Also, never whine, never complain. When you face challenges, ask yourself what is the lesson here? Votes: 4, Deal with the Devil if the Devil has a constituency - and don't complain about the heat. Soldiers don't complain...I am not going to do it; I will pretend this is part of a war. Don't complain that your life is boring. Don't complain about things, change things. I guess I have never been much of a complainer. When all one person do is complain, people don't want to talk or listen to them. There will always be those who twist your words, or misinterpret your meaning, or don’t find your design sense to their liking and mistake their subjective taste for objective truth. No, I don't. Don't victimize yourself and let life pass you by as you sit around and complain about problems. Don’t complain about the snow on your neighbor’s roof when your own doorstep is unclean. Am I going to complain about being typecast as smart? Because some people would write saying they wished their ice cream had less/smaller chunks of things, while others would write saying they wished the chunks were even bigger and more numerous. Votes: 0, When people complain me that, they suffer a lot my answer will be the same forget your past, live with present and don't wait for your future. Nobody can do a better job than I can. They're very child-like. That folks, is how to do business right. To be less than your best is a sin. don't you hate people who say they're not complaining and then complain? But I will be the hardest working one, and I'll be the one that people like to work with because I show up on time, and I don't complain. Votes: 0, Your mantra is thank you. Make your own luck. You can! Votes: 4, I don't complain when it's sunny. They keep my energy level up. Achieve Breakthroughs In Your Personal & Professional Life, Excuses Begone! Don't complain. Say thank you to existence. You just take what is given you, and don't complain about what you can't affect. The Israelites wasted forty years murmuring and complaining in the wilderness, when they could have just obeyed God and entered into their Promised Land. Fight the big fights. I once read an interview with Ben and Jerry — the ice cream makers — in which they said they wished they could forward one set of the letters they received to the senders of another set. In fact, nothing drives someone nipping at you heels crazier than to have their questions and demands go utterly ignored and unacknowledged. By targeting your pride, they’ll get you to hand over your power. During one of my “pausing to catch my breath and keep going moments”, they said, “don’t complain and don’t explain”. Podcast #608: How Caffeine Hooks, Hurts, and Helps Us, Ready, Set, Fast: How Strategic Meal-Skipping Can Help You Lose Fat, Gain Muscle, and Get Healthier, Podcast #475: How to Lose Weight, and Keep It Off Forever, Relax These 2 Body Parts to Run Farther and Faster, Podcast #554: Babe Ruth and the World He Made, Podcast #638: How Changing Your Breathing Can Change Your Life, Podcast #636: Why You Overeat and What to Do About It, Stop Hanging Out With Women and Start Dating Them, Podcast #584: How to Avoid Falling in Love With the Wrong Person, A Man Is Punctual: The Importance of Being on Time, Movies Every Millennial Dad Should Introduce to His Kids, Podcast #621: The Causes and Cures of Childhood Anxiety, 23 Dangerous Things You Should Let Your Kids Do, The Best Way to Make and Keep Friendships in Adulthood, Podcast #618: Finding Connection in a Lonely World, Podcast #648: Lessons in Building Rapport from Experts in Terrorist Interrogation, Develop a Strong He-Man Voice by Using the Voice Nature Gave You, Podcast #627: How to Deal With Jerks, Bullies, Tyrants, and Trolls, What to Do When Someone Tells the Same Stories Over and Over. Votes: 0, We [in my family] don't like to mess around and talk about our problems or complain, it's just not anything that we do. Read more quotes from Raymond Carver. If people complained against your vision or work, you shouldn’t care, so why should he? So screw off. Votes: 0, When people are not given an option by some secret scoring system, it's very hard to complain, so they often don't even know that they've been victimized. Dennis Prager, Don't act. Focus on the lesson and don't complain about the test. Don't explain. Your mantra is thank you. 6-Look to the knowledge aspect daily. Votes: 3, Children are loving, they don't gossip, they don't complain, they're just openhearted. When people complain me that, they suffer a lot my answer will be the same forget your past, live with present and don't wait for your future. It’s the people who greatly distort who you are/what you did/what you said, but mix together sensible sounding discourse with nuggets of crazy, who prove the most irresistible. As someone who’s subjected to a constant barrage of feedback on my work, day after day, I find I am able to successfully ignore about 98% of it. Votes: 0, Don't complain that your life is boring. Don't complain, protest. A perfect example of this principle in action arrived in my mailbox just the other day from a company called Guideboat. If you vote for candidates who think it's the role of the state to provide health care, don't complain when your hospitals are as badly run as everything else run by the state. 5-Don't expect perfection in the relative. A lot of people don't enjoy their jobs, and it's one of the main things we like to complain about. If they’re your boss or a customer, you may need to offer an explanation to hold onto your job or their business. If you complain, you're "˜playing the victim'; if you don't complain, you are a victim. 8-Problems are all in your head. Get in early. The more we complain, the more unhappy we get. If you're a writer, you've chosen art as a way of life. They keep my energy level up. Everything happens for a reason. I don't think I have the mileage on me to really complain of any injuries yet. Votes: 2, Maturity is the ability to reap without apology and not complain when things don't go well. Votes: 3, Embrace your life, count your blessings, and don't complain about what you don't have. Votes: 0, Work hard. Explaining yourself is essentially an attempt to seek another’s approval. But, if you’d rather fail and have to try something else, than change your ideas and principles to suit the tastes of others, then choose to be like Jack London, who felt that the public continually misunderstood his work, and contented himself by deciding: “The world is mostly bone-head and nearly all boob.”, Or as the British academic Benjamin Jowett put it: “Never retract. Votes: 0, What you're supposed to do when you don't like a thing is change it. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Further, when a chucklehead elicits a response, you validate his importance. I don't mean to complain. They're ready for you. So screw off. If they’re someone you care about — a loved one or friend — and you’ve had a gross miscommunication, you may want to explain yourself in an effort to preserve the relationship. April Henry. Of course restraining yourself from responding to someone who’s goading you on is easier said than done! Does Ibuprofen Help or Hurt Your Workouts? The “nevers” of course aren’t ironclad and don’t apply to every situation, and even when they should apply, they can be hard to follow through on! I mean the worst. 2-Don't complain. I don't have time to complain. But if you do, don't complain when the roof comes down. I enjoy it. We [in my family] don't like to mess around and talk about our problems or complain, it's just not anything that we do. Leaders celebrate what is working and work to amplify it. Keep the explanation for your unhappiness short, moving as quickly as possible into what you’d like them to do to make it right. Votes: 3 My sight is bad, my hearing is bad, I feel bad, but I don't suffer, I don't complain. Votes: 0, Demons don't move because we complain. Of course, even a simple retort may draw you into an argument you never wanted to have, which often makes complete silence the best possible response. They move because we speak the name of Jesus. They don't judge. Take the Simple Test That Can Predict Your Mortality. It’s when someone says something that impinges on my honor (even when I know they’re not part of my honor group), or when they seem like a dude I can have a good debate with that I get in trouble. People like to complain about the state of contemporary literature, but I can only assume they don't read it very widely. The only fact I worry about is that I exist and suffer and can't even dream of being removed from my feeling of suffering. If you behave like a doormat, expect to be stepped on and don't complain about it. Don't complain about what you don't have. Make work for yourself. I just want to hang out by myself. Votes: 0, Don’t complain about the snow on your neighbor’s roof when your own doorstep is unclean. I don't think so. People either get what you do and are about, or they don’t. 4-Don't expect things to be done for you. Churchill heard that the general and his headquarters staff had been hurt and angry to hear that a newspaper correspondent who had been sent home from their camp had published a very critical article about one of their recent campaigns. If you want to stick to the status quo, pick the Republicans or Democrats, but don't complain. Votes: 0, News objectivity is a twentieth-century myth. Votes: 2, I don't mean to complain. Votes: 0, There's a billboard in a little farm town in the Midwest that says: IF YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT FARMERS, DON'T TALK WITH YOUR MOUTH FULL. And if you can't come up with anything better, you come along with team leaders. I don't have time to feel sorry for myself. Offering explanations does indeed demonstrate weakness, for several reasons: Explaining gives power to another. Be willing to work for nothing in things you think are stupid. I didn’t experience any problems with my order, but I guess some other folks did, which prompted the CEO to send out this letter along with a $50, no-strings-attached gift card to me, and apparently thousands of other customers: Good customer service and corporate accountability are so rare these days, that I found this letter positively astonishing. Votes: 0, People like to complain about the state of contemporary literature, but I can only assume they don't read it very widely. Votes: 0, They keep telling me don't save you. Be appreciative, be thankful, be grateful, be respectful. When you show that you care about an opinion that you, and any observers, know you really shouldn’t, you show weakness. Votes: 4, I'm fearless, I don't complain. And always, for crying out loud, keep a sense of humor. I don't think so. Votes: 0, Don't complain about the people that are drawn to you. And don't complain. About what they done to deserve them things. I don’t complain about work. When someone is clearly off their rocker, it’s easy to ignore them as really out there. Don't complain about growing old — many, many people do not have that privilege. Everything happens for a reason. Think positively. Actions speak louder than words. Get in early. Idiots are not responsible for what they do. Votes: 3, When you do what you're supposed to do and don't complain much, I think the fans, media, players and front office appreciate and respect that. The public's perception of your show is what it is, and you don't get to complain how people perceive your show or talk about it. Dogs don't bark at parked cars. Complaining not only ruins everybody else's day, it ruins the complainer's day, too. I read the papers like everybody else, so I don't complain about what they print. Should You Lift Weights Before Doing Cardio? To be less than your best is a sin. Votes: 4, Read the Bible. You don't hear Metallica complaining about Pearl Jam. Votes: 0, A lot of people don't enjoy their jobs, and it's one of the main things we like to complain about. Work hard and honestly. Which complainers did Ben and Jerry listen to? Don't complain about things, change things. Votes: 3, When you face challenges, ask yourself what is the lesson here? Votes: 3, If you vote for candidates who think it's the role of the state to provide health care, don't complain when your hospitals are as badly run as everything else run by the state.

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