Would you like to join our team? Vedoucí projektu: Ing. Zobrazit profesní profil uživatele ELI Beamlines na LinkedIn. ELI Beamlines is part of the Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) project, a new Research Infrastructure of pan-European interest and part of the European Strategy Forum on Research (ESFRI) Roadmap. ELI Beamlines is interested in personnel of various professions and specializations. Europe/Prague timezone. The main goal at ELI Beamlines is to create the most advanced laser equipment in the world. ELI bude také atraktivní platforma pro výchovu nové generace doktorandů, vědců a inženýrů. Registration. Termín realizace projektu: 1.1.2011 - 30.9.2015 Quality Inspections We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. ELI Beamlines brings together people from all over the world (at the moment 29 nationalities) to be part of the international scientific laser research. ELI Beamlines aims to operate the world's most intense laser system. Set of equipment that brings the X-ray/particle beam to the material being studied and records what happens 3. ELI Beamlines is located in Dolní Břežany on the outskirts of Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. Procurement Advice The monolithic construction has been made from concrete with a guaranteed minimum density and is resistant to water leakage. It is easily reachable by public transport. What happens after we receive your application? ELI will be a multi-sited Research Infrastructure with complementary facilities located in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Romania for the investigation of light-matter interactions at the highest intensities and shortest time scales. Science & Pharmaceuticals, © 2020 Gleeds - all rights reserved | Powered by Merchant. ELI Beamlines is one of the three pillars of ELI’s research infrastructure, which is located in the Czech Republic. To create a centre capable of helping the best laser scientists in the world achieve these aims, we’re delivering construction of: will be a unique platform for educating a new generation of PhD. This will be accomplished and implemented through research projects covering the interaction of light with matter at intensities that are 10 times higher than the values that are currently achievable. Health & Safety In cooperation with the Czech Technical University’s Klokner Institute, a special recipe for concrete was developed to use in the massive reinforced concrete structures. Visit Web Site Send E-Mail. We use cookies to improve user experience and analyze our website traffic as stated in our, Nitrogen-Filled Hollow-Core Fiber Moves Laser Spectra to the Infrared, Photonics in Defense & Aerospace Newsletter, Coherently Combined, 10.4-kW Laser Shows No Compromises, On-Chip Laser Light Generates Spectrum of Colors, Ultrafast Fiber Laser Delivers High Power, Exceptional Beam Quality, Refined Waveguide Quantum Electrodynamic Architecture Spurs Qubit Photon Generation, VR Software, Superresolution Microscopy Take Scientists Inside Human Cells. We use cookies on our website to enhance your experience, but first we need your permission. Upon request and with support of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, we developed a special project work records feature. ELI Beamlines Laser Center. ELI Beamlines brings together people from all over the world (at the moment 29 nationalities) to be part of the international scientific laser research. ), an entry atrium, a laboratory building, a laser building, a building for cooling technology, and industrial gas management. Each and every one of those offices is staffed by local people with very specific experience and expertise. ELI will provide a background for a wide range of basic and applied research based on the interaction of light and matter in a previously inaccessible light beam intensity mode. Click here to find out more. Information regarding the personal data processing and access to the personal data at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences can be found on: https://www.fzu.cz/en/processing-of-personal-data, International Scientific Advisory Committee (ISAC), Association of complementary X-ray and optical spectroscopy methods and communities, PHysics, Applied Research for Novel TECHnologies, HIGH CONTRAST IMAGING FOR METROLOGY APPLICATIONS, High dose per pulse radiotherapy with real time imaging, Atomic, molecular and optical (AMO) sciences and coherent diffractive imaging (CDI), Time-resolved spectroscopic ellipsometry in the optical range and VUV magneto-optical ellipsometry, Ultrafast optical spectroscopy: Stimulated Raman scattering, transient optical absorption, IR spectroscopy (1D and 2D) and pulse-shaping and coherent control, X-ray sciences: Applications in diffraction/scattering, spectroscopy, pulse radiolysis and imaging, Gravitational Waves Generated by Laser-Matter Interactions, Laser-driven Betatron and Compton Radiation, E1: Material and Biomolecular Applications, E5: Electron Accelaration & Laser Undulator X-ray Source, ELectron Beam Accelerator for fundamental sciences and applications (ELI-ELBA), https://www.fzu.cz/en/processing-of-personal-data, Postdoc on Laser Plasma Electron Acceleration. It is managed by the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Welcome / Join Us. ELI is one of the ESFRI landmark projects on the ESFRI Roadmap (Roadmap of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures), which includes a … ELI Beamlines is a part of the ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) pan-European project, representing a unique tool of support of scientific excellence in Europe. Physical space within the experimental hall 2. – selected applications are sent to a particular team leader Gleeds’ expertise is playing a key role delivering the world’s most important laser research facility in the Czech Republic. Learn more about protection of personal data. ELI’s scientific, engineering and medical goals are then tailored to the benefit of society and industry. For the most part, this means clean spaces with a limited number of suspended particles; entry via a transition chamber; and regulation of temperature, humidity, and excess pressure. Gleeds is a world-class independent property and construction consultancy with over 135 years’ experience. Cost Management & Quantity Surveying ELI Beamlines is managed by the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Project Controls ELI Beamlines is located in Dolní Brežany on the outskirts of Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, Hosting institution: Institute of Physics, CAS. V něm budou realizovány výzkumné a aplikační projekty zahrnující interakci světla s hmotou na intenzitě, která je asi 10 krát větší než současně dosažitelné hodnoty. In 2018, the new legal entity ELI ERIC will be established. If you don´t find any suitable position for you now, please send us your CV to hr@eli-beams.eu and we might contact you in future. Wednesday October 14, 2020 . It is comprised of seven sections – an office building for 300 workers, a multifunctional building (with a cafe, lecture hall for 150 listeners, library, etc.

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