Which is to say that a warming word has been good for our food supply, and cooling would be bad. Barry just switches to even more misrepresentation: Their key theme [on Sky] this summer has been to blame the fires on the Greens and lack of hazard reduction to reduce the fuel load. That’s bizarre. Not quite true. Nor has Media Watch ever held him to account. Not a single fact. He has turned Media Watch into the Inquisition of the Holy Warmist Church. I’ve said for nearly two decades that the planet has warmed slightly over the past century. And it is that grass fires across remote Australia in 74 -75 burnt a far larger area, while 2009’s Black Saturday fires in Victoria killed far more people. - The Bolt Report, Sky News, 27 January, 2020 News Corp’s ridicule of climate science is not unprecedented. But Barry ignores that. Lunatic stuff. Proving us wrong depends on challenging our facts and arguments with better facts and arguments, and this is exactly what Barry does NOT do. Wait. It was never possible, and Williams is so far out by 99.96 metres, with just 80 years to go, yet still has not apologised for his crazy claim. He cannot forgive it, and regularly uses his show to attack it. The only dispute is over whether the Bureau has done this correctly, to make the data more accurate. Barry has been absolutely obsessed with News and Sky, which, unlike the ABC, does still hire a few people prepared to challenge the warmist hysteria. So you’d assume from Barry's clip that I was, as Barry claimed, ridiculing climate science. Even if Australia could somehow be entirely fossil fuel-free for the entire century, burnt area in 2100 would be 5.997 per cent instead of 6 per cent. Nor does it correct ABC presenter Fran Kelly and others for repeatedly and falsely claiming that Pacific islands are sinking thanks to global warming. Sky News host Andrew Bolt says it is not too much of a stretch to say Australia, alongside the many people who are wrongly held hostage, has also been jailed by the likes of China and Iran. AUSTRALIA SHRUGS, INCOMPETENCE: DANIEL ANDREWS KEEPS SHOP SHUT IN HIS VIRUS PANIC, MUSLIM BEHEADS TEACHER IN PARIS FOR SHOWING MUHAMMAD CARTOON, TWITTER RUNS PROTECTION RACKET FOR BIDEN’S CROOKED UKRAINE DEAL, HUNTER BIDEN BOMBSHELL EMAIL – BUT TWITTER TRIES TO KILL THE STORY, BRETT SUTTON IS RIGHT. On a show allegedly devoted to raising the standards of journalism, this is a serious flaw. The real accusation from this ABC High Priest: heresy! I, for one, have not mentioned the Greens but have also blamed the drought. Are fires burning more land as the plane warms? Add to that, last week, climate protests in Sydney by a couple of hundred so-called Quiet Australians. Barry never goes on to explain why my argument that “global warming may actually not be all bad, at all” is actually wrong, let alone “peak stupid”. - The Weekend Australian, 11 January, 2020. And on Barry goes, with abuse, not argument. Isn’t that consistent with my argument all along? That's the line in this whole show attacking Sky News presenters like me: childish abuse and appeals to authority without Barry actually going to the intellectual effort of trying to proving me and some other Sky sceptics wrong. This is also known as Online Behavioural Advertising. None. No interest. Millions of hectares were burnt … let me assure you, this is a long way from our worst-ever fire season. Sorry we couldn't find a match for that, please try again, Join the conversation, you are commenting as, PEAK WOKE OR BLUNDER? For instance, it’s now 13 years since the ABC’s chief science presenter, Robyn Williams, claimed that it was “possible” that the seas would rise 100 metres this century. News Corp’s ridicule of climate science is not unprecedented. More Pacific island atolls are growing than are sinking.
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