Genre(s) : Culture and General_Entertainment. For more information about our products and services, please do not hesitate to contact us. 電子郵箱, 10月15日,美國海軍第七艦隊發佈消息稱,“裏根”號航母打擊群已經重返南海,除航母外,打擊群中還包括導彈巡洋艦和導彈驅逐艦。, 中央電視台中文國際頻道主持人,2001年由中國傳媒大學畢業分配進入中央電視台,現為《今日關注》、《中國輿論場》主持人。, 漢族,籍貫陜西,畢業于北京電影學院公共事業管理(影視方向)專業。現主持中文國際頻道節目《城市一對一》。, 畢業于浙江傳媒學院播音主持專業,由於外形甜美、嗓音圓潤,加之文字功底不錯等種種優勢,在校期間一直被導師列為重點培養對象。學生時代的韓佳曾在浙江衛視主持過 《音樂中國》、 《溫馨放鬆》等節目,並擔任 《社會新聞》和 《東方119》的主播。這段實習經歷給了她豐富寶貴的經驗,為日後走上央視播音主持道路奠定了堅實基礎。, 王端端,2000年參加中央電視台“榮事達”杯主持人大賽,進入決賽獲得優勝獎。同年進入中央電視台西部頻道任主持人。2003年調入國際頻道至今,任《中國新聞》主播、《流行無限》主持人,多次主持重大直播報道及特別節目,主持風格大氣自然,流暢自如。, 1996年畢業于北京廣播學院播音係。1994年開始主持《天涯共此時》,並先後兼任過《十二演播室》、《中國旅遊》等節目的主持人。, 現在的一切對於我來説才剛剛開始,還有太多的挑戰和磨練等著我去面對。我只相信“一分耕耘,一分收穫”。, 中國中央電視台中文國際頻道(CCTV-4)是中央電視台唯一一個面向全球播出的中文頻道。目標觀眾是全球華人,特別是居住在海外的華人、華僑以及港、澳、臺同胞。, 中央廣播電視總台 版權所有 Amongst its programmes are documentaries, music, news, sports, children’s shows, drama, and sports. It is also designed to promote China in a positive light, and display Chinese culture, including current events, and entertainment. Launched in 1992 by the President Yang Shangkun of China, CCTV 4 Europe delivers a wide variety of programmes to entertain Chinese speaking people in Europe. CCTV-4 中文国际 (Chinese: 中国中央电视台中文国际频道; pinyin: Zhōngguó zhōngyāng diànshìtái zhōngwén guójì píndào) is a 24-hour Chinese international channel. For those that fancy discovering and learning Mandarin, there are educational programmes covering the basics. DMCA Disclaimer  |  Privacy Policy  |  Term of Use  |  Cookies  |  Add URL  |  Ads  |  Contact Us  |  Help  |  Sitemap. If you have any legal issues please contact appropriate media file owners/hosters. Select CCTV-4 programs were also broadcast in Cantonese until 2007. We re-publish content from the third-party television stations, sometimes susceptible to interference from television broadcast sources that we take to be embedded in this page. Today, due to its popularity, this international Hot Bird satellite channel operates 24 hours a day, every day of the week. 郵編:100789 We will always try to updating this tv channel so that you can watch comfortably. All software, manuals and other downloadable content is available here. At the same time, the channel was revised and programs were broadcast in Mandarin, Cantonese and English, and started airing 24 hours a day. It is one of six China Central Television channels that broadcast outside the People's Republic of China. Utilizamos cookies para asegurar que damos la mejor experiencia al usuario en nuestro sitio web. On 1 January 1995, the channel expanded and extended its international coverage by launching on satellite. The content is broadcast in Mandarin. Posted on November 3, 2015, and last modified on 2 years ago. Astra 1M. We offer 3 year warranty on all our products, with the best personalized technical service, © Copyright 2017 - Safire - Manufacturer and Supplier of CCTV Cameras. CCTV-4 is a an international TV channel catering to overseas Chinese in Europe. Originally this international channel operated for 6 hours a day. CCTV 4 Europe is a tv station from China. To receive the service, you need to be within the Eutelsat satellite coverage area, have a satellite dish and a receiver. In 2007, the channel was split into three editions of continents and three editions of countries: Television broadcasting channels in China,, Television channels and stations established in 1992, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, China Central Television Channel 4 – International (1992–1995), This page was last edited on 27 September 2020, at 19:09. CCTV-4 Europe - Beijing, China - Listen to free internet radio, sports, music, news, talk and podcasts. CCTV 4 Europe is a tv station from China. Eutelsat 3B 3.1° E CCTV 4 Europe Frequency:4081 Polarization:L Symbol Rate:44490 Fec:2/3. It also covers national politics, economy, culture and education. Europe(Ku) 22. Si continúa utilizando este sitio asumiremos que está de acuerdo. We are present in the main European countries, We cover all the needs of our customers, offering a wide range of products, always with the latest technology and the best quality, We are committed to our customers. CCTV 4 is one of the channels broadcast by the China Central Television. CCTV 4 contains a variety of programs including documentaries, music, news, drama series, sports and children shows. SAFIRE: Europe's leading CCTV manufacturer of security cameras and surveillance systems. This channel contains a variety of programs including documentaries, music, news, drama series, sports and children shows for Greater China including China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. CCTV-4 was officially launched on 1 October 1992 with broadcasts from 8:30 am to 12:10 am Beijing Time. CCTV 4. CCTV is the leading and most popular television broadcaster of China. Viewers can opt for entertainment programmes that trace the history of China, exciting series, films, and talk shows. Hotbird 13B-13C-13E 13.0° E CCTV 4 Europe Frecuencia:11585 Polarización:V Símbolos:27500 Fec:5/6 CCTV-4 is a Chinese free-to-air television channel.

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