No matter what age or gender, anyone laying a hand on this game will be captivated. Samantha was won over by John’s captivating smile, as well as by his charming personality. We were immediately captivated by the tanagers, the most exotic of which were the Green-headed and the Brazilian Tanager. A fortnight passed before he decided to support Sieyes in effecting a change in the constitution; and by then he had captivated all men except Bernadotte and a few intransigeant Jacobins. In the accompanying video, the truly vibrant Susana took us round the gardens herself and we were captivated ! In 1845 he was entirely captivated by the Tubingen school, and in his work Das Evangelium Marcions and das kanonische Evangelium des Lukas, published in 1846, he appears as a disciple of F. In vain did he seek to dazzle the tsar by assembling about him the vassal kings and princes of Germany; in vain did he exercise all the intellectual gifts which had captivated the tsar at Tilsit; in vain did he conjure up visions of the future conquest of the Orient; external display, diplomatic finesse, varied by one or two outbursts of calculated violence - all was useless. Video games and elven virtual worlds captivated thousands of loyal and new gamers. Tolkien's elf names and subsequent elf language that the author created for his Lord of the Rings (LOTR) books have long captivated readers. Because a waterfall is so captivating, people can sit and watch it for hours. Kids, teens and even adults were captivated by this new technology and soon almost every household on the block knew of the phenomenon. His enthusiasm for the land and the people, his idealistic outlook, his bright but simple manner, his utter lack of conventionality and stiffness, his fondness for travelling and nature and sport captivated the Canadian heart. I am disoriented,[sentencedict .com] but, 13. You'll be enchanted by the magical beauty of these islands and captivated by the lavish hospitality of the Polynesians. And are you captivated by what you. His energy and love of words captivated us all, particularly when mixed in with magic tricks and naughty puppets, such as Hamilton! Here she captivated the audience, & us with her singing, that has a romantic & midnight zone feel to it. Ofahengaue gives All Black Bernie McCahill a taste of the explosive power that has, 30. totally captivated by her beauty Caroline could have been speaking Chinese for all the notice I took. Make a bird or bat box for your garden or be captivated by the visiting storyteller. Shooting stars have long since captivated the minds of people from all over the world. They had their faces painted, did the YMCA, ate ice cream sundaes and were captivated by the Magician's show. His aerobatics, including loops, death spirals, and night flights using phosphorus fireworks, On a visit to Los Angeles, he saw a demonstration of powered flight and was, Often conference goers are anxious to get early places in the meal queue, but although we had gone overtime for lunch, Nigel, Looking at her now, he felt that he was walking on air, completely, The delightful aromatic scent of delicate, lacy carnations has always, Like many, I tuned in expecting a slaughter and was, The natural elegance with which he wore his tuxedo and the way it fit him like a glove combined to create a stunning image that, During his literal captivity as a prisoner of war in Kentucky, he becomes figuratively, During a visit to Saskatchewan, Charles spent 20 minutes in Smoke's classroom in Regina, where Smoke, Yet only two days into his holiday, he found himself so, A 110 years later, the play still has the Telugus, In their glory days, drive-ins expressed a particular, wacky strain of American imagination, their grandiosity and gadgetry revealing a culture, Such is the power of the media to glamorize the supposed opportunities for individual advancement afforded by the new order that many are, It was just one of a number of female celebrity flirtations with nudity that, He presented himself at the palace of the king, who was so, In 1980, a retrospective of the artist at the Museum of modern art in New York, The maestro's stunning chef-d'oeuvre mesmerized the, Raoul Walsh saw him effortlessly carrying an armchair above his head and was, The next time you meet some person who is utterly, The study of mathematics, physics, and in particular, of electricity, had, The story of Lynn Jackenheimer's murder in Outer Banks has, With dramatic eyebrows, doe eyes, full hair and blunt fringe, her awkward, gamine beauty, The Newsweek writer's concession speech ended a national parlor game that, When Hernando Cortes and his 500 men invaded Mexico in 1519, they were.

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