I completely agree that it shows how all their senses are heightened due to the war. “There were thousands of Kantoreks, all of whom were convinced that they were acting for the best—in a way that cost them nothing. Baumer is explaining to the reader what it is like to be at, or near, the front. This quote was my original quote because I thought that it was an excellent example to some themes throughout the novel so far. Men who have been up as often as we have become thick-skinned. For breakfast, turnip-bread-lunch, turnip-stew- supper, turnip-cutlets and turnip-salad. The war is so chaotic and it's hard not to be impacted by that. I am afraid they might then become gigantic and I be no longer able to master them.”, “You take it from me, we are losing the war because we can salute too well.”, “The things men did or felt they had to do.”, “Katczinsky says it is all to do with education - it softens the brain.”, “Sweet dreams though the guns are booming.”, “Our thoughts are clay, they are moulded with the changes of the days;--when we are resting they are good; under fire, they are dead. The leader would use the soldiers to try to get more power of them. I really liked the quote you picked Griffin because I also feel that this could resemble some foreshadowing. “ Our faces change imperceptibly. He it is still and yet it is not he any longer. 54) In this chapter, the soldiers have just moved camp so they are only a bit away from the front. There is no wife and kids to go home to, or a job. Remarque does an excellent job in this passage of using both organic and kinesthetic imagery. I agree that this is a good quote because it highlights a major problem. Friends are good to have and they give you comfort, but they are only temporary at war on the front, and they may disappear in the blink of an eye. Only the young recruits are agitated" At the start of the war, Baumer and each one of those in his organization were honest. I feel a hunger, greater than comes from the belly alone." The imagery is also really great because I can pretend I'm in the war to see how the soldiers feel. We cannot fetch them all in, if we did we should not know what to do with them. When they hear bombs and gunshots their demeanor changes even though they are not in the front lines fighting. This is actually proven in the novel already when the men have had enough with Himmelstoss and decide to beat him up. I agree with your analysis that of the new recruits being less experienced and less experienced. I read the book and I found one really good nationalistic quote, but it's too short, so I was trying to find a new one and simply could not. I feel that it is beneficial and positive to have analyzed the same quote because now I can compare my interpretation to Sonam's for example. Get me? This creates another obstacle and hardship for Paul to go through, even with everything else. The poor young recruits are innocent like you said and it is sad how they will be stripped of their boyhood by being thrown into battle. All of their senses are heightened. An antiwar novel set during World War I, it relies on Remarque’s personal experience in the war to depict the era’s broader disillusionment. I thought this was a good quote.

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