Gandalf is a Maiar, a primordial spirit created by Eru Ilúvatar at the beginning of the World to help the Valar shape Arda, or Middle-earth. Much like the Hogwarts House that bears her name, Helga Hufflepuff is often overlooked in favor of her more obviously noteworthy peers. Merlin was permanently incapacitated by a former student (Nimue) AFTER she stole his magical secrets. While Albus was a supremely talented duellist – capable of taking down several highly competent foes at once – there were those, like Grindelwald and Voldemort, who were at least at his level. One of the skills that prove him to be one of the greatest wizards to ever walk the earth is his proficiency and mastery of wandless/non-verbal magic, an extremely difficult skill set that very few in the magical community could perform, let alone perform simultaneously. Hailing from Ancient Greece, his contribution to this dubious branch of magical theory can still be seen today. For as long as their have been wands, their have been wizards trying to claim that theirs was the most powerful ever made – and they were almost always lying. Of course, Dumbledore was far from a novice when it came to either spell creation or the Dark Arts – he was highly adept at the former, and had conducted in-depth study into the latter. For example: wand-making. Let us know in the comments! Olağanüstü yeteneklere ve güce sahip büyücülerden biri olan Albus Dumbledore ise sakalı ve eşsiz büyü yeteneği ile Merlin’i andırmaktadır. When it comes to who was the finer craftsman, it seems churlish not to acknowledge Ollivander – the undisputed best wand-maker in Britain – as far more talented than Dumbledore in this respect. Ni Dumbledore ni Gandalf ne font exception à la règle. As such, we’re confident that Merlin’s magical skills probably were greater than Dumbledore’s own – although just how much greater is open for debate! One of the most influential characters in the entire Lord of the Rings series, Gandalf, also known as Gandalf the Grey, Gandalf the White, and originally Olórin, was an Istar, or Wizard, sent by the Valar in the Third Age to combat the rising threat of Sauron, Morgoth’s lieutenant and the second-most threatening evil in all of Middle-Earth. I mean, sure he’s dead but, that doesn’t mean he wasn’t one of the wizarding G.O.A.Ts! In the Arthurian legends, Merlin is said to be a Cambion, a mythical creature that’s half-man, half-demon, with writers depicting him as the offspring of either a human man or woman and an incubus or succubus. Gandalf wandered Middle-earth, combatting evil when he encountered it, and eventually became instrumental in Sauron’s final defeat, along with the Fellowship of the Ring and the united armies of Gondor, Rohan, and the remaining Elves (I’m sure you’ve heard of that). All the same, it's clear that Merlin is hands-down one of the most powerful and influential wizards of all time – and we’re betting he was at least a little bit more talented than Dumbledore. Nonetheless, this hard-working and fair-minded witch deserves just as much recognition as the other Hogwarts founders – and like them, her powers rivaled those of Dumbledore. If knowledge – even knowledge of an esoteric branch of magical study – is power, then Nicholas Flamel is easily more powerful than Dumbledore! But if we pit the three against each other, who would actually win? In addition to his work for Screen Rant, Leon is an up and coming writer and artist in his own right, and you can view his portfolio on his website, The Pop Culture Studio. As Britain’s chief wizarding lawyer, academic, and educator, Albus Dumbledore has proven himself to be an effective and charming leader, having to lead the English Wizarding community through some of its most trying times, not to mention adding his extensive knowledge to the forwarding of magical thought and theory. And didn’t the Hogwarts headmaster overpower the Dark Lord in their only duel – a contest where both parties openly agreed Dumbledore wasn’t even using lethal force? Yes, this is largely based on supposition – and it’s equally likely that Merlin was simply a highly-gifted wizard of Albus’ calibre, magnified in stature by time and legend. The four Hogwarts founders were the most accomplished witches and wizards of their time, so it’s likely that Dumbledore would’ve fit in well with them. In the Harry Potter universe, Albus Dumbledore is widely regarded as the greatest wizard of the modern era – and rightly so.
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