So the term 'Vienna hot dog' would technically mean a frankfurter made in Vienna placed inside a bun. Named after the German city where it is traditionally sold and enjoyed at beer gardens, frankfurters are smoked, precooked sausages made of beef and pork. So, the moment we put the product between the 'two bits of bread' it becomes the popular 'hot dog'. Sausage (noun) I left it in the fridge for these two days before I … Frankfurters. I made chicken stock two days ago and it is almost exactly the texture of jelly. It can can be grilled, steamed, and even braised. A sausage made from beef, chicken or pork. Wiener (noun) An irritating or disliked person. ... One would think that given the names, these would be two different varieties of sausage, but I’ve never seen them mean anything different in practice. The term 'hot dog' is … A hot dog is a frankfurter or Vienna frankfurter in a bun. Wiener (noun) A penis. Wiener (noun) A person who is nervous or afraid to partake in certain activities. Wiener (noun) A frankfurter, a hot dog. Also called wiener or frank, the mildly flavored, six-inch-long sausage is a favorite across the globe. Frankfurter vs. Wiener.

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