If you find something interesting we missed, let us know at info@defcon.org. We have donated $5,000 to The Bail Project and $5,000 to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund in hopes that our little company can show some solidarity with the movement and help build that better world we all want. Click this link to learn how to become a sponsor. Don’t miss the opportunity to help shape DEF CON Safe Mode. A post shared by Taylor Craig (@thetaylorcraig) on Aug 19, 2019 at 3:53pm PDT. DEFCON 2020 was held online this year in and the talks were released a few days ago on their website and on YouTube. You can also subscribe without commenting. In early March we had hopes that things would be stable by August. Over on the media server, we’ve got all of the main stage talks and materials, the soundtrack, demo labs, art, CTF, music - take what you like. Here’s the answer. Available while supplies last in the DEF CON eBay Store. The President and the first lady have both contracted COVID-19 but the President has been released from the hospital and currently with a clean bill of health, in good condition and back in the White House. https://twitter.com/iotvillage/status/1262574224855744514?s=21 Check out the 30 (!) Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A post shared by @raw_z0 on Aug 27, 2019 at 10:15am PDT, A post shared by black feathers (@blackfeathers) on Aug 12, 2019 at 9:56pm PDT. While the physical format may be unfamiliar to the youngest among you, seasoned players will recognize it as a ‘cassette tape’ - an analog recording format consisting of a ribbon of magnetic tape and a plastic housing to keep your dirty fingers away from said tape. We're cancelling DEF CON China 2, but we're hopeful we can return to Beijing in 2021. The DEF CON Safe Mode badge is here! To DEF CON, Black lives matter. Encouragement and gratitude to those who didn’t this time. For everyone looking to support DEF CON in this unusually difficult time, we have a new option for you to consider - Human PLUS. Dudes Who Plotted To Kill Michigan Governor Are Anarchists Not Trump Supporters, Joe Biden Had An Affair With Jill While She Was Still Married To Another Man, Obedient Liberals Push Bizarre 'Blood Pressure' Joe Biden Talking Point, Former Obama Doctor Says Joe Biden Isn't Mentally Fit To Be President. Postal Service Is Crap, Biden Says Voters Don’t Deserve To Know If He Would Pack The Supreme Court, Michelle Obama Screams That ‘Racist’ Trump Will Destroy The Nation, Pelosi Thinks The House Will Make Biden President (She’s Wrong), Trump Denounced White Supremacy But Biden Wouldn’t Denounce Antifa, Great Debate: Joe Biden Says Men Can Get Pregnant, It Looks Like Joe Biden Is Planning On Wearing An Earpiece In Tonight’s Debate, Kamala Harris Fails Again At Pandering Black Voters, CNN Narrative: Joe Biden Isn't Senile, He Just Stutters A Bit, No Social Distancing Necessary If You Yell At A Pregnant Woman To Kill Her Baby. , A post shared by csharp malware (@csharp_malware) on Dec 5, 2019 at 9:37am PST. Here are some highlights from a DEFCON event that was held in China. China is testing an intercontinental hypersonic weapon capable of flying at low altitudes, making it difficult to provide “precise warning” by a targeted country. With that accountability comes an obligation to make things right, to see justice done wherever it’s been denied, and work for a better tomorrow. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. pic.twitter.com/0PiYTBlNaI. Current Defcon Level in 2020 remains at Defcon level 5 today, in spite of a national emergency officially declared by President Trump over the COVID-19. The time to celebrate the many Contest Winners is at hand. [instagram_meup photo_count="6" access_token="3465678363.389cfab.5c888ff025bc482c9d22b85b2bcb7509"][/instagram_meup]. So close now! Stay healthy, stay safe, and stay in touch so we can all be together virtually this August 6-9 and again for DEF CON 29 in person. Gates open on Thursday, August 6, 9:30 am – 6:00 pm and closes Sunday, August 9 at 4:00 pm. Space is changing. He can’t even get through a softball interview while …, Joe Biden selected Kamala Harris to be his running mate not because she’s qualified or likable but simply due to …, Joe Biden Tells People Not To Vote For Him, Here’s Seinfeld’s Newman Proving Democrats Are Morons And The U.S. The scoreboard has been made static and the challenges are still available! Of course. by Leah, DEF CON Bittorrent Configuration Guide Announcement This will be the first DEF CON where you won’t have to pick between main stage talks and the rest of the show, so take advantage. Whether you want to register for an event, offer to help out with a village, or just get a start on planning your DC weekend, you can find the relevant thread in the DC28 planning forum. Head over to the Safe Mode Entertainment Page for the complete lineup. Please read The Dark Tangent’s more detailed thoughts on the situation and then head over to the Forums to get involved. Friday and Saturday night, we’ll be providing tasty beats from the likes of Miss Jackalope, Skittish and Bus and Ninjula. The DEF CON FAQ has the answers to most of the common questions you might have. The talk follows a series of case studies looking at satellite communications affecting three domains: air, land, and sea. If you’re aspiring to become a player in this highly specialized niche, be sure to secure your seat before it runs out. , Getting the party started at DEFCON 2018. There are real inequities in the way the law is applied to Black people in America. by Nikita, Bridging the Gap: Dispersing Knowledge through Research Presented at DEFCON I’m not interested in debating anyone’s humanity, or anyone’s right to equal treatment under the law. media.defcon.org DEFCON 2020 is an exclusive event that presents a wide variety of products and services such as Cyber Security, Software, Artificial Intelligence, Network Security, Cryptography, Software Development, Hacking, Distributed Computing, Open Source Software, Information Technologies, Hacking Knowledge and Private Computing and much more. Let's use these forums to collaborate in making Safe Mode happen. DEF CON hearts you. by Paul F. Renda, 'Twas the week before DEF CON This website uses cookies to provide you with an awesome online experience. For more information about DEFCON 2020 or any other convention-related needs, call Conventions.com at 702-555-1212 or chat with us live now. Join us Saturday at 8pm PDT (GMT-7) in discord.gg/defcon in movie-night-text and movie-night-voice. Keep your look hacker fresh and be the envy of all who behold you. DEF CON 28 will be upon us before you know it. Share your stories, make suggestions, pass along your thoughts on our first virtual event. We postponed the DEF CON China 2 event, hoping we'd be able to pick another date in 2020. From Crypto and Privacy Village (@CryptoVillage): We're back! You’ll be able to learn cutting edge hacking research and technology from the most brilliant minds in the world and test their skills in contests of hacking supremacy. 2020. — Christiaan Triebert (@trbrtc) October 2, 2020. You’ll be happy to know that we’re applying that research to the #defconsafemode experiment. The much requested mask is here, along with hats, pins and stickers. DEF CON Safe Mode Reminder: Year round, consider joining a local DEF CON Group, or get active on the DEF CON Forums! For the big downloaders, check out our Torrents. Thanks for your patience. And finally we will present a comprehensive plan to dramatically limit the capabilities of IMSI catchers (with the long term goal of making them useless once and for all). Permission to get psyched is #granted. Click here for the full list and schedule of all the speakers for this event. Temporary Help: LasVegasStaffing.com villages that are taking part and start planning your Con. This year’s runner up is a stylish meditation on the profusion of connectivities that characterize modern life by Rita Tu. We’ve updated the DEF CON Safe Mode Swag page with Women’s cut shirts. More on the DEF CON Safe Mode Badge Page. . DEFCON 2020 will be starting on Thursday, August 06 and finishing on Sunday, August 09, 2020. Transportation and Storage: NevadaLogistics.com https://forum.defcon.org/DEFCONGroups, Congratulations to A*O*E, the winners of the DEF CON Safe Mode CTF Qualifiers, and our heartfelt thanks to the amazing team at Order of the Overflow for hosting a great event. Read more. If you want to learn about infrastructure hacking, DEFCON definitely is the place to be! Slides for these talks are available on the Defcon Media server under the presentations folder. Justice matters. There are a myriad of ways! We are beyond grateful that so many of you took the leap of faith with us, and we want to hear from you. This year it’s a global pandemic thing. by Christian “quaddi” Dameff, MD and Jeff “r3plicant” Tully, MD, The DEF CON CFP Process RTL-SDR (RTL2832U) and software defined radio news and projects. In 2017 I couldn’t make it to Vegas because of a visa issue. Though this year’s event was canceled, the spirit of hacking remains alive among its community members. DEF CON Safe Mode - James Pavur - Whispers Among the Stars, DEF CON Safe Mode - Cooper Quintin - Detecting Fake 4G Base Stations in Real Time. If someone brings a satellite dish nearby a ground station location, could he received satellite to ground station downlink signal? Good faith discussions about the best way to do the right thing, however, are always welcome. That is, it can make…, GOES 16/17 and GK-2A Weather Satellite Tutorial, Decoding 433 MHz ISM Band Weather Stations, QRP (FT8, JT9, WSPR etc) Monitoring Station, Performing Replay Attacks with RTL-SDR and RpiTX, SignalsEverywhere Direction Finding Tutorial, Measuring Traffic Volumes with Passive Radar, Manual gain controls and decimation driver, ExtIO with Decimation & Tuner Bandwidth Controls, https://github.com/EFForg/crocodilehunter, DEFCON 23 – LTE Recon and Tracking with RTLSDR, DEF CON 27 SDR Talks: Antennas for Surveillance, Ford Keyfob Hack, Smart TV Wireless Side Channel Attack, Videos from DEFCON 22 Wireless Village Talks, Software defined radio talks from Defcon 23, MySondy: Radiosonde Tracking Firmware for a TTGO ESP32 LORA Board, Easy-SDR: Open Source Designs for SDR Accessories, Notes on Observing Pulsars with an SDR from CCERA, PySDR: A (Free) Guide to SDR and DSP using Python, Converting an Old Cable Modem into an SDR, Testing the Electrosense Up/Downconverter Expansion Board For 0 – 6 GHz, AFEDRI LAN-IQ: Standalone 12-bit 30 kHz to 1.7 GHz SDR with LCD Screen for $339, Cheap and Easy Hydrogen Line Radio Astronomy with an RTL-SDR, WiFi Parabolic Grid Dish, LNA and SDRSharp, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast.

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