two years in Texas with some great friends and fond memories we were transferred back to Tampa, FL which is where I am right now, sitting on this couch with my husband snoring away next to me. In another photo she posted, wearing a black bikini while holding her 10-month old son Forest, some fans were stunned by her youthful appearance. ... February 24, 2015 / esther anderson / 25 Comments. Social media expert John Jiloty said brands are clamoring to work with influencers like the Andersons who created a massive following by producing their own content. THAT was awesome. A fun loving mom who gives a "real take" on life through her blog and viral videos, sharing the story of their crazy, unpredictable life with anyone who'll appreciate her down to earth … I have a problem. I grew up in a family with five brothers. “I set up a Facebook page as part of my blog, so I thought I’d make a video for it as a last minute thing,” she told 100% Upvoted. Wearing a red bikini, she posed on the balcony of her luxury villa while brushing her hair back with one hand. I love it, and if other people do, that’s a bonus.”, Gorgeous: The Anderson family.Source:Supplied, Share your parenting tales in the comments section below, For more from Esther, visit “I’m not the type to be dusting and waxing my floors; I’d rather be talking with people and spending time with them. Beyoncé may wakeup flawless, but real Moms wakeup more like this: Sometimes the day greets you with a baby finger in the nose and that’s okay. If you haven't figured it out by now, the story of our life is full of change and new beginnings. All I wanted was sleep. I realize I'm skipping like 10 years here but all my pictures for this period are buried in a box somewhere (we hadn't made it to the digital picture age yet). We're trying to transition Tessa into using her bowl and spoon by herself but the only way for her to to learn is to let her dump out her sticky oatmeal half the time and smear it everywhere, while I bite my tongue and resist the urge to take the spoon and just feed her myself so I don't have to be stepping in oatmeal clump mines all day. Discover the real story, facts, and details of Esther Anderson. But don't worry, I still went barefoot down the aisle in commemoration of my barefoot childhood. "Brands no longer need to rely on traditional platforms of radio, television and print to share their message," said Jiloty, vice president of social media and content at The Martin Group in Buffalo. I am so not a blogger. To join the conversation, please Log in. A Gates Chili High School graduate, Esther left Chili in 2003 for Oklahoma Baptist University. 177.5k Followers, 120 Following, 1,543 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Story of This Life (@storyofthislife) And horses. Join the conversation, you are commenting as, — Australia’s leading news site. My dad was doingBible translation work in a tiny village hidden in the middle of Papua New Guinea. My Maker is the reason I have a story at all and He will always be the ultimate Author of it. Don't have an account? “The attention has been crazy, we weren’t expecting the reaction that we got. I could go on and on about all the amazing people who have helped shape the past 6 years of our lives as they've allowed us into their lives for just short periods of times, and I could show you literally tens of thousands of more pictures (I take lots of pictures) but at this rate it'll be next year by the time I actually finish this post and it's crazy late and I'm tired. Her approach to her new life is not only refreshing, it’s hilarious. Embracing those imperfect moments, the family focuses on love and laughter as they share their daily adventures with the world. Yeah! The couple married in 2008 and moved more than 20 times over the next nine years (mostly through major cities in Texas and Florida) as Thad worked with a traveling construction company.
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