I'm pretty sure they have both a blue and a lutino mutation, so albino is also possible in this species! Birdsnow , on the other hand, has a platform of birds both for sale and for adoption that connects the buyer or adopter directly to the breeder. Bulu pada jenis ini pada umumnya berwarna hijau dengan warna coklat di bagian leher dan warna hitam pada leher bagian belakang, serta paruhnya berwarna abu-abu tua hingga hitam. Pada umumnya bulu pada jenis ini berwarna hijau dengan warna hijau yang lebih gelap pada bagian punggung, paruh berwarna kelabu muda. Scientific Name: Agapornis roseicollis var. What I did read is that after their first molt they darken up but I could only really find a couple birds that were almost white like that. Basically a Creamino Lovebird is the Lutino mutation of the Turquoise aka "Partial Blue" mutation lovebirds. Fischer’s Lovebird (Agapornis fischeri) adalah jenis love bird berasal bagian selatan danau Victoria, Tanzania utara. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. You must log in or register to reply here. Place a nest box on the upper side of the cage during the breeding period. As they are easily susceptible to malnutrition, ensure your pet has a properly balanced diet consisting of sunflower seeds, canary seeds, millet seeds, saffron seeds, hemp, oats along with boiled eggs, rice, carrots, apple and leafy vegetables. Peach-Faced Lovebird (Rosy Faced Lovebird) The peach-faced lovebird, a native of Africa, is found at an elevation of sixteen hundred meters above the sea level. It is better to provide them a spacious cage with horizontal bars, sizing 81X50X50cm with a 2cm bird perch. All babies have red eyes. To my knowledge there is no true albino peachfaced lovebird. © 2020 (Singing-Wings-Aviary.com). The peach-faced lovebird, a native of Africa, is found at an elevation of sixteen hundred meters above the sea level. Description: The Lutino Lovebird, a particularly striking bird with an overall yellow coloring and a bright red face, is a mutation of the Peach-faced Lovebird. How adorable! According to everything I've read, any and all animal species that produce melanin can produce an albino so although I've heard over and over that peachface lovebirds cannot produce albinos, I don't really know why (does anybody?) Grey-headed Lovebird/Madagascar Lovebird (Agapornis canus). Also, if there is any symptom of lethargy or upsetting behavior observed, an immediate check up by a proficient vet is advisable. Black-cheeked Lovebird (Agapornis nigrigenis) adalah jenis love bird yang berasal dari Zambia dan Zimbabwe. Peach-faced Lovebird (Agapornis roseicollis) adalah jenis love bird yang berasal dari daerah kering di barat daya Afrika seperti Gurun Namibia. Throughout South West Africa, from Angola river to Orange River, Nabim desert, High pitched chattering with a shrill voice. https://www.parrots.org/encyclopedia/peach-faced-lovebird, https://www.beautyofbirds.com/peachfacelovebirdgenetics.html, http://www.birdchannel.com/bird-species/profiles/peach-faced-lovebird-2.aspx, http://www.azfo.org/journal/rosy-facedlovebird2011.html, Yellow-Collared Lovebird (Black-Masked Lovebird), 7 of the Best Bird Swings and What Makes them Worth Your While, 10 of the Best Bird Carrier Backpacks and Travel Cages, Finch Cages: How to Keep the Birds Properly, Rosy-faced lovebird, Rosy collared lovebird, Rose-ringed lovebird, Rosy headed lovebird. They cannot talk, but sometimes imitate the sounds they hear. Tunggir berwarna biru terang, di bagian bawah sayap bulu berwarna hijau dengan sedikit warna biru, ekor bagian atas memiliki bulu berwarna hijau, bagian bawah berwarna kebiruan, bagian paruh berwarna kuning gading,  iris mata berwarna cokelat tua serta kaki berwarna abu-abu. 4. They are known to be extremely protective of their mates, often seen feeding and taking care of each other, hence justifying the name. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I did manage to stumble on a breeding project trying to get turq inos but it just talked about how they were planning on doing it, the outcome wasn't listed. Very interesting tho! 3. Each order is of 2 birds (Pair of Lovebirds) This beautiful shade of Lovebird will bring joy to anyone's life. Black-cheeked Lovebird (Agapornis nigrigenis). Jenis love bird ini banyak ditemukan dengan warna hijau walaupun ada juga yang berwarna biru, memiliki bulu berwarna hitam yang menutupi bagian muka sehingga seperti topeng, memiliki paruh berwarna merah bulu dada berwarna kuning, pada matanya terdapat lingkaran berwarna putih serta ukuran tubuhnya sekitar 15 cm. Keeping a pet lovebird healthy takes more than just refilling the seed cup each day! Do not provide them avocado, fried foods, and sugar as these are detrimental to them. It is a very pure bird, with innocent white feathers and dark black eyes. Interesting, I've never seen one like that. Since they are inquisitive, often tending to escape, there should be no wide space between the bars. Therefore, it is possible for there to be albino galahs. In parrots a true albino is not common. Burung ini mampu hidup hingga umur 10-15 tahun. 6. Peach-faced Lovebird (Agapornis roseicollis). Demikian pembahasan kita tentang”Lovebird- Penjelasan, Klasifikasi, Dan Jenisnya“, semoga bermanfaat dan jangan lupa ikuti postingan kami berikutnya. I didn't mention any 'too species since Tinta said "besides cockatoos and cockatiels". Fischer’s Mutations: Albino, Lutino, Yellow, White | Parrot Parrot, Absolutely Adorable Lovebirds: Albino Masked Lovebirds. Mostly green body with dark brown eyes, pink upper breast, eye zone and head, blue rump. I think any species has potential to produce a mutation in the gene allowing for the production, transport or conversion of melanin. Black-winged Lovebird/Abyssinian Lovebird (Agapornis taranta) adalah spesies love bird yang berasal dari Eritera selatan hingga Ethiopia selatan. I forgot about nanday conures! Jenis ini umumnya memiliki bulu berwarna hijau, berwarna lebih kuning di tubuh bagian bawah, bulu dahi dan belakang mata berwarna merah.

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