For example, Lydia being viciously attacked by an Alpha Werewolf triggered her Banshee heritage and caused her to activate her powers at age sixteen, and Meredith Walker also seemed to have gained her powers while she was still in high school, suggesting that she, too, experienced a traumatic event that triggered her abilities earlier than normal, though this has yet to be explicitly confirmed. Her Banshee nature was triggered after she was bitten by then-Alpha Werewolf Peter Hale in the Season 1 episode Formality, which activated her supernatural powers; it has been implied that these powers would not have manifested until after she turned eighteen, if at all, had she not been bitten at that time. Accounts of banshees go back as far as 1380 with the publication of the Cathreim Thoirdhealbhaigh (Triumps of Torlough) by Seean mac Craith. A legendák szerint minden régi klánhoz tartozik egy Banshee, aki a család tagjaiért jajong. She also seemed to have predicted that her granddaughter, Lydia, would become a Banshee and would get into trouble with the Deadpool, and left her a jar of Mountain Ash inside the lake house's boat house, which was made of rowan wood and thus could serve as a protected hide-out from supernatural threats. Despite all that her powers had created, Lenore was unaware of her Banshee heritage until Lydia informed her of it, and though she was originally intent to make Scott, Malia and Lydia stay with her and Caleb forever, Lydia managed to beg Lenore to let them go, reminding her that their own hometown was facing a similar fate and that Lydia would be left alone with no equivalent to Caleb to keep her company. Other stories portray banshees as dressed in green, red, or black with a grey cloak. Banshees were common in Irish and Scottish folk stories such as those written down by Herminie T. Kavanagh. Known Banshees in the series include Lydia Martin, Lorraine Martin, and Meredith Walker, though it has been implied that there have been other Banshees in Beacon Hills as well, such as the one Sheriff Stilinski met several years prior to the start of the series who predicted the death of his wife, Claudia Stilinski. Since the supernatural world is still a secret to the majority of humans, Banshees are typically mistaken for being mentally ill, since they can see and hear things that very few people can and often behave strangely as a result of the passive aspects of their powers; this puts them at risk of being institutionalized by family members, as Lorraine Martin, Meredith Walker and, briefly, Lydia Martin have all spent time in Eichen House. Combat statistics and Agility are also reduced, which can be annoying for players wishing to use the shortcuts in the Slayer Tower. The banshee visits a household and by wailing she warns them that a member of their family is about to die. It was this power that also allowed the McCall Pack to defeat the Beast of Gevaudan and save her friend Mason Hewitt from being consumed by it. Because they possess enhanced senses of hearing, they can also be harmed by extremely loud or high-pitched noises; this was evidenced when Meredith was seriously injured after listening to the "Banshee record" with headphones at Lorraine Martin's lake house, and when Meredith's Banshee-wailed so loudly that she caused Lydia's ear to bleed, despite the fact that she was with the regular human Stiles Stilinski, who was not injured by the scream. An ectoplasmator will also provide the player with Prayer experience. When she sensed that her fellow Banshee, Lydia Martin, had been captured by the Nogitsune, Meredith broke out of Eichen House to help the McCall Pack find her. Morytania legs 4 will provide a 10% boost to slayer experience if in the the slayer tower and on task. The Banshee is generally a feminine spirit in Irish mythology, however in extremely rare cases, a male can become a banshee. This can also extend to the locations where a person who is about to die may be as well, as she was unconsciously drawn to Derek Hale's loft during the Deadpool so she could wail for his impending death, though it ultimately did not permanently come to pass.
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