The Welsh Government published the draft National Development Framework (NDF) for consultation on 7 August 2019. The consultation on the Draft NDF closes on the 1st November 2019 with the NDF scheduled for adoption in September 2020. stIt is proposed that the consultation response be submitted by the 1 November deadline with the proviso that Council endorsement of the response will be at Council meeting on the 13th November 2019. The draft National Development Framework (NDF) was published for consultation on 7 August and sets out the Welsh Government’s strategy for addressing its national priorities through the planning system. the Draft NDF. Report Details CONSULTATION DRAFT . Report on the draft National Development Framework 5 1. Executive Summary The original non-detriment finding (NDF) for freshwater sawfish was developed in 2007. Summarised matters are identified immediately below, but we provide more details in response to the relevant policies in Chapter 5 of the Draft NDF. consulting on the draft NDF, considering responses and preparing a consultation report (August 2019 – March 2020); the National Assembly for Wales considering the draft NDF (April – June 2020); and publishing the final NDF (September 2020). Become a Member. The Planning Act requires the draft NDF to be considered by the Assembly before This NDF spans the area bounded by the Wadeson Street, the Inner Ring Road (A635) and Dalberg Street, as shown in the consultation document. Alert: NDF consultation - new deadline! The Committee’s inquiry is intended to inform the development of the final version of the NDF… 4. Welsh Government aim to publish the final NDF in September 2020. The following revised NDF has been developed by the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA), in response to: a review of current research on freshwater View the consultation support documents Following this online consultation, we will continue to work on the Framework and will present a Draft NDF for Manchester City … Key Issues for … Following the consultation, and in line with the requirements in the Planning Act, the draft NDF must be laid before the Senedd for consideration for a 60 day period (‘the Senedd consideration period’) before it is … On 7 August 2019, the Welsh Government (“WG”) commenced consultation on its draft National Development Framework (“NDF”), a document setting out a 20-year land use framework for Wales, which will replace the current Wales Spatial … The Minister for Housing and Local Government, Julie James, laid the draft NDF and the consultation report before the Senedd on 21 … the consultation on welsh government’s draft ndf closed on 15th november. 1. Council agree the response to the draft NDF consultation (as attached in Appendix 1); with any amendments, and the Lead Member for Planning, Public Protection and Safer Communities submit the finalised consultation response to Welsh Government on behalf of Denbighshire County Council under delegated powers. Please make your voice heard: this will be our only opportunity. The consultation period closes on 15 November. Introduction 1. Please see ‘NDF WIND & SOLAR PLANS FOR WALES’ page for an explanation of the draft National Development Framework and its role in Welsh planning, some key concerns about the proposals and links to consultation and evidence documents. In August 2019, the Welsh Government published its draft National Development Framework for consultation. The draft NDF must be accompanied by a report summarising the issues raised during the consultation process and how the Welsh Government has taken them into account. The consultation closed on 15 November 2019. The consultation period for the Draft National Development Framework (NDF) is being extended by two weeks and will now close on Friday 15 November 2019. Cross-reference to the policy framework provided by PPW 10 would help provide clarity and certainty. 2. The Welsh Government is seeking comments on the Draft NDF from all stakeholders by 1st November 2019. United Kingdom; Energy and infrastructure - Clean energy; 03-10-2019. After this, the consultation responses will be considered and the draft NDF will be considered by the Assembly in April - June 2020.

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