The program is run by the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). Once you verify your housing crisis and that your income meets the guidelines, you qualify. The amount of the emergency shelter allowance must be sufficient to resolve the emergency and the applicant must have sufficient anticipated income to pay future rent. Locate the nearest shelter or find your local Red Cross. A more minor difference is that people staying in emergency shelters are more likely to stay all day, except for work, school, or errands, while homeless shelters usually expec… Be eligible in accordance with the HEARTH Act. How to apply for ESA: If you are in need of emergency housing assistance, call your caseworker or your local county assistance office (CAO) to apply. The main difference is that an emergency shelter typically specializes in people fleeing a specific type of situation, such as natural or man-made disasters, domestic violence, or victims of sexual abuse. Visit a Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) to talk with someone in person for guidance or information. You can also find links to other agencies and organizations. Emergency Assistance (EA) is a program that provides emergency shelter and rehousing services to homeless families with children. Local agencies can provide a range of services, including food, housing, health, job, and veteran. An individual or family may also be eligible for Emergency Shelter Allowance if they are leaving a domestic violence situation. The ESA payment amount, up to $400, depends on your needs, situation, and emergency. If you are already receiving cash assistance, medical assistance, or SNAP/food stamps, you should contact your DHS caseworker – either in the office or over the phone – and ask for an interview to apply for an emergency shelter allowance. If you are in need of emergency housing assistance, call your caseworker or your local county assistance office (CAO) to apply. If you have problems applying for or receiving welfare benefits in Allegheny County, PA, or have any other questions, contact Ann Sanders at (412) 431-8960 x109 or If you need help to fill out the application or want more information about benefits, a trained CAO staff member can help you. If you are not receiving any benefits now, you must fill out an Application for Benefits. All Rights Reserved. So if those households are income-eligible for an ESA, they are also income-eligible for other benefits. What is Emergency Assistance shelter? Shelter outside of the hazard area could include staying with family or friends, seeking a hotel room, or staying in a mass shelter. Emergency Assistance (EA) is a program that provides emergency shelter and rehousing services to homeless families with children.

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